Voice of Afghanistan
testing on 9950
Voice of Afghanistan, first noted by Mexican monitor Adolfo
Murrieta González in DX Listening Digest 1-176 on November
17, continues to broadcast test programs on 9950 kHz between
1330 and 1430 GMT in Pashto and Dari.
The station does not announce an address or the name of
the organization sponsoring the broadcasts. Schedule:
1330-1345 9950 kHz Test transmission in Pashto
1345-1400 9950 kHz Test transmission in Dari
1400-1415 9950 kHz Repeat of Pashto test
1415-1430 9950 kHz Repeat of Dari test
Identifications for the station are as follows:
Da Afghanistan Ghag Radyo (Pashto)
Radyo-i Seda-i Afghanistan (Dari)
Hirayama, Clandestine Radio, 22 Nov 2001
called the station this afternoon on the number given
in their press release.
The Voice of Afghanistan says it broadcasts via ‘a powerful
shortwave transmitter', but the man behind the station,
Said Jalal Karim, would only tell me that the transmitter
is located "in Europe", and did not wish to be more specific.
The studios are located at 21 Worship Street, London, EC2A
The station can be contacted by phone at +44 207 382 9610
or by e-mail at
The phone number and address turn out to be a company called
Business Services, an Internet service company
which also runs various Web radio stations. However, when
I called they answered as "Voice of Afghanistan", which
kinda surprised me.
More on this at Media
Sennitt, Radio Netherlands, hcdx list, 28 Nov 2001
Radio Tashkent
on 5025 kHz
Tashkent has been heard with the following transmissions 5025
1600-1630 Uzbek
1730-1830 Uzbek
1935-2030 German
2030-2100 English
2130-2200 English
In other times the transmitter is off the air.
Transmitters on 5035 and 5060 kHz are not in use anymore.
Honzik, Czechia, hcdx list, 22 Nov 2001
Guatemala, new on 4700 kHz
Amistad, Guatemala, is on the air from 1100 to 0200 UT on
4700 kHz with 500 watts AM.
Initial listening tests confirmed reception all around the
Lake Atitlán region in an area of over 50 miles during daylight
- but haven't received any reports of the night-time coverage.
So far no special ID is being aired - just translating the
FM program from 90.7 MHz "Radio Amistad".
Baysinger, USA, Cumbre via DXLD, 17 Nov 2001
QSL. The Media Consultant for the SBC in Mexico will
serve as QSL manager for Radio Amistad. Reception reports,
in Spanish or English, should be sent to him at the address:
Radio Amistad, attn. David Daniell, Asesor de Communications,
Apartado Postal 25, Bulevares MX, 53140 Mexico
Baysinger, USA, Cumbre via DXLD, 5 Dec 2001
Radio, Colombia, on 7380 kHz
Idea has started broadcasting on 7380 kHz, giving ID as "Idea
Radio - desde Colombia para el mundo".
Some DXers have had doubts about the Colombia location, but
correspondance with the stations chief engineer, Andrea Laudicina,
confirms the Colombia location. Says Laudicina:
Radio is the same station as was active in Genova in 1992-1993.
However, six years ago I transferred my working activities
to Colombia, so now we are trying to put in service a private
station from Colombia on shortwave.
The transmitter is located 25 km from the capital Santa Fe
de Bogotŕ. We use a RCA transmitter with 10 kW.The antenna
is a dipole half wave on a tower 50 meters tall.
We want to promote Colombian music, and our aim is to operate
24 hours. We have some problems in finding the best frequency
for our transmissions, and we ask DXers and DX clubs worldswide
to send us their suggestions to
The present 7380 kHz is good for Europe, but in the Americas
it suffers from splash interference from other American radio
Scaglione, Italy, via Dario Monferini, Play DX, 18 Nov 2001
Radio -- Colombia or not?
Idea has started broadcasting on 7380 kHz. The station, which
is said to be a re-activation since 1993, ID as broadcasting
from Colombia as "Idea Radio - desde Colombia para el
mundo". Says it is using 2 kW.
Some DXers have had doubts about the Colombia location, stating
that the station is run by Italians who have earlier run a
pirate radio station, Radio Idea Network, with a stated address
in Genova, Italy.
