Peru, new on 5387.7 kHz
Manantial , Otuzco, departamento La Libertad, Peru, heard
on 5387.76 kHz between 2002 and close down at 0100 on ).
April 8 and 28, 2002.
This new Peruvian station took 20 days of intense listening
to catch an ID. Finally the station came up with a signal
good enough for this ID on April 28:
"Están en sintonía de su nueva estación
Radio Manantial desde Otuzco, el departamento de La Libertad."
Closes pretty regularly at about 0100 UTC and begins at
1000-1100 UTC.
I have heard px from "Maranatha" and "LV
de la Salvación". At other times their own programmes,
often religious music.
I think you can reach the station by writing to "Maranatha"
in the town "Otuzco".
Malm, Ecuador, hcdx partner SWB,
28 April, 2002
San Lorenzo,
Peru, new on 5544.7 kHz
This new
station was heard on 11 April 2002 at 0030 on 5544.7 kHz.
In June 2001 I reported a harmonic on 3120v kHz. If that info
still holds, 5544.70 Radio San Lorenzo is located in parroquia
San Lorenzo, la provincia de Cutervo, el departamento de Cajamarca.
Just like the harmonic on 3120v kHz they also announce 5544.7
kHz and MW 1560 kHz as well as another SW-frequency
I couldn´t get.
What makes me feel a little uncertain is the fact that in
March 2001, I heard Estación
Equís in Bagua, in departamento Amazonas,
on 5544.7 kHz -- exactly the same frequency, but of course
the transmitter equipment could have been sold to any location
in Perú.
Malm, Ecuador, hcdx partner SWB,
11 April, 2002
New Latin station
on 5387.7 kHz
A new
Latin American radio station, with unknown location, has been
heard on 5387.72 kHz.
The station was first heard on 8 April 2002 until 0050, its
first day of transmission. They repeated it was a new station,
with an ID like:
"Están en sintonia de su Radio "Marancay."
[name as heard].
It carried a religious format, with long blocks of unannounced
religious music without any talk and short and small "sermons"
by male announcer.
Announces the frequency as 5910 kHz and a starting time of
1100 UTC, and it closes around 0200.
When not broadcasting purchased religious programs, like "La
Voz de la Salvación" and "Radio Universal
de Vida", it is mostly playing nonstop religious music.
I know that the station is located in a "departamento"
and in that case both Ecuador and Bolivia are out of the question.
Malm, Ecuador, hcdx partner SWB,
20 April, 2002
Ecclesia from South Africa
Ecclesia has started a new service from South Africa on Monday
15 April, 2002.
The frequency used is 6100 kHz, with 250 kW.
The station is transmitting from the Meyerton Radio Station
in South Africa.
du Toit, South Africa, 15 April 2002
Rádio Ecclesia, owned by the Catholic Church
in Angola, has earlier been banned from broadcasting from
locations within Angola. It has then rented hours in the Netherlands,
and now South Africa.
Network 1999 story and 2001
Freedom Network story
World Beacon
fell silent April 15
two years to the day after it's launch, the World Beacon will
sign off, effective April 15. Affiliated Media Group, the
parent company that operates the short wave based mission
initiative, has announced it will suspend operations to concentrate
on the company's domestic ministerial clients.
The World Beacon launched on April 2, 2000 with it's popular
signature theme performed by the new age group Deep Forest.
In addition to a full schedule of spiritual programming, the
Beacon produced "Midnight Ministry" and "DXQSL"
which were dubbed "listener appreciation programs."
Program director Jeff Johnson will continue to process reception
reports through April 15. Send
yours via email to reception@worldbeacon.net.
news desk, 7 April 2002
More info on the World
Beacon web site.
Baltic Waves
plan tests on 1386 kHz
Baltic Waves International is going to start test transmissions
on 1386 kHz with 850 kW omnidirectional from 2 June 2002 during
the darkness hours.
Trutenau, Lithuania, April 10 2002
catch a submarine
year the German Seehund
U-5075 submarine is for the first time taking part in the
"Submarines on the Air" special radio event.
The event goes on the air for 24 hours, starting 27 April
0000 and ending on 28 April 2002 at 2359 UTC.
CW transmissions are planned for 3.5043, 3743, 7043, 7143,
14043, 21043, 21143, 28043, 28143 and 50.043 kHz.
SSB transmissions are planned for 3843, 3943, 7243, 14243,
21343, 28443 and 50.143 kHz
(all +/- 20 kHz, except 10 and 6 meters +/-40Khz)
may get a special QSL for WW2MAN transmissions from the Seehund
Amateur Radio Association, PO Box 1193, Lakeville, MA 02347,
USA -- provided a SASE is included.
Doherty, USA, 7 April 2002
More info on the Marinefunker
web site.
Radio LTC, Peru,
moving to 5005v kHz
LTC, Juliaca, heard on new 5005 kHz at 0012 on 4 April 2002
with the program "Noiticias LTC".
Gives ID as "Radio LTC desde Juliaca... LTC, tres frecuencias,
una sola señal"
This station has earlier been heard on 5032 and 6011 kHz.
Fontenele, Bolivia, hcdx list, 4 April 2002
LTC heard with fair signal on 5005.28 kHz on 5 April 2002
with "LTC Noticias" at 1003. Many ids and station
Ormandy, Australia, hcdx list, 5 April 2002
More info in our Andes
DX part.
German students
on shortwave
A group
of young German students, 14 to 15 years, plan to send several
special programs on shortwave.
The station is named Radio Rasant, and will at first send
a 60 minute program on four days in April:
12 -- 2200-2300 on 7120 kHz
April 13 -- 0730-0830 on 7120 kHz
April 13 -- 1200-1300 on 7120 kHz
April 13 -- 1730-1830 on 3985 kHz
April 14 -- 1200-1300 on 7120 kHz
April 19 -- 1930-2030 on 3985 kHz
The program will be mainly in German, but it will have a short
start and end in English.
The students plan to go on air with another 60 minute program
later in the year.
"But we hope that there will be some more broadcasts
after some further negotiations," says Radio Rasant's
Reinhard Marx to HCDX.
Reports and QSL requests can be mailed to
"Radio Rasant",
Städtische Realschule Sundern,
Rotbuschweg 28,
D-59846 Sundern.
Fax: +49 293 377 073
news desk, 4 April 2002
New shortwave
The new
A-02 HFCC schedule is now available for public download at
HFCC web site.