Two major solar
major flares have erupted on the surface of the Sun.
The group is the biggest seen on the surface of our star
for more than a decade. One of the flares was so energetic
that it ejected a cloud of superhot gas into space.
Solar observers say that the cloud, called a coronal mass
ejection (CME), is heading towards the Earth and will reach
us within the next 24 to 36 hours. Scientists are predicting
a "geomagnetic storm" when it reaches us.
News Online, via DLDX, March 30, 2001
on BBC web 
on NASA web

Lithuania testing on mediumwave
will be 10 transmissions from Lithuania to test reception
of Lithuania's 1107 kHz synchronous network of stations outside
The test transmissions will take place April 2 and April 3
at 0400-0430, 0800-0830, 1200-1230, 1600-1630, 1800-1830 and
2000-2030 UTC.
RFE-RL channel marker will be used as audio signal.
There will be no QSLs issued, only email confirmation to those
who request it.
Send reports to
March 30, 2001

of Hope hoping on Nigeria
Adventure Ministries is abandoning plans for Voice of Hope
shortwave transmissions from Liberia. Instead they plan
for shortwave transmissions from Jos, Nigeria.
"We have land, license and staff also prepared for
us there. We even have some of the shipping costs promised
to us, but we require additional finances to install our
shortwave transmitter to reach Nigeria's Muslim neighbors",
Jackie Yockey writes in a High Adventure newsletter.
news desk,
March 30, 2001
on High Adventure's web site 

Unión, Peru, drifting around
Unión, Lima, officially on 6115 kHz, heard on 6304v kHz
in March, 2001, by several DXers, as reported on the HCDX
mailing list.
Björn Malm, in Quito, Ecuador, reports that the station
was not heard on it´s listed frequency 6115 kHz, and that
it on one occasion also was heard on 6386v kHz.
"So obviously Radio Unión suffers from technical problems",
says Björn Malm.
IDs as "Unión la radio" and "Unión la más potente del país".
news desk, March 26, 2001

Independencia back on 4574v kHz
Independencia, Provincia de Chiclayo, on 4574.64v kHz, heard
on March 16, 2001, until close down at 0005.
Heard for the first time Feb 12, 2001, on 4573.63v kHz (see
After that the station seems to have been off the air until
this date, March 15.
Close down at 0005 after a musical program called "Por los
caminos del Perú".
Often very “crowded” in the area below 4600. For instance
on the evening ofMarch 17, there were 3 stations, all with
decent signals, lousy audio and frequency drift: 4520v,
4553v and 4576v.
Malm, Ecuador, hcdx partner SWB,
March 21, 2001

Radio Sorocucho
now on 5586.7 kHz
Sorochuco, Sorochuco, on 5586.69 kHz, March 21, 2001, until
close down at 0130 UTC..
This station, listed on 5760 kHz, was never logged by me
until now. A loud voiced, screamy, male DJ with a distorded
microphone managed the programme which consisted of Peruan,
domestic music, among others from the Cajamarca-area but
also modern music, like Enrique Iglesias among others. Several
IDs. Besides "Radio Sorochuco" I also think they give IDs
like "Radio L.M.(?) de Sorochuco". Was heard for the first
time this date. Close down at 0130 UTC.
Malm, Ecuador, hcdx partner SWB,
March 21, 2001

Peru back on 5637.6 kHz
Perú, San Ignacio, on 5637.26 kHz, heard on March 22, 2001
at 1140 UTC. Reactivated after being off air for a longer
ID as "Esta es la señal de más alta calidad, Perú tu radio!
Ahora en 97.7 frecuencia modulada y estéreo digital
y siempre en onda corta 5635 kHz para llegar más lejos".
Malm, Ecuador, hcdx partner SWB,
March 22, 2001

