moves to 549 kHz
Pridnestrovye [Radio Dniester Region] is using a new frequency
- 549 kHz (instead of the previous 1467 kHz) for its broadcasts
from 0800 to 0830 and from 2000 to 2030 [presumably local
time] in the Russian, Ukrainian and Romanian languages.
The latter two languages have returned to mediumwave after
a lengthy absence. And on 1467 kHz from 0600 to 2030 Mayak
from Moscow is now broadcasting... " says Aleksandr Mak
from Lutsk, Ukraine. Source: Voice of Russia web site, Moscow,
in Russian 28 Aug 02 (via BBCM via DXLD)
of Russia web site, via BBCM via DXLD, 28
August 2002
Radio Veritas
extends airtime
to a report in Monrovian newspaper The News, the Catholic
owned Radio Veritas began a new broadcast season 22 August
2002 on both FM and shortwave.
The station has also increased its broadcast from 12 to 18
hours a day.
The most recently reported frequencies are 3450 and 5470 kHz.
Netherlands Media Network, 23 August 2002
Radio América,
Paraguay, still testing
América, Paraguay, continue its tests on 7300 and 7737
The out-of-band frequency should provide interesting reception
opportunities. Your reception reports will be most welcome,
informes Radio América's Adán Mur, Technical
Emails address as stated below.
Adán Mur, Radiodifusión América,
August 2002, via DXLD
Special EDXC
2002 Conference will be held 15-18 August in Pori, Finland.
In connection to the conference there will be a special broadcast
by Radio Finland in English on shortwave 15530 and 21520 kHz
on Saturday 17 August 2002 at 1000 UTC.
Reports on this broadcast can be sent to the Finnish DX Association,
Box 454, 00101 Helsinki, Finland and they will be verified
by a QSL provided by Digita Oy.
Risto Vähäkainu,
Finland, hcdx list, 14 August 2002
And Finnish Scandinavian Weekend Radio will have a 24 hours
extra transmission during the EDXC Conference in Pori, Finland,
on 17 August 2002.
The station will act as the official radio station of the
EDXC meeting, with direct reports from conference place each
hour all day long on 5980, 5990 or 6170 kHz on 48 mb and 11690
or 11720 kHz on 25 mb. More details on the SWR
A special QSL card will
be sent to listeners reporting the EDXC 2002 special programmes.
Address is SWR EDXC2002 Radio, P.O.Box 35, FIN- 40321 Jyväskylä,
hcdx news desk, 11 August 2002
battle delays new LW station
The Isle
of Man's long wave radio project received a huge setback on
Friday in the High Court when a request for judicial review
was further adjourned to a hearing in January 2003.
The Petition is being brought by a local parish council who
are objecting to the Isle of Man Government's decision to
allow the radio station to build an offshore transmission
The hearing might take three days and the first opportunity
for this would be next January.
Isle on Man Online, via Mike
Terry and DXLD, 5 August 2002
Radio América,
Paraguay, still testing
América, Paraguay, continue its tests on 1610 kHz and
7300 kHz.
The station informs that it has received tentative reports
for these two frequencies, while none for 15185 kHz which
is taken off air "for improvement, and, hopefully, increase
in power".
Adán Mur, Radiodifusión América,
August 2002, via DXLD