QSL from
Radio Verdad, Guatemala
I received today a very nice n/d color QSL card, f/d letter
in EG from Radio Verdad, 4052.5 kHz in Chiquimula, Guatemala.
Verie signer was Dr. Édgar Amilcar Madrid Morales,
Address is: Apartado 5, Chiquimula, Guatemala.
Also included was a bright red felt covered pressboard in
the shape of a house w/ raised lettering inscribed "Dios
bendiga este hogar" (God Bless this house). It's about
6x9 inches with a picture hook.
All this in 1 month for $1 (w/ receipt from station).
The full name of the station is 'Estación Educativa
Evangélica Radio Verdad'.
They are using 800 watts into a bi-pole full wave oriented
Sched is 1125-0120 UTC.
Power goes out all of the time and they are not using a compressor
so they are purposely overmodulating to compensate.
What Glenn Hauser and I heard in reference to their call letters
TGW-1 is actually SW-1 or 'Short Wave One'. When they get
their call letters they will probably be TGAV.
I quote from the letter:
"Now, you have won a prize, which we offered to the person
who would report Radio Truth from the farthest away area"
referring to the felt-board.
They have been reported in Argentina, Chile, Peru, Colombia,
Cuba, DR and (apparently) I was the first from the USA. (Terry
Palmersheim, hcdx list, April 25, 2000)

Yura, Bolivia, new on 4717v kHz
Radio Yura, broadcasting on 4716.8 kHz, is a new Bolivian
radio station in
Yura, Provincia Quijarro, Departamento de Potosi.
Station heard at 1150 UTC on April 22 with ID
as "Esta es Radio Yura, La Voz del Layo, recordando siempre
que estamos trabajando en onda corta, 4715 de frecuencia en
onda corta, desde Yura, provincia de Quijarro, departamento
de Potosí"
"...estamos a escasos 5 minutos de las 9 de la mañana y pues
hasta esta hora hemos acompañado desde Radio Yura, La Voz
del Layo, ahora sí les decimos que sea hasta horas de la tarde,
a partir de las 6 de la tarde estaremos volviendo a vuestra
sintonia, amigos oyentes les deseamos que pasen un buen día
y que Dios mediante..." (Rogildo Fontenelle, hcdx list,
April 22, 2000)
Station also heard, as UNID, in New Zealand:
I've been hearing a Latin station on 4716.8 and April 22 it
came in at fair levels for about 15 minutes from 1025.
At this time Bolivia (Santa Cruz on 6134.86) was coming in
well so perhaps Bolivian in origin. (David
Norrie, hcdx list, April 22, 2000)

Radio Netherlands
Bonaire silenced by fire
On Sunday, 23 April 2000, a major fire broke out in the generator
room of the Radio Netherlands relay station on Bonaire in
the Netherlands Antilles. The fire totally destroyed the generators,
silencing the station.
Fortunately nobody was hurt, but the cost of the damage may
run into several million dollars.
The temporary loss of the Bonaire facility means that transmissions
to North, Central and South America, western Africa, Australia
and New Zealand may be disrupted for some time.
It´s not yet known how long it will be before the station
can be made operational again. (Andy Sennitt, Radio Netherlands,
April 24, 2000)

Italy, closing MW transmitters
The RAI Santa Palomba medium wave transmitter on 846 kHz,
with 1200 KW power, has been shut down.
Also its transmitter on 1332 kHz is closed, as is Radio 3
Torino on 1368 kHz.
The transmitters were closed on April 14, 2000, due to problems
with the electrical field generated.
There is still no official news from RAI about the shutdown.
You can find Santa Palomba transmitter photos at
(Andrea Borgnino, hcdx list, April 21, 2000)

QSL from AMG
1332 kHz, Holland
I have received a letter from Nozema (Postbus 6, 3400 AA IJsselstein)
verifying my report about the test transmissions on the frequency
of 1332 kHz of the "AMG (Achterhoek Media Groep)".
Transmitter location is Lopikerkapel (the same as Radio 10
FM on 675 kHz).
No further information about the name of the station was given.
Verie-signer is R. Roskam, Public Relations. Telefax 030 -
6881448. E-mail-address is:
(Henk Poortvliet, hcdx list, April 21, 2000)
owns Hoppa Radio,
the station originally intended to use 1332. However, Hoppa
Radio do not have any interest to use MW at all; instead Radio
Nationaaal came in the picture to use 1332.
Radio Nationaal will start regular broadcasts within the coming
weeks, playing mainly Dutch music.
As far as I know there is no connection at all between AMG
and Radio Nationaal. AMG is a group of local stations in the
east of the Netherlands and Radio Nationaal is founded by
DJ' s and record company people all based around Hilversum.
I think the person at the Nozema who issued the QSL did not
know that there was an other user intended for 1332, using
old info.
Technically the QSL is correct, though, as the transmissions
are being broadcast under the responsibility of the Nozema,
the Dutch company who run all the transmitter sites in the
Netherlands. (Julius Hermans, hcdx list, April 22, 2000)