World Beacon
testing UAE site
the week of March 25, the religious broadcaster World Beacon
plan to test a new transmitter site in the United Arab Emirates.
They will be experimenting on a variety of frequencies in
the 17 MHz band and seek feedback on the quality of the
reception in your area.
When you hear the Beacon in the 17 MHz band, send your reception
report to
" We will be verifying reports with a limited edition
QSL card that will make a great addition to any collection",
informs the World
Beacon web site.
Pentti Lintujärvi, Finland, hcdx list, March 22, 2001
Netherlands' World Beacon Profile 

pull plug on PLC
German electronics giant Siemens has decided to pull out
of experiments with powerline communications, for the time
being at least.
Siemens says it believes that the right conditions, particularly
the regulatory framework, are not yet in place for such
projects to be profitable.
In addition to regulatory problems, there are also technical
problems, such as noise on the line as electrical appliances
are turned on and off. That can make a data connections
fail or interfere with the datastream. Furthermore, different
technical standards in different countries are also proving
a major problem.
Although Simens is the only company to have decided to pull
out, its explanation will give heart to opponents of PLC,
which include international broadcasters and listeners who
use shortwave.
Sennitt, Radio
Netherlands, hcdx list, March 22, 2001

come back for Djibouti
Télévision de Djibouti, RTD, is to return
to shortwave thanks to a donation of equipment from the
The donation, estimated at 11m US dollars, includes spare
parts for the transmitters at the Doraleh center. The center,
established in 1983, has had difficulties since 1996.
The RTD management thanked UNESCO for the donation, which
will enable Radio Djibouti to optimally resume its broadcasts
in shortwave, according to a Radio Djibouti broadcast in
French on March 17.
RTD used to transmit on 4780 kHz, with a power of 20 kW.
More info on RTD's background and present situation can
be found at the station's
web site.
via DXLD and hcdx news desk, March 21, 2001

abandoning shortwave
are disappearing as fast as we can say Dengan Hormat.
T he only RPDK stations on shortwave now, for example, are
RPDT2 Manggarai-2960 and RPDT2 Ngada-2899.
Other stations, which have been cornerstones as late as
last year and are now gone, including RRI Kupang-3385 and
RPDT2 Sumbawa Besar-3542.
The problem with RRI-Biak seems to be a very poor modulator.
I have heard it nicely for several days, and on other days
the modulator seems to be barely functioning. It will probably
go within the next year if not before.
RRI Serui- 4606 is nicely heard, with a good signal and
good modulator.
RRI- Merauke on 3905 is spotty--it is on some days, but
more often not on..
Henderson, Australia, NU via DXLD, March 21, 2001

situation in Guatemala
-- Radio Cultural on 24 hours.
3370/4835 -- Radio Tezulutlán switched to FM, shortwave
may be off for good.
4052 -- Radio Verdad, from Chiquimula close to Honduras.
4780 -- Radio Cultural Coatán now on FM.
4800 -- Radio Buenas Nuevas moving to FM and considering
discontinuing on shortwave.
5955 -- Radio Cultural on for a few hours each night which
homemade 1 kW "hobby" transmitter.
6180 -- Radio Nacional not on shortwave since 1999, and
may never return.
Berger, Radio Cultural, Guatemala, Cumbre DX via DXLD, March
14, 2001

Standoff with
KSMR Underway
standoff is underway between the U.S. government and the
recently-launched Kentucky State Militia Radio (KSMR) and
the situation is on the verge of reaching critical mass.
With time ticking both sides are preparing for a showdown
that could happen within days.
Nick Grace C, hcdx partner
Clandestine Radio, March 15, 2001
Clandestine Radio Watch story

QSL from WGIT, Puerto Rico
Fredriksson, Boden, Sweden, reports recpetion of a QSL letter,
info folder, and pen from WGIT, Puerto Rico, on 1660 kHz.
The letter, written in Spanish, was signed by Olga Rosario
de Matos, Presidente.
Address is WGIT, P O Box 7, Moca, PR 00676.
Phone 1-787-449-2757.
Fax 882-1343.
Rolf Fredriksson , Sweden,
hcdx partner Distance,
March 8, 2001

