Voice and HCJB from Australia
Australian Broadcasting Authority has allocated the first
twointernational broadcasting licenses for shortwave broadcasts
from Australia issued under the new legislative regime for
international broadcasting.
They have been issued to Christian Voice (which will operate
from Darwin), and HCJB, which will operate from a purpose-built
facility at Kununurra in the Kimberley region of north-western
Christian Voice is targeting audiences in SE Asia, China
and India with Chinese, English and Hindi programs.
HCJB will beam towards South Asia and the South Pacific.
Francis, Australia, via DXLD,
April 26, 2001

ending EDXC feud
officials seems to have struck back in the ongoing feud
around the new Italian leadership, forcing a satricial EDXC
web site closed.
"This action is a symptom of the very worrying psychological
state within the EDXC", says Enrico
Oliva, editor and webmaster of the fake sites.
It is also said that two out of three Italian DX clubs participating
in EDXC are considering leaving the organization.
news desk,
April 24, 2001
The EDXC fight
goes on 

Radio LPC
? new on 5175v kHz
new Peruvian from what may be Querillos, probably in Departamento
San Martín.
Heard on April 20, 2001, between 1100 and 1115 UTC, with
its premiere transmisson on this Friday morning.
Björn Malm, Ecuador,
hcdx partner SWB,
April 20, 2001
Heard as Radio MPC (or NPC?) on 5175.8 kHz on April
21, from 2321 until close down at 0250 UTC.
Transmitting from what sounded like Guerillo (?), in Provincia
de Moyobamba.
Rodriguez, Colombia,
April 21, 2001, via Conexion
Nothing in Peruvian gazeeter that looks like "Querillos"
in San Martín or neighboring departments. Closest
sounding would be Mariscal Castilla, which is near Chachapoyas
in Amazonas Dept.
Not finding it doesn't mean much, though, as this area is
constantly getting new towns as more settlers move into
the upper Amazon.
Moore, USA,
to hcdx April 25, 2001
on Radio LPC ? 

Unknown Peruvian
on 6524 kHz
Yet another
new Peruvian has been logged on 6524.07 during
three nights, April 18-20. Station closed down at 0100 UTC.
Its name is still unknown.
Seems to be very stable in frequncy. Announces
1 kW of power.
station may transmit from a town which name phonetically sounds
like "Santa Uro". Judging by the speech from the DJ, this
station ought to be located in Utcubamba, Amazonas.
Malm, Ecuador, hcdx partner SWB,
April 20, 2001
gazeeter lists the distritro of Cajaruro in Utcubamba
province, Amazonas Dept. Town is at 5 43 S, 78 24 W. Elevation
550 meters, distrito population of 36,000 in 1987.
Moore, USA,
to hcdx April 25, 2001
on Unid 6524 kHz 

Antarctic LRA36
back on air
Nacional Arcangel, LRA 36, San Gabriel, transmitting from
the Antarctic mainland, is back on the air.
Belgian DXer Gudo Schotmans tuned in at 1945 UTC to 15475.56
kHz. The transmitter was drifting a bit. At 2003 the ID and
some announcements followed.
Schotmans, Belgium, hcdx list,
April 16, 2001
At the same time, US DXer Glenn Hauser warns not to
take a LRA36 logging for granted:
If you hear Spanish on 15476, better not assume it`s LRA36.
April 13 at 0115 I found a weak signal in Spanish on 15476,
but this proved to be a spur from R. Martí, Delano, 15330,
where it was putting in an overpowering signal, also splattering
Hauser, USA, via DXLD,
April 16, 2001

Radio given ultimatum
Radio has been threatened with closure by the Italian Government
unless it reduces electromagnetic emissions, CNN.com reports.
Italian Environment Minister Willer Bordon demanded on Tuesday
that Vatican Radio present a timetable, preferably within
six days, for its compliance with the regulations, adopted
in 1998.
news desk,
April 11, 2001
story on Vatican Radio 

hit by solar storm
A severe
geomagnetic storm began at 1400 UTC, April 11, when a powerful
solar wind disturbance hit Earth's magnetosphere.
The gust was probably the first of two coronal mass ejections
(CMEs) en route to Earth, reports SpaceWeather.com.
news desk,
April 11, 2001
on SpaceWeather 

closed and operator expelled
Anderson has been expelled from the Kentucky State Militia
for continuing broadcasts of United Patriot Radio, ClandestineRadio.com
According to an official communique Kentucky State Militia
(KSM) 'Brigadier General' Charlie Puckett states that Anderson
violated specific orders to close his radio station.
news desk,
April 11, 2001
story on Clandestine Radio 
on KSMR 

Uruguay, briefly on shortwave
Radio station Sarandi Sport, Montevideo, Uruguay, has been
reactivated briefly for one week on shortwave 6045 kHz.
The station is retransmitting its local medium wave coverage
"La Vuelta Ciclista del Uruguay" between 1000-1700v local
The cycling competion Tour Uruguay will end Sunday April
Email address is ciclismosport@sport890.com.uy.
A. Nigro, Uruguay, ConDig list, April 7, 2001

Ezra, religion via Belgium
seems to be a private crusade for Christianity has hit the
Web and the international shortwave bands.
Calling his mission Water Into Wine Ministry, John D. Hill
in Stockton on Tees, UK, invites "all believers and
none" to his web site, as well as to his "own
private radio station" on shortwave 15440 kHz, a station
scheduled to broadcasts a 15 minute weekly programme every
Sunday at 1100-1115 UTC.
"My message, like Ezra's, is to rebuild the spiritual
condition of the people of God", says John D. Hill
on his web pages.
Radio Ezra, starting broadcasting on March 25, has been
heard by several DXers already.
The station broadcasts from Wavre, Belgium, using a 100
kW transmitter. Transmissions are targeted for "Europe,
North Africa, Middle East, North America".
news desk,
April 7, 2001
on Radio Ezra web site 

