Latin American DXing
4, Updated April 1995
The topic
of listening to Latin America has probably occupied more space
in shortwave listening and DX bulletins over the years than any
other topic. We hope this pamphlet is a little different. It has
been written from a different viewpoint, the broadcaster's angle,
based on conversations with managers of shortwave stations in
the region. It is primarily designed for shortwave listeners who
have gained some experience on the major international broadcasting
bands (i.e. the 49 and 31 metre bands) and wish to look a little
further. Adresses are given at the end of this pamphlet advising
on where to look further for background reading. Further suggestions
and comments from listeners are always welcome.
Though some texts lead the beginner SWL straight into the topic
of listening to Latin America, the results can often be less than
rewarding. In practice, most shortwave listeners start their listening
on the international SW broadcast bands and pick up stations such
as Radio Australia, Radio Sweden, Voice of America, British Broadcasting
Corporation, and we hope, Radio Netherlands
these, and many more, are international broadcasters. They make
programmes in foreign languages other than their mother tongue,
and the whole output is made with the overseas target area in
mind. Most welcome reception reports, and many SWLs start to correspond
with stations by first sending in a reception report. Over the
years the emphasis on the reception report has changed (not necessarily
diminished) and we have tried to define what many international
broadcasters are looking for now in the pamphlet "WRITING USEFUL
RECEPTION REPORTS". This is available free of charge, and even
if you have been DXing or SWLing for some time, there may be some
useful hints in the publication.
the majority of shortwave listeners, the international broadcasting
stations are enough. But, if you have a little patience, and quite
a lot of time, it is possible to find another category of stations
on the bands, i.e. the SW domestic broadcaster.
Domestic Broadcasters
Stations lying between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of
Capricorn are assigned three different "tropical" shortwave bands
by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) in Geneva.
These are the 120 metre band which lies between 2300-2498 kHz,
the 90 metre band between 3200-3400 kHz, and the 60 metre band
4750-5060 kHz (the frequency of 5000 kHz is not included since
this is allocated to other users, including time signal stations).
It is this latter frequency range that is probably the best to
explore first for the newcomer.
Though there are some countries outside the tropics which use
the tropical band of 60 metres (e.g. USSR) most of the signals
you will hear are from tropical broadcasters using this frequency
range for domestic broadcasting.
This applies to stations in Latin America, though the reason
for using the shortwave seems to be changing now in many of these
countries. Because thunderstorms are very frequent in the tropics,
medium wave reception can be very difficult when signal strength
is low.
so many stations started broadcasting their programmes on the
60 metre band to reduce this problem (interference is usually
less severe). A wider audience can be covered with the same transmitter.
This reason now seems to be changing as more and more stations,
particularly in the larger cities, use medium wave with stronger
transmitters and even FM (VHF) in some areas. Shortwave outlets
have, therefore, been discontinued by some major stations, or
merely retained as an extra outlet.
others, the main reason for keeping the outlet open is to keep
in touch with listeners as they move further afield during parts
of the year because of their work. In rural areas, especially
mountainous regions, 60 metre band broadcasting has retained its
We do not intend to cover the art and practice of listening to
the tropical bands in very great detail. To gain experience, tune
this part of the dial as often as possible and also follow the
loggings in most of the better DX clubs. The World Radio Television
Handbook is also an excellent reference source, both in suggesting
when, and on what frequency, you should look. It may help to identify
DX catches.
since other regions outside the tropics use this frequency range
for utility broadcasting, a first impression may be misleading.
Many beginners are disappointed to find the band full of morse
and telex signals on a particular evening. However, checking the
same frequency range 24 hours later may reveal a number of strong
broadcasting signals from Latin America.
Getting in Touch
Many listeners make the fundamental mistake of confusing the stations
they hear on the international bands and those in Latin America.
The latter are not generally interested in receiving correspondence
from abroad, and if they receive many dozens of requests for "QSL"
cards, the reports are usually simply thrown away. The SINPO code
(see "Writing Useful Reception Reports") means nothing to most
Latin American broadcasters, nor are reports in any other language
apart from the country's mother tongue of any value.
Reply Coupons are available at larger post offices in many parts
of the world. In theory, someone in another country can exchange
it for postage stamps to the value of SEAMAIL postage. In practice,
especially in South America, IRCs are often not recognised for
what they are. In some parts they may be invalid altogether. These
factors mean that there is not much point sending the same standard
reception report form you might use for large international broadcasters,
to these 60 metre band stations. Instead, the approach should
be in the form of a personal letter. Outright demands for a QSL
card are seldom acknowledged and stations that receive many of
these type of letters often stop QSLing altogether. Spanish reports
can be used to the majority of stations, though Portugese must
be used to write to Brazilians. Simply asking for "verificacao'
(Portugese) or "verificacion" (Spanish) often brings a very vague
reply which does not list the details contained in your report.
