to close shortwave once more
president Charles Gankay Taylor has said his leadership
will no longer allow shortwave radio stations to operate
in the country.
The Liberian leader said on Radio Liberia International
that the granting of the nation for the establishment of
shortwave radio stations under the Liberian constitution
is not a right, but a privilege. [sentence as heard].
In a survey during May 2001, BBC Monitoring confirmed only
two active shortwave stations in Liberia: LCN's Radio Liberia
International on 5100/6100 kHz and Christian station ELWA
on 4760 kHz.
The Liberian Broacasting System's radio station ELBC was
only heard on FM 99.9 MHz.
Monitoring, via DXLD, August 25, 2001

relay LRA36 to be closed
the news stories in Argentine newspapers, the Base Esperanza
and others in the Antarctica will be closed.
Thus the radio station LRA36 may also be closed in the next
Éramo, Argentina, August 18, 2001, via DXLD
So far
there is no date certain for the closure of LRA36. I suppose
it may not happen until the beginning of next year. This
is, after all, Argentina.
Éramo, Argentina, August 30, 2001, via DXLD

Ayopaya new on 3343v kHz
new station Radio Ayopaya is transmitting on 3344.3 kHz
from Independencia, in Departamento de Cochabamba, Bolivia.
Power used is 0.50 kW, transmitting hours 0900-1230 and
2230-0130 UTC, mostly in quechua.
Station manager (director) is Mr. Jorge Aquino.
Address: Casilla 2433, Cochabamba, Bolivia. Transmissão
quase 100% em quechua
Fontenelle Aragão, Bolivia, hcdx contributor, August
17, 2001
When I have had time I have listened to the new station
on 3343.6 kHz. I have many hours of recordings, but only
at one time did they announce "Radio Ayopaya onda
I need to listen to it a few more times to make sure.
On Sunday night, local time, I was listening to a program
in Spanish, Corazón Alegre, a program with musical
salutations and cumbia music, but the announcer never mentioned
the name of the station.
Ayopaya isn't very far from Cochabamba, but it is difficult
to get there and there are social problems with the farmers
blocking the roads; they won't let me go there.
Fontenelle Aragão, Bolivia, hcdx contributor, August
2, 2001
project for teenagers
Radio Ayopaya is described as an educational project for
teenagers. Financial support comes from catholic groups
in Germany.
For pictures from the station, see this web
Klemetz, Sweden, hcdx list, August 5, 2001