German Eurosonor
on 6900 kHz
Radio, Germany, is yet another shortwave venture.
A group of Germans launched their Eurosonor Radio on April
1, and plans to transmit one hour every Sunday at 1600-1700
UTC on 6900 kHz.
According to the station's web site they are using a "50
kW transmitter somewhere in western Europe".
Their aim is to "improve the international understanding",
while their programming is in German only and to 80 percent
music. One other goal is to start a FM radio station within
Germany, adding that at present they cannot be more specific
on this goal.
Email address for reception reports and other queries is
news desk, April 7, 2001
The transmitter site should, according to German DXer Kai
Ludwig and Swedish DXer Olle Alm, rather be in eastern Europe,
than stated "somewhere in western Europe". Says
Olle Alm:
It fits neatly with the usual tune-up procedure heard on
9960 and previously on the various WFDR requencies as well
as on the R. Bulgaria frequencies used from that site.
DXLD via hcdx news desk, April 11, 2001
Radio web site 

World Beacon
to test 9675 from UAE
failed to start testing as planned on March 25, the religious
broadcaster World Beacon now plan to test a Merlin transmitter
site in the United Arab Emirates in mid April.
"We had originally planned to test a 17 MHz frequency
from that location, but it has occurred to us that if we
an make 9675 KHz work from Abu Dhabi, it will be a great
year-round frequency that won't need to change with the
seasons", Scott Westerman at World Beacon explains.
Now the station plan to compare 9675 KHz from the UAE with
their 9675 facility in Rampisham, England.
"At this point, I'm hopeful that the test will commence
on Tuesday, April 10", Westerman says, adding:
"To encourage hobbyists to help us evaluate the world
wide impact of this potential change, we've created a limited
edition QSL card to commemorate the test. We will send this
card to anyone who reports reception on 9675 from the UAE
during our test period."
Reception reports should be sent either via regular mail
to World Beacon, 8133 Baymeadows Way, Jacksonville, FL 32256,
Or via email to reception@worldbeacon.net.
Andy Sennitt, Netherlands, hcdx list, April 7, 2001
Beacon web 
Netherlands' World Beacon Profile 

Radio Cajabamba
new on 5632.9
Radio Cajabamba, Cajabamba, heard on 5632.94 kHz on April
5, 2001, until close down at 0140 UTC.
Doesn't seem to be listed in WRTH and I haven´t heard about
it earlier.
ID: "Transmite, para todo el Perú, Radio Cajabamba en 99.3......frecuencia
modulada......a través de la banda internacional de 60 metros
5050 kHz, Radio Cajabamba la nueva imagen de la región centro".
This station has been an unid station for me during a long
time, going back to May 2000, always on exactly the same
In SWB 1434, in June 2000, I reported having heard "for
the last 2-3 weeks a Peruvian station giving an ID as Radio
.....bamba." The station then carried a musical program,
both mornings and evenings, called "Folklore sin fronteras".
Björn Malm, Ecuador,
hcdx partner SWB,
April 5, 2001

powerful solar flare ever
most powerful solar flare ever recorded erupted at 2150
UTC on April 2.
The event was even stronger than a well-known flare in March
1989 that led to the collapse of a power grid in Quebec.
No such calamities are likely this time, however, because
this sunspot is near the Sun's west limb; the bulk of the
explosion was directed away from Earth.
April 2, 2001
event on SpaceWeather 

EDXC web site closed
Secretary General Luigi Cobisi denies any antagonism or
ongoing struggle within the organization.
"The struggle you talk about simply doesn't exist",
he says to HCDX.
However, the former official EDXC web site was shut down
on Monday, April 2.
"This site has been closed due to the blatant actionism
and the unprofessional strategism and highly motivationism
of some EDXC executive", Anton J. Kuchelmeister said
on the web, adding:
"I am disappointed.
news desk,
April 2, 2001

EDXC web sites
antagonism and battle for power within the European DX Council
never seems to end.
The umbrella organization for some European DX clubs is
now offering net surfers two sites; both similar looking,
but with vastly different content.
This situation became apparent with the publication of the
a PLC report by professor Filippo Giannetti at University
of Pisa.
So far, HCDX has not been able to get any explanation on
why the EDXC have two web sites. And no explanation is offered
on any of those sites.
And just to clarify, this is no April fool's joke.
news desk,
April 1, 2001
EDXC web site 
EDXC web site 
The fight goes

blow from powerline noise?
Radio listeners can expect strong interference from powerline
data communication, now under testing in several countries.
"A few preliminary experimental results raise some
serious concerns", says professor Filippo Giannetti
at University of Pisa in an European DX Council report.
"Under some unfavourable conditions, a strong interference
from PLC can badly affect radio signals, especially the
weakest ones", notes professor Giannetti.
hcdx news desk, April 1,
PLC report 

Siemens pull
plug on PLC
German electronics giant Siemens has decided to pull out
of experiments with powerline communications, for the time
being at least.
Siemens says it believes that the right conditions, particularly
the regulatory framework, are not yet in place for such
projects to be profitable.
In addition to regulatory problems, there are also technical
problems, such as noise on the line as electrical appliances
are turned on and off. That can make a data connections
fail or interfere with the datastream. Furthermore, different
technical standards in different countries are also proving
a major problem.
Although Simens is the only company to have decided to pull
out, its explanation will give heart to opponents of PLC,
which include international broadcasters and listeners who
use shortwave.
Sennitt, Radio
Netherlands, hcdx list, March 22, 2001