Sweden once
more on medium wave
Göteborg Radio Museum, in Gothenburg, Sweden, has received
a permit for test transmissions on 981 kHz.
The organizers plans to go on the air on October 13-14,
in connection with activities celebrating the 75th anniversary
of Swedish Radio. They also have permits to transmit between
November 13 and 26.
The permits are for the local community, thus the power
will be merely around 200 watts, using a modified coastal
radio transmitter.
"In October we plan to re-broadcast Radio Sweden's own jubilee
programming; maybe we a few items by ourselves", says Robert
Hassel on the organizing staff, adding:
"In November we plan to transmit a couple of times during
the week, depeding on how production developes." (Peter
Ĺsberg September 29, 2000, via swedx list)

Radio also on 1431 kHz
Mega Radio, Germany, has been noted on new 1431 kHz around
1600 UTC. This was in paralell with earlier frequencies
576 and 1575 kHz. (Jarmo Patala, September 30, hcdx list)
Transmitter site is Dresden? (Martin Elbe, September
30, hcdx list)

long wave test
Norwegian broadcaster NRK is to hold a special broadcast
in English and Norwegian on Octobre 6, between 1900-2300,
on long wave 153 kHz.
The new transmitter at Ingøy, close to Cape North
in northern Norway, is already on the air, testing with
relays of national programming.
This 100 kW Telefunken transmitter is to replace the 20
kW medium wave transmitter at Vadsø now transmitting
on 702 kHz.
"This will give you an opportunity to listen to 153
kHz, and be fully prepared for the special show on Friday,
Octobre 6, says Bernt Erfjord of the DX Listeners' Club
in Norway.
A special QSL card will be available for correct reception
reports to that broadcast, mailed from Ingøy with
the postmarks of the local Ingøy postoffice.
"A goodie for stamp collectors", Erfjord hopes.
(hcdx news desk, September 29, 2000)
Updates on NRK test 

Gay radio testing
from Russia
LBH Radio, serving the gay community from Great Britain, goes
on the air on October 1.
The station has already done some test transmissions. One
more test on 1386 kHz from Kaliningrad, Russia, will be on
September 27 at 2200-2400.
More info, and a web reception report form, is to be found
at LBH Radio's web site

Moldova pulls the plug
Radio Moldova International has stopped all broadcasts on
short wave on September 4.
Financial reasons forced them to cancel these broadcasts (RMI
couldn't pay for the electric bill).
Programmes are now on Internet in five languages at
The e-mail is
regards (Jean-Michel Aubier, France, Sept 21, via DXLD)
They were via Romania. Several previous reports about MW closing,
but never mentioned SW (Glenn Hauser, DXLD editor)

one bites the dust
Today in the DX party line of HCJB was announced that Croatian
Radio will cease broadcasting on short wave.
Today September 30 is the last broadcasting day on shoertwaves.
(Erich Bergmann, September 30, 2000, hcdx list)
Extract of the message from Croatian Radio, advising
that SW transmissions cease on September 30, 2000:
"Dear Friends,
Please be advised that we are forced to stop transmission
of 'Radio Croatia' as of October 1, 2000. The last day of
broadcasting will be Saturday, September 30, 2000.
We have done everything in our power to secure the funding
and thus continuation of Croatian short wave program. Regrettably,
it is the Croatian Government's opinion that short wave is
costly and unnecessary, and must be terminated. Due to the
nature of short wave, Croatian Information Centre cannot secure
funding through marketing activities.
Unfortunately, without Government backing the project is entirely
unsustainable." (Marica Risek, Croatian Radio via

Network pulls the plug
have never received more response than now.
It has never been more popular.
Listening is at its peak.
Let's close the show.
So goes the reasoning of Radio Netherlands' program director
Jonathan Marks. After an almost 20 year run, he has decided
to scrap his own DX stellar program, the Media Network.
"It has been enormous fun", says Jonathan "but this seems
a good point to hang up the headphones and step back from
the microphone."
The Media Network has become too specialized, too freakish.
Short wave listening obviously no longer is the thing
for the Dutch short wave service. Instead Media Network
has to make it on the Internet.
"Media Network will be back in the pioneering phase
again", notes Marks.
Media Networks final edition as a radio show is aired on
October 26. (Hermod Pedersen, hcdx news desk, September
21, 2000)
Comments by HCDX list members:
Pitty those that can not afford Internet. (Mickey Delmage,
Radio Netherlands tries to fulfill its social task as any
respected company does nowadays; to employ the minimum amount
of people. Media Network should continue on the air, if
Radio Netherlands cares about listeners in the third world.
(Mauno Ritola, Finland)
As a long time DXer my radios will continue to be my main
source for information and entertainment, as well as DXing.
(Charles Boehnke, Hawaii)
Who wants to read radio programs on the Net? Radio Netherlands
might as well close down their shortwave service and leave
the airwaves to broadcast stations that at least show some
interest for their listeners. (Kaj
Larsson, Sweden)
Media Network web site

Naranjos reactivated
The Andean station heard here turns out the be a reactivation
of Radiodifusion Comercial Naranjos, Naranjos, San Martin.
The station has been heard on 4299.98v kHz, daily on September
18-20 between 0928-1023.
Heard with Andean vocals, canned ID, announcer with time
check and ID's in passing between songs. Fair signal with
UTE QRM above and below varying from day to day.
Address given as Avenida Cajamarca 464, Distrito Pardo Naranjos,
Provincia de Rioja, Región de San Martín, Peru.
(Mark Mohrmann's web site, September 20, 2000)
More info 

Voz del Campesino on 6213.6 kHz
radion station La Voz del Campesino, in Sipe Sipe, Depto.
Cochabamba, is now heard on 6213.6 kHz. Logged on September
14, 2000, at 2120 with a program of astrology. Signing off
at 2225.
A move from 3192v kHz. (Rogildo Fontenelle, hcdx list,
September 14, 2000)

