Radio Netherlands
picking at BBC
Netherlands has announced in a press release that as from
Sunday July 1st it will broadcast to North America on all
the frequencies being relinquished on same day by the BBC
World Service.
"Short-wave remains the only direct way to share a full
range of important issues with a loyal audience in the USA
and Canada" says Radio Netherlands' Director General Lodewijk
He adds that Radio Netherlands believes in a multimedia
mix, but the current streaming technology is useless at
coping with the peak demands of serious live broadcasting.
For every 100,000 listeners over the air at any one moment,
there are only a few thousand capable of hearing the broadcasts
simultaneously on the web.
"Webcasting is expensive, it is often congested during a
crisis and there are copyright restrictions. It's simply
not ready for prime time" says Bouwens.
news desk, June 28, 2001
RN press release 
DX program signing off
oldest running DX program, Radio Sweden's "Sweden Calling
DXers", now "MediaScan", is closing down.
Under the legendary Arne Skoog, Sweden Calling DXers started
as a clearinghouse for news about shortwave radio in 1948.
Soon all this will be history. The last edition of "MediaScan"
will be aired on July 17, informs presenter George Wood,
-- The
good news is that the online and e-mail MediaScan newsletter
will continue, covering the entire world of electronic media,
with an emphasis on satellites and cyberspace.
Which, however, is not quite the same.
news desk, with info from MediaScan, June 19, 2001

Jeypore back on shortwave
India Radio Jeypore, in the state of Orissa, is back on
shortwave after about 2 years of absence.
The station uses
50 kW and was off air due to shortage of spare valves.
The station broadcasts on 5040 and 6040 kHz. The schedule
5040 -- 0025-0430 (Sunday 0445), 1130-1741
6040 -- 0700-0935 (Sundays also 1030-1130)
Adress for reports is All India Radio, Jeypore 764005, Orissa,
Jacob, India, hcdx list, June 14, 2001

LTC, Peru, now on 6011.3 kHz
LTC, in Juliaca, Peru, has moved to 6011.3 kHz from 5980
Officially the frequency is announced as 6010 kHz, and said
to be "audible all over Peru".
The programme consisted of ads, comunicados and sports from
Juliaca. Even ads for companies in Arequipa.
ID as "Radio L.T.C. desde Juliaca, Perú" or, during the
sport programme, "L.T.C. La Transmisión Correcta, el equípo
Malm, Ecuador, via HCDX partner SWB,
May 24, 2001
This station was heard during 1996-97, occasionally as far
away as Europe, but mostly in Latin America. Its frequency
then, 5890 kHz, was often blocked by stronger international
Its name, Radio LTC, comes from the owner's initials, and
stands for Leoncio Torres Coalla.
news desk, June 4, 2001
on Radio LTC 

Radio Unión,
Peru, new on 3179 kHz
Unión, Tocache, provincia Tocache, departamento San Martín,
Peru, seems to be a new station broadcasting on 3179 kHz.
The station was heard in the end of May, 2001, with close
downs at 0100 UTC.
I presume it is a new station. What I know now is that they
ID as "Radio Unión, Tocache" and that two frequencies are
announced: shortwave 3180 kHz and FM 96.1 MHz. Often music
from Tarapoto.
Keeps it´s frequency exactly and has a very regular schedule:
1030-0100 UTC. Starts every morning with the programme "El
Mostly pretty weak signals.
Malm, Ecuador, via HCDX partner SWB,
June 1, 2001
note: Radio Tocache, 4039 
Naylamp back on 4300v kHz
Radio Naylamp, in Lambayeque (provincia Lambayeque, departamento
Lambayeque) once more heard on shortwave.
This time heard around 4300 kHz (change from 4346v), varying
a lot between 4290-4316 kHz.
Heard in May, 2001, until close down at 0130 UTC.
gleam with nice audio, but most of the time buried in humming
audio - following the station at all its various frequencies
around 4300 kHz.
Malm, Ecuador, via HCDX partner SWB,
June 1, 2001
on Radio Naylamp 

La Voz de
las Huarinjas on 5851.9 kHz
La Voz
de las Huarinjas, Huancabamba, provincia de Huancabamba,
departamento de Piura, Peru, has moved from 6816.8 to 5851.9
The station was heard on June 1, 2001, until close down
at 0000 UTC.
Heard on this new frequency with good signal but rather
lousy audio quality. The DJ mentioned something like "la
nueva programación de nuestra emisora.....".
Remains to see if it is a temporary move. Very irregular
Malm, Ecuador, via HCDX partner SWB,
June 1, 2001

to BBC cutback plans
World Service has announced that it is cutting its shortwave
broadcasts to North America and Australia from 1 July.
The plans has caused dismay among shortwave listeners, as
reported in the June edition of International Listener.
news desk, June 2, 2001
Listener on BBC 