1584AM Utrecht
back on the air
1584AM, in Utrecht, the Netherlands, is back on the air with
another antenna. The signal is much better now, power is still
500 watt, but on Wednesday, April 12, it will be 1000 watt.
(Ruud Vos, QSL Manager 1584AM, hcdx list, April 11, 2000)

from Radio Apintie, Suriname
Radio Apintie, 4990.94, full data e-mail letter, in 6 months,
for report, $1 US and e-mail follow up, from Charles Vervuurt
Director. (Joe Talbot, hcdx list, April 18, 2000)

New clandestine
at 12065 kHz
A new clandestine can be heard daily at 1630-1830 on 12065
kHz. This comes from a transmitter in Grigoropol in Moldova,
giving good reception here in the UK.
A clip of the opening sequence can be found on the Interval
Signals Archive at www.intervalsignals.com.
(Dave Kernick, hcdx list, April 16, 2000)

QSL from AM1630,
La Plata
1630 kHz - AM1630, La Plata, Argentina, e-mail QSL in 46 minutes,
after report to
am1630@red92.com; no v/s.
Verification reads:
"HERMOD PEDERSEN: es un gusto para nosotros la RED 92 AM 1630
decirle que su recepsion es correcta. Desde ya gracias y esperamos
siga conectado con nuestra frecuencia. Saludos desde La Plata,
Buenos Aires, Argentina."
Reception made on April 12, 2315-0025, on 1630 kHz. First
sports and ID's as "Por la Red 92, este es El Clásico, para
servir la pasión y todo el deporte". After the news at 0000
into musical program, with ID's as "1630 AM, desde la provincia
de Buenos Aires, 1630 AM, Buen Aires". Occasionally with strong
signals. (Hermod Pedersen, hcdx list, April 17, 2000)

low powered AM European
Media Network reports that the 500 Watt Radio Bloemendaal
from the Netherlands will extend broadcasts on 1116 kHz.
Between 17 and 21 April they will be on the air daily between
1715 and 1830 UTC.
This broadcast is in addition to the regularly transmissions:
Sunday 0700-1900
Tuesday 1000-1130
See also
(Guido Schotmans, hcdx list, April 15, 2000)

Attention radio DX'ers/radio nuts!
Mark your calendar for May 7, 2000 between 0000 & 0400 EDT
for another in the ongoing series of 'test' programs on WMIB
1660 kHz at our daytime power of 10 KW.
Lots of obscure oldies, occasional jingles and some silliness
thrown in!
Hope you'll be there! (Phil Beckman, WMIB CE)

QSL from Radio
Ilucán, Peru
Radio Ilucán, 5678, confirm with nice PC letter and
photo my report of 27/12/99, V/S José Galvez Salazar,
Gerente Radio Ilucan, Address: Jirón Lima N° 290,
Cutervo. (Daniele Canonica, hcdx list, April 16)

QSL guaranteed
from Radio La Hora
Having just visited Cusco, Peru, I would like to convey the
regards of Mr. Carlos Gamarra Moscoso to DXers all around
the world. Carlos works at Radio La Hora and is in charge
of verifying reports to the station. He has done this with
utmost sense of dedication and responsibility, and has kept
a detailed log of all reports received and all verifications
sent out.
The management of the station has not cared much for reports
before Carlos took over the job. If you have sent a report
to the station in the past 10 years or so, but have not received
a reply, please send a follow-up to Carlos, preferably with
a return postage.
A reply is guaranteed for all correct reports - he does check
them. Carlos has just one wish: please do let him know once
you have received the verification. The mail service is somewhat
unreliable, and Carlos is so worried that some of the QSLs
sent by him never reach recipients. So, all of you who have
received a QSL from him, he would really appreciate a short
thank you note.
The Gerente of the station is Edmundo Montesinos G. It wouldn't
hurt if you also told him how much you appreciate the efforts
of Carlos Gamarra Moscoso, whose dedication is indeed unparallelled
in all of Peru.
Instead of the station address, Carlos says however that reports
reach him with more certainty, if sent to his home address:
Avenida Garcilaso No. 411, Wanchaq, Cusco.
And as he is DXer, I am sure he would enjoy receiving the
same kind of radio memorabilia that all we DXers love to collect...
During the first week of July Radio La Hora is hoping to inaugurate
a new 2-kilowatt shortwave transmitter to replace the present
1-kilowatt tx.
Funding for the new transmitter is however still a problem.
(Mika Mäkeläinen, hcdx list, April 15)

1584AM Utrecht
back on the air
1584AM, in Utrecht, the Netherlands, is back on the air with
another antenna. The signal is much better now, power is still
500 watt, but on Wednesday, April 12, it will be 1000 watt.
(Ruud Vos, QSL Manager 1584AM, hcdx list, April 11, 2000)

CKTA has left
1570 kHz
CKTA, 1570 kHz, in Taber, Alberta has now left the air. They
had been running parallel with their new FM (93.3 The Hawk)
for the past couple of months. (Nigel Pimblet, Alberta,
Canada, hcdx list, April 11, 2000)