How to QSL Macedonia
Deutsche Welle confirmed their transmission in Macedonian
language on 810 kHz via Skopje with f/d QSL after 37 days.
V/s is Horst Scholz, Transmisison Management.
Report sent to address in Germany.
This is probably the easiest way to QSL this country. (Enzio
Gehrig, hcdx list, September 15, 2000)

Radio pulls the plug
Radio is closing its short wave service at the end of September,
The station has been broadcasting its soft rock programmes
around the world on 6010 kHz between 1900 and 2000 UTC each
Friday since 1st October, 1999, using one of Merlin Communication's
250 kW transmitters located at Skelton, UK.
The closure of the short wave service doesn't mean the end
of Imagination, as the station's talking to a number of
organisations to try and make the project more cost effective
and bring the programmes to a larger audience.
Initially the programmes were also broadcast across Europe
in stereo on the Astra satellite as part of the Merlin Network
One (MNO) satellite stream, but when MNO ended its programme
service on 6th March, 2000 Imagination continued to transmit
on short wave as a radio station in its own right.
(Nigel Holmes, Radio Australia via ARDXC, September 13,

Free London on short wave
Radio Free London is broadcasting 24 hours a day for the
rest of this week, on shortwave 5805 kHz.
The transmitter will stay on the air until Sunday evening,
September 17, informs Radio Free London.
"From then on", they add, "we hope to run
a regular Sunday service on 5805 every weekend.".
Reception reports are welcome via email or phone.
Snail mail: RFL, 101b, Kings Cross Road, London WC1X 9LP.
Telephone: UK-07930 11 34 30
Web site:
Real Audio:
(hcdx news desk, September 12, 2000)

summer time
Brazilian summer time will begin on October 8, and end on
February 18, next year.
States located in the north of the country and in the larger
part of the northeast continues to use the same current
time. (Djaci Franklin Silva, hcdx list, September 8,

for classical Radio Orfey
Current schedule for
classical music station Radio
Orfey, Russia:
kHz - St.Petersburg - 150
kHz - Moscow (Kupavna) -
75 kW
kHz - Volgograd - 75 kW
The Volgograd transmitter is temporary inactive, due to
electricity lacking
at the transmitting center.
Schedule for all locations: 0200-2000 UTC; one hour later
in the winter.
(Mikhail Timofeyev, hcdx list, September 8, 2000)

Last Night of the Proms Live
The Last Night of the Proms can be followed live either
on BBC World Service or on the BBC Radio 3 web site.
The short wave transmission is aired on September 9, from
1800, on 7320 kHz for Europe, 17690 kHz for Africa and 15265
kHz for the Middle East.
The whole concert can be heard live on the Internet at the
BBC Radio 3 web site.
(hcdx news desk, September 8, 2000)

going for medium wave
The Historical Radio Society of Western Sweden, in Gothenborg,
plans to start AM broadcasts from Sweden, which were abandoned
many years ago.
The Society has already tested an old AM transmitter in
Gothenborg with success, reports Swedish DXer Krister Eriksson
and the Society's newsletter "Audionen". Still
lacking is an antenna, which they hope will be ready for
the Radio Sweden 75 year jubilee in October.
The Society has gotten test approvals for two frequencies:
981 and 1584 kHz. Which one to be used is still to be decided.
(hcdx news desk, September 7, 2000)

medium wave revival
Bad news for European MW-DXers: Mega Radio, Germany, fired
up their second transmitter on 1575 kHz.
This station is listed with a daytime-power of 250 or 500
kW and 1 Megawatt during nighttime, but judging from the
signal strength I think they are not on full power yet.
This will cause severe interference to the excellent TA
frequencies 1570 and 1580 kHz.
Location of the transmitter site is Burg near Magdeburg,
Germany. (Martin
Elbe, hcdx list, September 2, 2000)
Media Network on Radio Netherlands is featuring the
German medium wave revival in its programming on September
Also, a broadcasting colleague told me last night that the
Dutch station in Utrecht on 1584 kHz has changed its name
again. Previously "1584, the Bells" it is apparently now
calling itself 'Radio Paradijs' (Radio Paradise). (Andy
Sennitt, hcdx
list, September 2, 2000)

special Radio Australia QSLRadio
Free London on short wave
Radio Free London is setting up a new short wave site next
weekend and if everything goes to plan the station will
be on air from next Sunday 10th September until Sunday 17th
for a full week of broadcasting 24 hours non stop with 20
hours of programmes on 5805 kHz.
Reception reports are welcome via email or phone.
Snail mail: RFL, 101b, Kings Cross Road, London WC1X 9LP.
Telephone: UK-07930 11 34 30
Web site:
Real Audio:
(Chris Mackerell, hcdx list, September 4, 2000)
Radio Free London also broadcasts on 819 kHz medium wave.
(hcdx web editor)

ARDXC together with Radio Australia, is printing 250 special
Olympic games QSL cards.
Only full detailed reports will be verified.
In this case Radio 2BL (702) Sydney on MW is doing the broadcasts
and these will go out on Radio Australia frequencies, where
you also will hear 2BL's ID. At the top of the hour there
will be a Radio Australia ID.
All reports must got to Radio Australia, GPO Box 428 G,
Melbourne 3001, Victoria Australia.
All reports must be received by 16th October, 2000.
Only the first 250 reports will be QSLed, once run out of
the cards thats it!
Allow 6 weeks for processing.
Email reports treated like mail reports.
(John Wright, ARDXC, hcdx list, September 1, 2000)
[Which makes me wonder why no email address is supplied.
- hcdx web editor]