QSL from Ecclésia
I just received an e-mail QSL from Radio Eccelsia (Angola)
via RN Flevo 15175 kHz.
It took about 2 weeks after I sent them a report by snailmail.
The station v/s is Antonio Jaca.
The e-mail address is:
(Hannu Romppainen, hcdx list, August 3, 2000)
stopped after few days
Radio Ecclésia transmissions via Radio Netherlands have stopped
as of today. Due to technical problems in Angola, which are
beyond the control of Radio Netherlands, the station has been
unable to feed audio to us for the past few days. A previously-supplied
standby programme has been transmitted on shortwave instead.
Since the technical expert who helped to set up the audio
feed is no longer in Angola, the decision has been taken to
suspend the shortwave broadcasts until further notice.
Everyone here at Radio Netherlands is disappointed that the
broadcasts cannot continue.
Radio Ecclésia continues to be audible on the Internet, but
the programme that was being transmitted on shortwave was
specially produced, and is not available to us by any other
means. (Andy Sennitt, Radio Netherlands, July 26, 2000,
via DXLD)
Rádio Ecclésia, Angola, back on SW
Catholic broadcaster Radio Ecclésia is back on shortwave
with the help of Radio Netherlands. The station, which came
back on the air in 1997 after being silenced for many years,
is a thorn in the side of the Angolan government because of
its constant efforts to air uncensored news, and give a voice
to political opposition within Angola.
Ecclésia made its first appearance on 8 December
1954, with a transmitter power of just 50 watts. Daily transmissions
began on 19 March 1955. However, the station was inaudible
in many areas of Luanda. The installation was moved to the
Seminary of Luanda, which greatly improved reception. The
station's location changed again on 15 July 1964.
its 15th anniversary
in 1969, Radio Ecclésia began broadcasting 24 hours
a day. The same year, a new transmitting centre was inaugurated,
with three mediumwave, three shortwave and two FM transmitters.
But six years later, political events forced many of the
Radio Ecclésia staff to flee the country. The new
government nationalised or closed down the radio stations,
and Radio Ecclésia was silent for nearly two decades.
March 1997, exactly 42 years after the beginning of the
regular transmissions, Radio Ecclésia was re-inaugurated
in the presence of the Archbishop of Luanda, the Minister
of Social Communication and other Angolan dignitaries. However,
since then the station and its employees have been subjected
to a great deal of official harassment because of its editorial
January 1999,
the Angolan authorities issued an implicit order for a blackout
of news about the civil war in the country. This order was
communicated via a memo from the Communications Ministry
to the state media, telling them not to mention anything
pertaining to the war. State media promptly responded by
reducing their coverage of the war. The independent media,
however, continued to report the war, and they remained
the only sources of information about what was really going
on. In an editorial in the government-owned daily, Jornal
de Angola, it was suggested that by reporting on the war,
journalists were "facilitating" the efforts of
the enemy (the National Union for the Total Independence
of Angola - UNITA) in its war against the government. Radio
Ecclésia has been forbidden on several occasions
to rebroadcast the African service of the Portuguese Catholic
broadcaster Radio Renascenca, as its reports featured members
of UNITA's leadership.
daring to close
down Radio Ecclésia, the authorities have resorted
to carrying out a campaign of threats and harassment against
its personnel. On June 24, 2000, four armed men kidnapped
the station's chief-editor, Jose Paulo. Paulo was snatched
in Luanda city centre in the evening and driven out of the
city limits. The kidnappers' car, however, got stuck in
a bush track enabling Paulo to escape while being shot at.
Ecclésia has consistently aired alternative and often
dissenting views in Angola. In the days leading up to the
attack on Paulo, the radio had aired an interview with vocal
government critic, Rafael Marques. The radio also reported
extensively on the June 21 attack on the Luanda office of
the Voice of America. On the morning of June 24, Radio Ecclésia
aired a live debate on the role of oil and diamonds in fuelling
the conflict in Angola.
station currently
broadcasts in Luanda on 97.5 MHz FM, daily at 0600-2400
local time. Broadcasts can be heard worldwide via the station's
Web site. Since 14 July two hours of programming a day are
also broadcast on shortwave via Radio Netherlands facilities
as follows:
0500-0600 UTC
Madagascar 200 kW
15195 kHz
beam 280 degrees
1900-2000 UTC
Flevo 500 kW
15175 kHz
beam 157 degrees
Radio Ecclésia
(Andy Sennitt, Radio Nederland Webzine, July 17, 2000)