To help
you, we have compiled a sample translation. This should not
be regarded as the last word in Latin American reception report
writing because, obviously, if you speak either of the two languages
you will be able to inject your own personality into the letter.
However, for those who do not have sufficient command of the grammar,
the letter opposite is the next best thing. Each numbered sentence
in the English text, corresponds with the same number in the Spanish
and Portuguese text.
Dear Sir,
1. I am very interested in following events and the general
way of life in Latin America.
2. You may know that radio and TV stations in this part of
the world do not concentrate on news items from (Latin America
or name of country) very often and only a limited range of records
featuring folk music from your country can be obtained here.
For this reason, I listen to the tropical bands on my shortwave
receiver, to follow developments directly and to enjoy the unique
style of music.
I was recently fortunate to tune in to Radio..............and
although I realise that your programmes are not intended for an
international audience, I hope nevertheless that you may be interested
in knowing that your programmes can be heard many thousands of
kilometres away.
To give you an example I have made a note of the details of a
recent broadcast.
On (date) at..... (name of country, then local time) I tuned into
a programme from Radio.......broadcast on ...kHz, in the 60/90/120
metre tropical SW band.
At ...(time) you played a commercial for....
I noticed a news broadcast at .....
You announced the name of the station at.... with the following
words "....."
I recognised a piece of music with the title of .... played at....
Your station closed down with the national anthem at.....
Your station signed on at .... local time.
There was a break in transmission between .....and .....
The signal quality was very good/good/fair and I was able to enjoy
what was said in the programme. I also found the music you played
to be enjoyable.
The signal quality as received here in (Hilversum) was naturally
rather weak, but nevertheless I was able to follow some of what
you said.
There was slight/heavy interference from Radio Station....broadcasting
from..... on the frequency of ....kHz.
My receiver is a.....made in Japan/Germany/USA by the
The antenna is a (long wire) dipole/medium wave loop) and is....metres
long, and ....metres above the ground.
Because your signal varies in strength during different times
of the year, it is not always good. But I hope to find the time
to listen again, mainly because you provide me with a unique source
of music and information.
I should be very grateful if you could confirm in writing that
I received Radio .... judging from the details I have enclosed.
I would also appreciate a station pennant if you have one please,
and more details about the programmes you broadcast.
I am enclosing a few mint stamps from your country which I hope
will help towards your postage costs.
am enclosing $... which I hope will help towards your postage
I am also enclosing a few postcards/stamps from this part of the
world which may be of interest, to give you an idea of the countryside
around here..
(Name of your town) lies about ....kms (north/south/east/west
of (name of major city or capital).
Thank you for your help and I look forward to hearing from you
Yours sincerely,
Follow up report
Repeat sentences 1-4 then.....
On the ....(date of dispatch of reception report) I sent you details
of how well you are received at this location. However, since
it is now some while ago since I sent the report I presume my
letter has been lost in the post. Therefore I enclose the details
of reception on that day.
Select further numbers as appropiate.
Thank you letter
Dear Sir,
Just a short
note to say thank you for your letter (and pennant) which arrived
safely a few days ago. I was delighted to receive confirmation
of reception from your station and I hope that your signal will
remain audible in this part of the world so I can follow events
in your country.
you for your interest,
Best wishes,
Spanish Translation
Ante todo quisiera saludarles e indicarles que soy una persona
muy interesada por todos aquellos evento y por las costumbres
de vida en general en América Latina.
Como comprederán Ustedes, en esta parte del mundo las estaciones
de radio y television no dedican tanta atención a las noticias
sobre (Lat.Am. or name of country) y además solamente podemos
obtener discos de música Folclórica de su país
por medio de su emisora.
Por ese motivo mediante mi receptor de onda corta escucho las
bandas tropicales para seguir los diversos desarrollos en directo
y para divertirme con el estilo de música, que es único.
Recientemente tuve la suerte de sintonizar a la Radio ...., pero
como soy consciente de que sus programas no son destinados a una
audiencia internacional, espero que de todas formas Ustedes se
interesen en saber que sus programas son escuchados a mucho kilómetros
de distancia de su país.
Seguidamente les indico algunos detalles de la reciente transmisión
El día ....(date), a las .......(local time) horas, sintonicé
su programación de Radio ....en los .....kHz en los 60/90/120
metros de la banda tropical de la onda corta.
