Re: [HCDX]: Glenn Hauser's SW/DX Report April 2
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Re: [HCDX]: Glenn Hauser's SW/DX Report April 2
Don Moore wrote:
>>I highly recommend the Lonely Planet series, myself. Their Ecuador
>>Travel Surivial Kit had much more information than the SAH's
>>Ecuadorian section ...
and Hermod replied:
>Again an excellent recommendation. Their country books are
>fascinating. I wish I had one of those when being in Bolivia. Now I
>read it and travel in my armchair or while tuning in Radio Movima,
>Ecos Borja, Santa Ana, Paititi, you name it, the Lonely Planet shows
>you while the radio signals brings it.
Also excellent, especially at new "reasonable" is the Britannica CD-ROM
[latest version]. It's vey well done and is available for less than $90
[US]. Can't wait till they put Lonely Planet guides on CD-ROM.
Tom Roach
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