Radio ERPE, Ecuador,
back on air
ERPE, Riobamba, Ecuador, broadcasting on 5011 kHz is again
on the air. Heard March 30 at 0020-0058 with ID as "Escuelas
Radiofónicas Populares del Ecuador" (Yimber Gaviria,
via Conexion)

Oriental, Ecuador, on 4800v
Radio Oriental, in Tena, Ecuador, has been logged on 4800v
kHz, March 29, at 0007-0015.
This is a move from 4782 kHz.
ID as "19 horas y 7 minutos... 7 horas y 7 minutos... continuamos
con 'El Expreso de la Noche'. Also slogan "Radio Oriental,
su Radio!"
On April 2 the station was heard on 4802 kHz at 0032. Still
anouncing "4780 KHz" (Yimber Gaviria, via Conexion)

transmitter on Solomon Islands
The Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corporation has installed
a new shortwave transmitter in Honiara to improve its signals
to most parts of the country.
The new transmitter, which carries SIBC's national service,
Radio Hapi Isles, broadcasts on shortwave 5020.
very excited about the new transmitter because already we
are getting feedback from the Western and Temotu Provinces
that they can now hear us better than before," says General
Manager Johnson Honimae.
" A bonus is that already we are being heard outside
of the country as far as northern part of New Zealand and
in some islands of the Federated States of Micronesia."
"We hope that with the extend [as published] of our coverage,
which is way ahead of any of our local competitors, our listeners
as well as the business community will benefit through sponsorship
of programs and advertisements," he added.
SIBC invites its listeners especially in the outlying
islands to send in reports on the reception of the new transmitter
on SW 5020.
The new SW transmitter is part of the rehabilitation project
being implemented by the National Broadcaster and funded by
the Republic of China on Taiwan.
The project covers the rehabilitation of studio and transmitter
equipment both at the National Service in Honiara, the WAN
FM 96.3 Radio Hapi Lagoon at Gizo and Radio Temotu at Lata
in the Temotu Province.
Honimae said SIBC greatly values this assistance from
the government of ROC through the government of Solomon Islands
because it helps to fulfil the corporation's mission to educate,
inform and entertain all peoples within the sovereign borders
of the country. ("Solomon Star", April 5, 2000,
via BBC Monitoring, via DXLD)
Internet story
First real web radio
When it comes to radio broadcasts, think of the web as the
world's largest antenna.
Everyday, more than 4,000 broadcasts called audio streams
are available to anyone who is online.
Kerbango has built the world's first, standalone Internet
radio to make it easy for anyone to enjoy the variety and
diversity of these broadcasts.
to Kerbango 

QSL card from Radio Bhutan
Bhutan surprisingly sent a QSL card. As registered mail I
got a newly printed QSL card with a little dragon, and with
wishes of a happy new 2000.
Also included was a small note reminding us that the king
has been on his throne for 25 years.
They apologized for taken so long in answering; my report
was from November 4, 1999.
V/s was Thinley Tobgay Dorji, Coordinator, News & Current
Affairs Division. He has the following e-mail address:
(Jan Edh, special hcdx report)
e-mail addres
The address stated on Jan Edh's QSL seems not to be working.
KC7LDP offers this explanation:
Apparently, this was an address for the daily newspaper, Kuensel,
in Thimpu. I found their web page www.kuensel.com.bt
and saw that inquiries can be sent to editor@druknet.net.bt,
so I tried that.
We'll see what happens.
(kc7ldp, hcdx list, April 5, 2000)

Western Highlands off air
Papua New Guinea station Radio Western Highlands, 3305 kHz,
is off the air for an indefinite period according to a report
in today's "National" newspaper in Port Moresby.
Staff are demanding the provincial government provide 24-hour
security and replace vehicles stolen by thieves.
In the latest incident, the station manager and driver were
held up at gunpoint at a roadblock and their vehicle was stolen.
Two vehicles were lost to thieves last year, and the transmitter
was vandalised. Thieves also broke into the station manager's
office. (Matt Francis, via EDXP)

Cielo, new Peruvian?
Radio Cielo heard March 31, between 1028-1145 on 4693.2 kHz,
with SINPO 22222. Mx
ID "Está usted escuchando, Radio Cielo, claro Radio
Cielo...", also mx ID "Está en sintonía de Radio
The frequency varied often between 4692.0 and 4693.2.
I tried listening 0040-0108, but didn't receive any signals
at all.
This station seems to be Peruvian to judge from the way the
locutor speaks; but they did not broadcast any comercials,
or other things giving a clue of its location. They only gave
station identification between the music. (Pedro F. Arrunátegui,
Chasqui DX 143)
A Radio Cielo, believed to be broadcasting from either
Peru or Ecuador, has been logged earlier, in November 1999,
on 5768 and 6705 kHz. (hcdx editor)

Internet story
portal awarded
Radio Nederland's "Media Network" has awarded its
"Millennium Award for Innovation" to Willi Passmann
and his web radio portal.
"We think it is a tremendous time saver compared with trying
to find radio-related sites using a general search engine",
says Jonathan Marks, Radio Nederland's programming director.
to radio-portal 