New Uruguay
station on shortwave
Sarandi del Yí, Sarandi del Yí, heard on 6154 kHz (nominal
6155) until close down at 0309 on March 10.
Carrying "Festival Folklórico de Pan de Azúcar" along with
"CORI" network.
Local IDs by woman: "Transmite CW155, Radio Sarandí del
Yí, conjuntamente con 'Banda Oriental' en 6155 kHz onda
corta desde Sarandí del Yí, Durazno."
E-mail address:
Postal address: Radio Sarandi del Yí, Banda Oriental, Durazno,
Uruguay, Calle Sarandí del Yí 328, Sarandí del Yí, Uruguay.
Tel. number (also fax) is +03679155.
Welcomes greetings and messages, and promises a "souvenir"
from the station.
Note the "fantasy" name, "Banda Oriental," the ancient name
of the territory which is Uruguay today.
Horacio A. Nigro, Uruguay,
hcdx list, March 11, 2001
I phoned the station, and spoke with owner, Nora
San Martín de Porro. She informs that sked will be 0130-0300.
They inaugurated on Mar 1, 2001, with test b/cs. Power is
2 KW. Antenna: folded dipole.
I commented they are off-fqcy, but she denied that, saying
they had the correct crystal.
A. Nigro, Uruguay, hcdx list, March 12, 2001
Sarandi del Yí heard in Denmark on 6154 kHz with a very
weak signal from around 0050. Hardly readable, but by 0250
some music and female talk in Spanish could be heard till
s/off around 0300 with a tent. ID.
Hartvig Nielsen, Denmark, hcdx list, March 12, 2001

X, Peru, new on 5544.7 kHz
Estación X, Bagua, Departamento de Amazonas, heard March
5, 2001, to close down at 0300.
New Peruvian which I reported last year (see SWB
without getting the name of the station. Started around
Dec 22 and was active only a few days - then off air until
March 5.
Björn Malm, Ecuador,
hcdx partner SWB,
March 5, 2001
Estación X heard on 8 March, 2001, between 0140-0305 on
5544.7 kHz.
On 9 March I got another clear ID, saying "su Estación Equis,
la Radio -- un saludo para los amigos de Bagua que nos están
escuchando, les estamos presentando su programa Gorrioncito
Cantor por su Estación Equis, la Radio..."
Pedro F. Arrunátegui, Peru,
DX 181
on Estación X 

La Merced
back on 6754.8 kHz
La Merced, Tongod, heard on 6754.76 kHz on February 27,
between 2001-2330.
Started to hear this one Feb 19 (see SWB
logged as an unID).
Heard quite regularly after that.
March 1 close down at 0204 with a long and pompous finishing
Often Peruvian folk music, for instance "Los Nativos de
Announces 1400 and 6750 kHz.
At present off air – in WRTH listed as "irr".
Björn Malm, Ecuador,
hcdx partner SWB,
February 27, 2001

HRMI, Honduras,
back on 5010 kHz
Radio Misiones Internacionales, 0212-0410 March 7, reactivated
and ex-5890.
ID as "1480 kHz AM, 5010 kHz onda corta... Honduras, Centroamérica...",
"Radio M-I Internacional," "Radio M-I", and "Radio Misiones
Internacional". Never any "La Voz" de Misiones Internacionales.
Mentioned address as Apartado Postal 20583, Comayaguela.
Krueger, USA, NU via BC-DX via DXLD March 7, 2001
HRMI also heard
in Belgium
I have
also heard the signals from HRMI in Brussels, Belgium. I
picked them up with a very weak signal (2-3-3 SIO) on Sunday,
March 25, around 0000 UTC, for about 10 minutes on 5010
I am using a Lowe HF-150 with an RF Systems EMF outdoor
This is the first and only time I was able to pick-them.
Bucki, Belgium, to hcdx, March 25, 2001
transmitter on 5890 had broken down and been off about
a year. Station was asked to leave 5890, as it was an international
New transmitter with 150 watts, planned to be increased
to 2.5 kW.
Also planned is another 1 KW transmitter on 3340 kHz.
Hans Johnson, USA, Cumbre
DX via DXLD, March 9, 2001

Swiss Radio
leaving shortwave
In a
message from Swiss Radio International, which I received
today via NRC member Art Blair, they plan to cease all transmissions
on shortwave by the end of 2004.
They will also severely cut back other radio services including
satellite, in the belief that the Internet is the only way
to go to get their message across.
Morris Sorensen, Canada,
ODXA via DXLD, March 9, 2001