A las ....(time) horas, Ustedes ofrecían un anuncio comercial
Escuché una emisión de noticias a las ....(time)
Ustedes anunciaron el nombre de la emisora a las...(time) horas
con las siguientes palabras "......"
Recuerdo además un trozo de música titulada ".....",
tocada a las (time) horas.
Su emisora cerró con el himno nacional a las ....(time).
Su emisora comenzó la emision a las.....(local time) hora
Noté una interrupción entre las....(time) hasta
las....(time) horas.
La calidad de señal fue excelente/buena/regular. Estuvé
muy atento a su estupenda programación y también
de la música tocada por Ustedes.
La calidad de señal recibida aquí en...... (Hilversum)
fue naturalmente bastante débil, pero no obstante pude
compreder algo de lo que Ustedes dijeron.
Había una interferencía suave/muy fuerte de la emisora
Radio ....., que transmitía desde las.... horas en la frecuencia
de los ....kHz.
Mi receptor es de fabrición japonesa/alemana/estadounidense.
Tiene un circuito de acuerdo con el "principio superheterodino"
y tiene....(nr.) transistores.
La antena es (long wire) un dipolo/ una antena "loop" de onda
media y tiene una longitud de ....metros y a una altura de ...metros.
Debido a que su señal varía de intesidad durante
las diferentes estaciones del año, no siempre me es posible
sintonizar sus programas.
embargo, cuando las condiciones sean propicias, espero tener tiempo
para volverles a escuchar nuevamente, ya que me intereso por las
informaciones y por la música de su país, que dificilmente
podemos encontrar aquí.
Les agradecería enormenente si Ustedes me constestaran
en una carta en la cual se escribiera que yo he captado a Radio....
por medio de los detalles que les he incluído.
También les quedaría muy agradecido me remitieran
un banderín de la emisora o algún recuerdo y detalles
sobre los programas que Ustedes transmiten. Les incluyo una moneda/estampilla
de su país para que les sirva de ayuda en el envio postal.
Les incluyo $.... que espero les ayude para el envio postal.
También les incluyo algunas postales/estampillas de esta
parte del mundo, para darles una idea del lugar de donde les escribo.
(Name of your town).... esta ubicada aproximadamente a unos ....
kilometros al norte/sur/este/oeste de ....(name of major city
or capital).
24. Agradeciéndoles
de antemano su ayuda y esperando prontamente con gran interes
su contestación.
25. Me despido
muy atentamente,
Follow-up report
a) Repeat
sentences 1-4 then......
b) El día
..... (date) les envíe a Ustedes detalles de como son escuchados
sus programas en esta localidad. Ya ha pasado algún tiempo
y aún no he recibido contestación alguna, por lo
que imagino que la carta se habrá extraviado. Por eso les
envio nuevamente los detalles de ese día.
c) Select
further numbers as appropriate.
Thank you letter
Por la presente
me es muy grato saludarles y comunicarles que he recibido en buena
forma, hace unos días, su atenta carta (y el banderín)
que tan gentilmente me remitieron. Estoy muy contento de recibir
por su parte la confirmación de recepción de su
emisora y espero que su señal continue siendo audible para
así poder seguir los acontecimientos en su país.
nuevamente la atención dispensada, reciban los más
cordiales saludos,
Muy atentamente,
Brazilian Portuguese
Interesso-me bastante pelo que ocorre e pelos costumes e a vida
em geral na America Latina.
Como os senhores podem compreender, as estacoes de radio e televisao
nesta parte do mundo nao dedicam muita atencao as noticias da
(Lat. America or name of country). Alem disso sao poucos os discos
de musica folclorica do seu pais que podemos obter aqui.
Porisso sintonizo as bandas tropicais no meu aparelho de ondas
curtas para acompanhar diretamente a evolucao dos acontecimentos
e para ouvir um estilo de musica que aprecio.
Recentemente tive a sorte de sintonizar a Radio ..... e muito
embora eu compreenda que os seus programas nao sao dirigidos a
um publico internacional, creio, no entanto, que os senhores certamente
terao interesse em saber que as suas transmissoes podem ser ouvidas
a milhares de quilometros de distancia.
Para lhes dar um exemplo, eu anotei os detalhes de uma transmissao
No dia (date) as ..... (local time), (name of country or location)
eu sintonizei um programa da Radio ..... transmitido em .....
kHz, na faixa de 60/90/120 metros da banda tropical em Ondas Curtas.
As ..... (time) os senhores rodaram um anuncio comercial para
Escutei um noticiaro as .....
O nome da estacao foi anunciado as ..... (time) com as sequintes
palavras "..........."
