Radio del Pacífico, Lima.
Frequency: 9674.8 kHz.
Heard on June 17, 1997.
Recording by Jay Novello, USA.
Comment: Absolutely ear-busting S9+5 signal today with beautiful
audio. Call-in show mixing health and religion, hosted by
W with M doctor guest. ID in passing 1624. Formal ID with
frequencies 1628 followed by ad string. Had to tune to high
side 1627 to avoid RAI bird. No other SAm signals approaching
this quality audible on band; R Nac Paraguay only at het
level, no sign of R Victoria or R La Plata.
RealAudio format.
(1:16 minutes, 145 K)
del Pacífico, Lima.
Frequency: 9674.8 kHz.
Heard on June 9, 1997.
Recording by Jay Novello, USA.
Comment: Spanish-speaking woman annoucer talking about a festival
to happen in Lima on the 13th of June, doing phone interview
in conjunction with this, also talking about a blood drive.
Religious talk by woman 1657 male with "Radio del Pacifico
presento El Magazin Social... de onze a uno de la tarde. Gracias
por tu sintonia." Another ID gave ID as "Pacifico Radio".
Signal faded numerous times during listening period from undetectable
to S9+10, although most reception was just above the noise
RealAudio format.
(1:12 minutes, 134 K) |