HCDX's Kotalampi reporting
from Kulpsville
Offshore radio
ready for launch
Allan Weiner, WBCQ owner, is ready to start his long planned
offshore radio station on shortwave.
"Everything is now ready," Weiner said at the Kulpsville
annual radio meeting.
going offshore
Money talks
on shortwave
If you listen to Allan Weiner, owner of American shortwave
radio station WBCQ, shortwave radio is more and more broadcast
and be damned.
He is willing to broadcast just about anything.
on FM radio future 
web site 
No future
for small town FM radio?
While Kim Elliott of the Voice of America thinks shortwave
radio still has many more years to come, local radio station
Program Manager Allan Loudell, WILM Radio, Wilmington DE,
fears that FM radio as we know it today is going to die.
on FM radio future 
not outdated
of America is not giving up on shortwave.
"It is the most reliable way to reach the audience,"
VOA's Kim Elliott said at the annual radio listeners' meeting
in Kulpsville.
More on
get those rare birds
DXing with pictures", Tracy Woods said when addressing
the Kulpsville radio meeting.
And do it now, before more of those eluding signals from
space get encrypted.
Go for
hidden antennas
No way of getting that great antenna of your dream?
Antenna guru Skip Arey tells you how to do it.
reports from Kulpsville 2001
SODRE transmitting
24 hours
CX6, in Uruguay, transmitting on 650 kHz medium wave has
increased its broadcasting to 24 hours from March 1.
Its operation on shortwave 9620 kHz is not used 24 hours,
Nigro, Uruguay, hcdx list, March 11, 2001

wing militia group on 3260 kHz
right wing groups are following in the steps of religious
groups by starting using the tropical bands for their broadcasts.
Kentucky State Militia Radio has been heard broadcasting
on 3260 kHz by American radio listener Paul McDonough, in
Medford, MA. Reports McDonough on the HCDX mailing list:
Kentucky State Militia Radio heard in USB on 3260 kHz on
March 7 from 0310 until signing off at 0400.
Programming with "Major Steve Anderson of the 6th Batallion
of the Kentucky State Militia", saying that regular transmissions
would begin by the end of the month. He also said he'd be
getting new transmitting tubes for higher power, and he'd
be getting a satellite receiver to receive satellite feeds
like Genesis.
The announced address, according to McDonough, is 245 Elrod-Martin
Rd, Somerset, Kentucky 42503.
news desk, March 7, 2001
United States Citizens' Militia

for the Study of Hate and Extremism
Eye, challenging right-wing agenda
Radio on American soil
State Militia took to the airwaves this week in what appears
to be a serious effort to propagandize against the United
States government, reports HCDX partner Clandestine Radio
Watch, adding:
Clandestine radio, a weapon of propaganda rarely seen on
American soil, seems to have appeared from within the heartland.
Radio Watch, March 8, 2001
Clandestine Radio Watch story

Difusora Taubaté
gone on 4925 kHz
Difusora Taubaté, 4925, has vanished. No more signals from
it on the 60 meter band.
Anyone who got a QSL from this a few weeks ago (with extensive
promotional material) may feel privileged.
MW 570 continues on the air, heard with some difficulty
here in São Bernardo
Grimm, Brazil, radioescutas via DXLD, March 4, 2001

Who did you spy on, Putin?
countries did you spy on while serving as a spy agent for
the Soviet Union?
This is one of the many questions Russian president Vladimir
Putin will be asked when answering questions live on BBC
World Service on 6 March at 1500.
You too can ask president Putin your question via BBC
News Online.
hcdx news desk, March 2,

Boxes not for Brazilians
radio stations in Brazil no longer use 'Caixas Postais',
(P.O. Box). I had many negative experiences during last
year, using Caixa Postal. Several letters came back to me.
When WRTH or Passport indicates Caixa Postal, I phone the
station, and obtain the correct address. In most cases,
no more Caixa Postal.
So try the street addresses. I could make it. 73s, (Rudolf
Grimm São Bernardo, SP, radioescutas via DXLD)
Grimm, Brazil, radioescutas via DXLD, March 1, 2001

back with test transmissions
Short Wave Relay Service, which labels itself Broadcasting
facilities for free and community radio, has announced a
comeback with new transmitters and antennas to be tested.
Regular tests are scheduled for 11470 kHz as follows:
Saturday March 3 between 1700-2300
Sunday March 4 between 0830-1900.
Reception reports wanted by e-mail to
hcdx news desk, March 1,
on SWRS web site
