TWR transmitter on Bonaire
August 1964, Trans World Radio has been utilizing a 500 kW AM
transmitter on Bonaire to broadcast Christian programming to
Latin America.
But powering this transmitter was an expensive undertaking,
because electricity costs are high and maintaining older equipment
can be extremely time-consuming.
a result, a Nautel 100 kW solid state medium wave transmitter
was recently installed and is now fully operational.
At the same time, four 480-foot towers designed by Kintronic
Laboratories have been erected replacing aging ones. With a
strong signal, this new system will enable TWR to continue broadcasting
to Latin America more than 100 hours of weekly Christian programming
in five languages.
(Kevin Maly, quoting PR Newswire report, February 22)
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Radio Bukavu back on 6713 kHz
Radio Bukavu, Democratic Republic of Congo, is yet again to
be heard on 6713 kHz USB.
Radio Bukavu was off the air for nearly a year. Now heard
1545 in French, and at 1604 in Swahili with news. Off at 1658
(Mahendra Vaghjee, Mauritius, February 26)