on Terrorism
wishing to follow the War on Terrorism live on shortwave
can find an broad selection on Radio Netherlands' Media
Network web site (European tilt) as well as the
World of Radio
web site (American tilt).
news desk, September 28, 2001

New Life in Estonia
Pereraadio - Tartu Family Radio - is testing a 50 KW-transmitter
with Christian content on medium wave 1035 kHz.
"We are not officially on the air yet and are testing
and tuning," says Jim Hulse, owner and manager for
”Towers For Jesus” and at the moment in charge of the transmitter
"We have been running 50 KW most of the time and are
licensed for 100KW. We are going on the air with the 50
KW transmitter now and the 100 KW later."
"We started with a 818 foot tower last year and then
a dispute came up on the frequency we were assigned at 612.
We decided to change frequency to 1035 and not battle in
courts for years. In the process of changing frequency we
took off 338 feet of tower and placed it in front of the
existing tower and are using it as a director for night
time use."
"This station is mainly concerned with broadcasting
to the Russian people the Christian view."
Edh, Sweden, hcdx list, September 28, 2001

thanks to all of you
the HCDX mailing list started six years ago, HCDX membership
has grown steadily.
Now yet another
milestone has been passed, as we have reached 700 list members.
It's only 11 months after the 600 mark was reached in October
The HCDX mail list and its web spin-off have both been the
largest and, according to many testimonies, the best DX
information source on the Internet for years.
"It's not us in the staff who makes this possible,
it's thanks to all of you contributing loggings, QSL info,
news, tips, and soforth to the list," says HCDX founder
Risto Kotalampi, adding:
you, all 700 of you, for making the difference and building
the de-facto forum for serious DXers."
news desk, September 21, 2001

under attack
lower Manhattan in New York, USA, taking on the look of
a war zone after terrorist attacks, many radio emergency
frequencies have been brought into service.
Radio listeners interested in trying to monitor these acitivities
may find the Monitoring Times page on Disaster
Communications to be of interest.
info also available on the NYDXA
web site.
news desk, September 12, 2001

Norway, going for long wave
is to allow a new long wave station to start operating on
its silent 216 kHz long wave frequency. LKA Oslo Kringkaster,
Kløfta, 200 kW closed down on January 2, 1995.
"We look forward to replace that station with a great
signal, and great programming from a great country",
says Svenn Martinsen, General Manager of the Northern Star
International Broadcasters in Norway.
Martinsen says that he is certain the the NSIB will be awarded
the 216 kHz 1200 kW Norwegian license, adding:
"We are planning a commercial International English
service on the channel."
"We have struggled for this for 7 years through various
offices, Departments, Parliament and licensing authority,
so for us it is quite a feat."
In a request to DXers, Martinsen asks for "radio listeners
who know what they are doing" to help them out in researching
the groundwave and skywave signals of other long wave radio
stations transmitting on or aroung 216 kHz, such as Radio
Monte Carlo, Rikisutvarpid and Polish Radio.
news desk, September 10, 2001
two companies have applied for a private radio licence
to operate on 216 kHz with up to 1200 kW of power: Northern
Star International Broadcasters and an organisation of Tamils
in Norway.
The NSIB started its work many years ago, and it is thanks
to the NSIB that the licence is being advertised at all,
through their intense lobbying activities towards the government.
The Tamils, organized in "Det Tamilske Samordningsutvalget
i Norge", already operate a FM-station in Oslo (Radio Tamil
Murasam 105.8 MHz) on a frequency shared with other organisations.
They intend to put their proposed transmitter somewhere
in the Oslo-area, airing programmes aimed at theTamil residents
all over Norway, while the NSIB is working to establish
their facilities somewhere in the southwestern coastal area
of Norway, aiming at a more international audience.
The licence will be issued for 7 years only, and may not
be prolonged should the government at that stage want to
use the frequency for "other purposes", i.e. digital transmissions.
Erfjord, Norway, in MWC list, January 11, 2001

of Biafra on shortwave
of Biafra International heard on 12120 kHz on September
1, 2001, when they had their first transmission 1900-2000.
Time signal and a welcome ID was followed by music, a short
religious message and a very long political speech, all
in English.
Reception was quite good and with no interference. It improved
after 1930, when there was also a very weak telegraphy transmitter
on the frequency.
Postal address to write to? Nothing on their web about the
Fransson, Sweden, hcdx list, September 1, 2001
heard the station announce the following address for
listeners' mail at the end of their first broadcast on September
733 15th Street NW, 3700 Washington DC 20005, USA.
Judging from the Russian interval signals I heard as part
of the same transmission on 12120 kHz just before and after
the Voice of Biafra International programme at UTC 1859
and 1959, the transmitter is most probably located in Russia
or one of the former Soviet republics.
Palo, Portugal (xFinland), hcdx list, September 4, 2001
station's web site, at,
has a feedback form, and an e-mail address of
No postal address stated.
Hauser, USA, via DXLD, September 3, 2001