VOA relay
station planned on Cyprus
Americans want to set up the largest relay station of the
well- known US propaganda [sic] radio network - Voice of
America [VOA] - of the Eastern Mediterranean in Cyprus,
which they regard as being the most suitable choice given
its geographic location. The radio station will relay American
messages to the Middle East and the Arab Gulf.
Two sites are currently under consideration. The first is
the area near Cape Greco, where a French relay station is
already operating. The second is an area in Liopetri village.
Channel TV, Nicosia, July 31, 2001, via BBCM via DXLD

Horizonte new on 5341kHz
Nuevo Horizonte, Retamas, distrito Parcoy, provincia Pataz,
departamento La Libertad, has been heard on 5341.03 kHz
on July 16, 2001, until 1100 UTC.
A totally unknown station, which I heard for the first time
in the morning this date. Has been on air daily both mornings
and evenings with approximate schedule from 1000-0400.
Ads only from the city of Retamas.
It is certainly owned by the mining company "Consorcio Minero
Horizonte", which several times a day has a programme called
"Seguridad y trabajo" consisting of Peruvian and other LA
music mixed with enumeration of all kinds of rules and regulations
how to run and handle a mine.
Heard exactly in the edge of a utility station and therefore
I have to listen in USB with narrow bandwidth. Drifting
a few 1/100-parts up/down.
ID: "Radio Nuevo Horizonte, desde la capital de oro,
La Libertad, presentó "Seguridad y trabajo".
Jingle: "La número uno en tu corazón".
Announcing 5340 kHz and FM 105.5 MHz.
Morning programme: "Amanecer campesino" and evening programme:
"Una cita con el amor".
Contact the station via fax (51)1 4763497, (51)1 2253564
(Minera Aurífera Retamas). Consorcio Minero Horizonte can
be visited at http://www.cmh.com.pe/.
Malm, Ecuador, via HCDX partner SWB,
July 16, 2001

in the 1930s: Static in the attic
a teenager Eric Shackle listened eagerly to lots of strange
stations at home in New Zealand. Late at night, with
his ears within a few inches of the speaker of a huge Warner
superheterodyne console receiver, he was happily oblivious
to the deafening cracks of static electricity crashing through
the speaker, to the great discomfort of his long-suffering
and over-tolerant parents.
Now you can share Eric Shackle's DX memories right here
at Hard-Core-DX.com. The article will be posted in "the
world's first multi-national e-book"
on August 1.
news desk, July 24, 2001
Read more 
Oriental, Uruguay, on 6155 kHz
Oriental, CWA 155, Uruguay, broadcasting on 6155 kHz with
2 kW, has a good spell right now, producing a weak but readable
signal between 0200 and 0300 (sign off).
Programming includes all Uruguayan music, and the station
has been heard greeting distant listeners with musical selections.
QSL´s are on their way, too, they say.
The shortwave service, called Banda Oriental, is different
from their mediumwave service, which is called Radio Sarandí
del Yí.
Let us support these friendly people by tuning their way
and sending them reports to their street address, at Calle
Sarandí 328, Sarandí del Yí (Durazno), Uruguay.
Klemetz, Sweden, hcdx list, July 18, 2001

9620 kHz on air 24 hours
Uruguay, has started broadcasting 24 hours on 9620 kHz.
They may reduce this to 0300-1000, which is the new nightly
The new nightly programme consists of a selection of classical
and light orchestral music.
The power is a mere 150 W and modulation is not at 100 percent.
The operators have been trying to preserve the transmitter,
since spare parts are getting to be scarce and no funds
are devoted for the maintenance of the SW.
Nigro, Urugauy, hcdx list, July 7, 2001

Radio back on 1602 kHz
"Barn Radio" is back with special broadcasts on medium
wave 1602 kHz during this year's Färila Week.
The station is on the air 24 hours a day, relaying the programmes
of Radio Ljusdal.
Live programmes are broadcast between 0600-1600, while the
rest of the time is covered by computer controlled musical
news desk, July 7, 2001
on Barn Radio