[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs October 6-7, 2008
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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs October 6-7, 2008

** AUSTRALIA. RA, 6020 and 9580, Tue Oct 7 at 1339, in ``Australian Express`` show hosted by Roger Broadbent. This must have been the same one I heard a few days earlier via CKZU, for it was the finale of the series after three sesquiyears. One of the usual sub-features was in progress, Dr Kate Burridge (sp?), professor of linguistix at Monash University, speaking about how things have changed in English with an extra -g- pronounced after -ng- in some words and not in other words. 

Roger then admitted that she was not an intentional contributor on RA, but he picked up her talks from a domestic network; then interviewed her on phone about how pleased they were that she thus got an international audience, especially in Canada via CBC Overnight. She used to do a separate show called ``Lingua Franca`` . But now referred to as ``A Way With Words``, not to be confused with the public radio hour/podcast originating in San Diego. Or for those who may be opposed to the whole idea of verbal communication, ``Away with Words``.

Wrapping up show, Roger explained the derivation of ``swan song``, and said from next week, a woman named --- Jarvis would present its successor ``Australian Bight``. This is what I previously said sounded like ``Bus``. But the second word is still ambiguous until we see it in print. Bight was the first spelling I thought of, since that is the name of the sea off the south coast, Great Australian Bight, but it could also be Byte or Bite; hmm, or even Bait, per Aussie pronunciation (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. Another day, another SNAFU at RHC, broadcasting contrary to its own schedule:

Oct 6 at 2110 checked 13680 for the scheduled English broadcast. Nothing there. However, at 2112, on came RHC in Spanish, not English. It was // 13760 and leading it by about two syllables. 13680 as usual with inferior modulation and weaker signal, but no interference, unlike 13760 from 13755 Portugal. 

At 2115 I checked the 25mb frequencies. 11800 was in English instead of scheduled Spanish, SAH with R. Bulgaria in Spanish, and // RHC English as scheduled on 11760, just a reverb apart, much stronger than 11800. So basically, the programming on 13680 and 11800 was exchanged. Uncross those patchcords or feedlines!

At 2118, 11750 in RHC Spanish was suffering from a SAH of roughly 10 Hz, as often happens from a station in Chinese, with hymns. Per Aoki at 21-22 this is KSDA Guam, aimed due northwest, but plenty problematical for RHC over here, more like northeastward.

At 2136, 11800 had gone into Kriyol, while 11760 was in French; 11750, 13680 and 13760 in Spanish.

At 2208, 13680 still in RHC Spanish instead of scheduled French, and this time over NHK if it was there at all; 11800 in French instead of Spanish. Spanish very good on 11750, the co-channel now gone. 11760 was off.

At 2210, I checked 17705, and found RHC Portuguese quite strong, but distorted.

That encouraged me to check for higher harmonics, and sure enough, there was lite bubble jamming on 18090, 3 x 6030 against R. Martí, intruding into the hamband (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ECUADOR. Surprised to find HCJB on a third frequency in Spanish on the 25 m band, Oct 7 at 1308 on 11920, ``Cruzada con Luís Palau`` show, going into hymn, much weaker but synchronized // 11960, and always-RTTYed 11690. Will this be accounted for in the ID break to follow? Of course not! At 1314:30 still playing ancient outdated recording claiming to be on ``11690, 21455, 11960``. 

Is 11920 a mistake? It so happens that HCJB does use that frequency at a very different daypart, 2245-0230 in Kulina and Portuguese, so did the automation erroneously bring it up in the morning, or did they decide to make use of a spare transmitter at this hour? 11920 still audible at 1413 but now with some lite QRM co-channel, and also splash from the DentroCuban Jamming Command on 11930. QRM could be China in French via Albania, or BBC in English via Thailand, both starting at 1400 per EiBi (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. VOI, 11786, Oct 7 at 1414 with quick ID in English, then back into woman talking in presumed Malay. Poor signal, heavy flutter, but at this hour no het or any other QRM. Lately they have been on 11786 rather than 11784-11785 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN. REE`s 100 Libros show, 17595, Tue Oct 7 at 1321 check was Castilian mixed with English. At first I assumed they were unusually doing voice-over translation, but the English was too loud, and did not match the Spanish! Some kind of duplicate audio feed, I guess. They were later referring both to Robin Hood and Don Quixote. The clash ended about 1323; meanwhile I checked Costa Rican relay 15170 and it did not seem to be happening there. Maybe instead it was a separate zero-beat station mistakenly on 17595, such as WEWN, which is supposed to be on there at 19-22 only, when it also clashes with REE part of that time (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ZAMBIA. 1Africa, Lusaka, 13590, VG signal Oct 7 at 1317 with gospel rap after Aussie(?)-accented English announcer. This does nothing for my spiritual growth. Stronger than Prague intended for us on 13580 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###


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