Reconheci um trecho de uma musica com o titulo .... tocada as
..... (time).
Sua transmissao foi encerrada com o hino nacional as ..... (time).
Sua estacao iniciou a transmissao as ..... (local time) hora local.
Houve uma interrupcao na transmissao entre ..... e .....(time).
A qualidade do sinal era muito boa/boa/razoavel e gostei da programacao.
Gostei tambem da musica tocada, bastante agradavel alias
A qualidade do sinal recebido aqui em (Hilversum) era naturalmente
fraca, mesmo assim consequi acompanhar algo do programa.
Havia uma interferencia fraca/forte da Radio ..... transmitindo
de frequencia de ..... kHz.
Meu receptor e um ..... de fabricacao japonesa/alema/americana,
marca .....Possui um circuito de acordo com o "principio heterodino"
e tem ......(number of transistors in your radio) de transistores.
A antena e uma (long wire) dipolo/antena "loop" de onda media
e tem ..... metros de extensao e uma altura de ......metros.
Como o sinal da sua transmissao varia de intensidade durante diversos
periodos do ano, nem sempre e possivel sintoniza-lo o que e uma
pena, principalmente porque asua emissora oferece excelente musica
e boas informacoes.
Ficarei bastante grato se puderem confirmar por escrito que sintonizei
a Radio ..... de acordo com os detalhes em anexo.
Gostaria de receber tambem uma flamula, se houver, e mairoes detalhes
sobre a sua programacao.
anexando alguns selos novos do seu pais como contribuicao para
as despesas postais. Estou anexando $ para ajudar a cobrir as
despesas com o porte.
Estou incluindo tambem alguns postais/selos desta parte do mundo
que poderao lhes interessar e para lhes dar uma ideia do panorama
por aqui ....
(Name of your town) fica localizada a uns ..... kms ao norte/sul/leste/oeste
de (name of major city or capital).
Anticipadamente grato pela sua ajuda e aguardo sua resposta para
Follow-up report
Repeat sentences 1-4 then ....
No dia ..... (date of dispatch of reception report) enviel-lhes
os detalhes
sobre a qualidade de recepcao nesta parte do mundo. Como ja faz
algum tempo e nao obtive resposta, acredito que a minha carta
deve ter-se extraviada. Por isso incluo os detalhes da recepcao
naquele dia.
Select further numbers as appropriate.
Thank you letter
senhores :
agradecer a sua carta (e flamula) que recebi ha alguns dias. Fiquei
satisfeito ao receber a confirmacao do meu relatorio da sua estacao.
Faco votos que o sinal da sua emissora continue audivel nesta
parte do mundo para que eu possa continuar acompanhando os acontecimentos
em seu pais.
pelo seu interesse,
A good Spanish-English
and/or Portugese-English dictionary is always an asset, but be
careful about translating from English into either of those languages.
The accents on top or below the letters are important. Don't forget
them. Better to take an elementary course in the language if you
are really interested in finding out more about the culture of
Latin America.
are some excellent reference books on the subject. Further suggestions
are given in our "Booklist" which is kept up-to-date and a copy
is available free of charge for the asking.
The following
references are worth a separate mention:
"The South American Handbook"
Not a DX or SWL publication but an excellent reference source
from anyone listening on shortwave. Annual publication enabling
you to gain an insight into the part of the world you are listening
to -recommended for both the SW and active DXer.
Compiled with the aid of numerous correspondents in the field,
as opposed to a one-man roving reporter. Annual publication. Many
UK bookshops stock it. In case of difficulty contact publishers
; Trade and Travel Publications, The Mendip Press, Parsonage Lane,
Bath BA1 1EN, England.
Join a
DX club, many of which carry a regular section on Latin American
DXing. The Danish SW Clubs International in Greve Strand, Denmark
publish an annual Tropical Bands Survey, which is excellent.
A Japanese club entitled "Radio Nuevo Mundo" also compile an excellent
handbook to Latin American DXing.
The annual World Radio TV Handbook carries a current list
of DX clubs, as does the European DX Council and the Association
of North American Radio Clubs.
Our "BOOKLIST" provides all the current publication details, as
they change quite often. The "Booklist" is updated more frequently
than this pamphlet.

This edition
compiled by Jonathan Marks. Any feedback, in the form of suggestions
for further reading or items you think could be included to make
the "LA Guide" more complete are always welcome. Please write
to: Media Network, English Department, Radio Netherlands, P.O.
Box 222, 1200 JG Hilversum The Netherlands. Publications wishing
to reprint or translate this article should contact the above
address for permission.
Radio Nederland Wereldomroep April 1995. Published with permission.