Re: Identification question
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Re: Identification question

This message is sent by Al Quaglieri <alcue@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
to hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:

On Wed, 20 Sep 1995, Robert M. Bratcher Jr. wrote:

> I hear a lot of non-english (mostly spanish) stations on 60 and sometimes 90
> meters. Other than knowing the frequency off the dial how do I identify
> these stations? Do they ever answer english signal reports or do I have to
> get a book and somehow write in thier language? How do you Dxers identify
> and QSL stations not speaking a language you understand?

Experienced DX'ers have picked up enough Spanish, French, Portuguese, and 
even Indonesian to discern ID's and other program elements.

Few stations will answer reception reports written in anything but their 
native tongue. As a matter of fact, few tropical band stations have 
decent track records when it comes to QSL'ing at all. They're usually 
tiny and understaffed, and either don't understand what a QSL is or can't 
be bothered or never got your report at all due to horrid local postal 
delivery or all three.

If you listen to 60 and 90 meter bands with any frequency (pardon the 
pun), you'll eventually develop a mental "road map" of what stations 
regularly appear where and when. With that ability, it becomes easier to 
spot new, wandering, or previously-unheard stations.
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