Utrecht going live
On June 1, radio station 1584AM, in Utrecht, the Netherlands,
will start live transmissions from 1300 UTC.
Transmitter has a power of 650 watts at the moment.
(Ruud Vos, hcdx list, May 25)

Voice of
Hope abandons Lebanon
High Adventure Ministries has dismantled all of its transmitters
and antennas, following the withdrawal of Israeli troops from
Southern Lebanon.
The station continues to operate on FM and have studios in
Metulla, Israel.
Broadcasts that took place on 6280, 11515 and 11530 kHz have
been discontinued and are being replaced by broadcasts from
Jülich according to the following schedule:
on 21590 kHz (Middle East)
1200-1600 on 21460 kHz (Middle East)
1700-2100 on 11985 kHz (Europe, Africa)
(Ludo Maes, hcdx list, May 24)

Trafic, Belgium, on medium wave
Trafic Plus, Belgium, is broadcasting traffic information
on 1125 and 1233 kHz.
Trafic Plus is an initiative by the RTBF and can be considered
an additional radio station.
Originally Trafic Plus was intended for broadcasting via DAB
only, but as almost no one listen to DAB, RTBF decided as
from May 5 to broadcast the programme on medium wave La Louvière-1125
kHz and Liège-1233 kHz. (Herman Boel, hcdx list, May 9,

Radio Tigre,
Peru, on 5580-5620v kHz
station Radio Tigre has been logged by Swedish DXer Björn
Malm, living in Quito, Ecuador.
Announced frequency is "5250 kilociclos", while
actualy reception is varying between 5580-5620 kHz.
Station heard in early May, from 2000 until close dwon, which
varies a lot between 0100-0300.
Location unkknown, as DJ never, for hours, mention location;
but Malm believe station is broadcasting from Cochapampa in
Departamento Cajamarca.
Some typical IDs: "Esta es Tigre, la radio", "Radio 2000
es Radio Tigre, la voz del nuevo milenio".
(hcdx partner SWB, May 7, 2000)

Stereo on 4895 kHz
New station Colombia Stereo has been heard on 4895 kHz by
several DXers.
heard by Colombian DXer Yimber Gaviria on April 15, as unidentified.
Now American DXer Mark Morhmann reports log and ID on May
7, between 0056-0205: "Esta es Colombia Estéreo 93.4,
HJE, desde Bogotá, el centro capital de Colombia, banda...Colombia
Estéreo...cadena radial de...nacional".
Station also heard in Holland on May 7 at 0235 by Mark Veldhuis.
(hcdx list, May 7, 2000)
Colombia Estéreo web site

Radio shortwave radio
Catholic shortwave radio stations are to be found in the Americas.
Michael Dorner of Catholic Radio Update presents the
whole list.
Catholic shortwave radio

Russia's Radio
1 longwave closing
Russia's old station Radio 1 has been allowed to stay on the
air on longwave until 10th May and to complete the broadcasting
of its Victory Day festive programmes, Voice of Russia's "DX
Club" reported.
On 11th May, the station will go into receivership as bankruptcy
procedures will be launched.
However, the authorities have allowed the station to continue
broadcasting on VHF (66-73 MHz).
This means that Radio 1 will still be able to reach listeners
in Moscow and Moscow Region and that the team of the radio
journalists will be able to keep their jobs, the report added.
(Voice of Russia web site, Moscow, via BBC Monitoring,
DXLD and hcdx, May 5, 2000)

Nationaal testing
The new Dutch commercial radio station Radio Nationaal is
testing on 1035 kHz medium wave.
Listeners also report that Radio Nationaal is testing on 1332
Reception of the station, on both frequencies, have been reported
from around Europe.
The official start of Radio Nationaal is scheduled to May
5 at 1200 UTC. (hcdx list, May 3, 2000)

Finnish station
aim at shortwave
Scandinavian Weekend Radio, SWR, is to become Finland's first
private owned radio station on shortwave.
.The station plan to start broadcasting on June 30, 2000,
at 2200.
then plans to be on the air once a month for a 24 hour stitch,
starting on the first Friday of the month at 2200.
is to broadcasts in 25 meter band, on either 11690 or 11720
kHz, depending on interfering stations.
area is the Nordic countries and the area around the Baltic
Sea. Besides Finnish, they also plan to broadcast some programs
in English and Swedish.
purpose is to function as the radio enthusiasts' radio channel",
SWR says on its web site.
"We want to support and promote the radio hobby. We will
be reporting on news events from the radio world, as well
as other information of interest to shortwave listeners, such
as solar activity.
Studios and transmitters are located in Virrat, in western
SWR web site

Netherlands Bonaire back after fire
Radio Netherlands relay station on Bonaire, the Netherlands
Antilles, is back at full power after a major fire.
"Thanks to a fantastic effort by station manager Leo
Kool and his entire staff, our Bonaire facility resumed operating
at full power on all sheduled frequencies as of 1730 UTC on
2 May", reports Andy Sennitt at Radio Netherlands.
It was on Sunday, April 23, that a major fire broke out in
the generator room of the Radio Netherlands relay station.
The fire totally destroyed the generators, silencing the station.
Fortunately nobody was hurt, but the cost of the damage may
run into several million dollars.
More about this in the Media section of Radio Netherlands'
web site at