Canadian DXer Don Moman, however, has done some direction
finding listening, and notes that the signals "was consistently
higher and of better quality on an South American aimed beam",
suggesting that a Colombian transmitter site would be correct.
US DXer Dan Ferguson says site may be near Barranquilla, Colombia.
Address given as Idea Radio, Apartado Aereo 25733, Bogotá,
news desk, SW Bulletin, Conexión, www, 17 Nov 2001
Radio Altura,
Peru, now on 5009.5 kHz
Altura, Cerro de Pasco, seems to have moved from 3339 kHz
to 5009.5 kHz.
The station was heard on Nov
7, 2001, between 1020-1031
with Andean
vocals, canned announcements, with IDs at 1030. ID as "Ésta
es Radio Altura en los 5.010 kHz de la banda de 60 metros,
desde Cerro de Pasco, Perú".
Mohrmann, USA, via DXLD, 7 Nov 2001
Hard times for
Cuban exiles
exile broadcasting is at its lowest point since at least 1989,
when Radio Miami began operations first as a broker, then
operating its own station.
During the past 10 years, many of the charismatic leaders
of the Cuban exile community have died, and most of them were
strong supporters of shortwave broadcasts to Cuba. The younger
generation of Cuban Americans were mostly born and raised
in the U.S., and they are just not as passionate as their
parents about the Cuban cause, including exile broadcasts
to Cuba.
At present, I think we have about four Cuban exile broadcasters
on WRMI, and none of them have daily programs.
White, WRMI, via Cumbre DX and DXLD, 7 Nov 2001
Bio terror affects
To avoid
the danger of bio terrorism, the QSL manager of the Voice
of Tatarstan no longer accepts reception reports from the
United States by ordinary mail.
More on the new
QSL policy can be found at the unofficial web page
of the Voice of Tatarstan.
Mezin, Russia, hcdx list, 8 Nov 2001
is crazy. $1.16 to Tatarstan for a QSL and $30 to the
Scaglione, Italy, hcdx list, 10 Nov 2001
US law officers
kill militia voice
One of
USA's most influential militia radio broadcasters was killed
early Tuesday, 6 Nov 2001, in a hail of gunfire when law officers
tried to arrest him on a warrant accusing him of aggravated
William Milton Cooper, 58, whose apocalyptic, constitutionalist
shortwave radio programs were a major influence on Oklahoma
City bomber Timothy McVeigh, was shot to death after Cooper
shot and critically wounded an Apache County sheriff's deputy
who had tried to arrest him, officers said.
Shaffer, The Arizona Republic, 7 Nov 2001, via DXLD
Hour of the Time
still appears on WBCQ, scheduled at Tue-Fri 0300-0400 on 7415
kHz, as of 9 Nov 2001, .
At web link to
we find that someone is still running his website and claiming
all reports on the incident except a press release displayed
there are false.
Hauser , USA, 9 Nov 2001, via DXLD
US law looking
for Anderson
Law enforcement
officials across the state continue to be on the look out
for Anderson, who has been described as a militia enthusiast
and survivalist.
Anderson has been on the run since he riddled a Bell County
Deputy Sheriff`s car last month.
Coffey ,
1 Nov 2001
More on
State Militia Radio.
New life to Voice
of Nigeria
a year, the Voice of Nigeria has been transformed. Three 250
kilowatt transmitters now beam the station's programmes throughout
Africa and around the world.
The Voice of Nigeria currently broadcasts in six languages:
English, French, Arabic, Kiswahili, Hausa and Fulfulde.
By the end of the year, the station plans to launch a German
service, as well as broadcasts in two other Nigerian languages:
Igbo and Yoruba.
Network Newsletter, 2 Nov 2001
More on Voice
of Nigeria at Radio Netherland web site.
Special Amauta
Cultural Amauta, in Amauta, Peru, on 4955 kHz, will broadcast
a special program to listeners abroad as a part of their 41
years anniversery on November 6, 2001.
In an email addressed to several foreign DXers, the administradora
at the station, Demétria Montes Sinforoso, tells about the
anniversery, and about the program.
The special transmission will be held on November 6 at 1900-2000
local Peruvian time, which should correspond to 0000-0100
UTC, November 7.
Edh, Sweden, hcdx list, 1 Nov 2001