Links to Shortwave Transmitter Manufacturers (fwd)
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Links to Shortwave Transmitter Manufacturers (fwd)

This is a message from Risto Kotalampi <rko@xxxxxx>
to dx@xxxxxxxxxx list. To unsubscribe the list, send
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From: Ludo Maes <ludo.maes@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Links to Shortwave Transmitter Manufacturers

Dear Radiofriend,

TDP, the "Transmitter Documentation Project", has added links on it's
homepage to the shortwave radio broadcast transmitter manufacturers
currently on the Internet.

Be sure to have a look at and surf to the back of
the page to access the links.

If you have not seen the printed version of the TDP SW-97 yet -- an 80
page booklet about all the shortwave broadcast transmitters installed
all over the world --, this is your chance to win a free copy. If you
complete the contest-form on our homepage at
before Friday April 18, 1997 at 20.00 UTC, you may win one of the 5 free
copies of the TDP SW-97, drawn at random. The link to the contest-form
is right below the above-mentioned links to the transmitter

Give it a try, and ... Good Luck.

Kind regards,

Ludo Maes
P.O. Box 1
B-2310 Rijkevorsel

Risto Kotalampi, Hayward, California
rko@xxxxxx -