[HCDX]: Pirate Pages (PiPa) #215
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[HCDX]: Pirate Pages (PiPa) #215

Howdy all & welcome to PiPa#215! (This is just the cover sheet, PiPa #215
should either be an attached file to this or should follow right after my
own greetings & name). 

A MIDWEST SWL GET-TOGETHER?: Tom Sevart passes along word that a few
midwesterners are thinking of organizing a sort of SWL/pirate get-together
somewhere in the midwest, possible Wichita, Kansas City, Tulsa, Lincoln NE
or Omaha NE. Or this event could be a SWL/pirate ?DXpedition? at a lake
somewhere in the midwest. Anybody who is interested, or has suggestions, is
requested to provide their input as to what type of event they?d like to
attend to Tom via e-mail. Tom?s e-mail address is: tmsevart@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Also, I've heard one of the organizers of this event call it an "all-band"
event--listeners, shortwave pirates, and FM pirates are all invited.

The Summer issue of Hobby Broadcasting should be out in about a month. This
issue should wind up on your news stands because of our new North American
distributor. Expect 40 pages, including Ian O'Sphere's feature on the
current low-power proposals before the FCC, an interview with the Voice of
the Voyager, a look at the Tax Day revolt, news, music reviews, classifieds
& more. We'll be at the Dayton Hamvention & possibly the Rochester (NY)
hamfest in May. Look for us there! For a sample of HB, send $3 in the US ($4
outside) to: Hobby Broadcasting, PO Box 642, Mont Alto, PA 17237

Clandestine Radio Watch (CRW) is a biweekly report which centralizes
the latest news and developments affecting the study of clandestine
radio in an easy-to-read format. Editions are published around 2000
UTC Thursdays through e-mail and are posted on the two web pages given
below within 24 hours.
Nick Grace C.	: yb0rmi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Martin Schoech	: schoech@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
CRW can also be accessed on-line at:
and soon to be mirrored on the Clandestine Radio Intel web:
<--Unfortunately, I don't have enough space to send everyone a copy of the
first issue. However, this is a must-subscribe for anyone interested in
clandestine radio! Send Nick or Martin an e-mail if you want to be on their
e-mail list.  

PiPa #215   POB 840             4/26/98
      Mont Alto, PA 17237

Dline for #216: Send logs out no later than 4/27

PiPa #215 contains logs from FRW #117/118 + some more

?Ye Olde Columniste?, John T. Arthur informs us that the new award
certificates have arrived from the printers and they?ll real nice looking.
So, those of you who belong to the club might want to contact JTA about
applying for some of these.

The P.O.Box number from radio east coast holland is NOT any longer active(
po.box 536 ). I use now for the coming months the po.box number 663 postcode
7900ar in Hoogeveen. This po.box number is also for the V.O.T.N. and a new
station Alfa Lima International. So please tell everybody that you now for
sending the letters to me,use the new po.box number 663 for the post radio
east coast holland.

6955U 4-4 *1337-1347* Briefly on with rock music while waiting in Chicago
for his truck to get loaded. (454 Crawford-KY) 
6955U 4-4 2200-2205 Testing a new headset; Radio Duck (SIO = 252) responded
(353 Silvi-OH) 
6955U 4-5 0542+ Playing music from Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs. (fr
6955U 4-5 1803-1808+ ?babbling on and on show? with Peter Worth reading
funny news items. (242 Filipkowski-RI)(Greenall-ON) 
6955U 4-5 *1952-1954* Test broadcast with music from Snow White & The Seven
Dwarfs (242Zeller OH)

6955U 4-4 0201+ Usual squealing noises and ?Dueling Banjos?. (434 Jurrens-TX) 
6955U 4-5 0310-0339 Pig squealing noises and ?Dueling Banjos?; QRMing Voice
of Anarchy. (McArdle-OK)(pr Wolfish-ON)(gd Russell-MI)(222 Majewski-CT)(333
Frodge-MI)(333 Silvi-OH) 
6955U 04-10 0143-0207* ?Dueling Banjos?, ?One Day Over a Rainbow?. [352
6955U 04-11 0130-0211* Same as above, squealing pigs. [gd Neal-TX] [423
Ruger-CA][fair Russell-MI][241 Crawford-KY] [343 Pimblett-AB][242
Silvi-OH][242 Silvi-OH] 
6955U 04-12 0030-0052 More of the same from The Inbred Banjo Boy. [343
Haston-SC][232 Filipkowski-RI][343 Prindle-NY][222 Frodge-MI][232
Silvi-OH](254 Hassig,IL)

6955U 4-4 0505-0545 Major Spook w/show talking about John Arthur being a
Burger King employee; mx by Pearl Jam & Alice In Chains. (545 Jurrens-TX) 
6955U 4-4 2255-2340 Repeat of show. (222 Pasquale-PA)(McArdle-OK)(433
Coatsworth- ON)(344 McClintock-MN)(322 Majewski-CT)(353 Silvi-OH)(454+
Zeller-OH)(544 Jurrens- TX)(554 Crawford-KY) 
6955U 4-5 *0100-0145* Repeat of same program. (McArdle-OK)(333
Frodge-MI)(323 Majewski-CT)(342 Comeau-MA)(343 Haston-SC) 
6955U 4-5 0403-0445* Another repeat of same program. (fr-gd Axelrod-MB)(333
Majewski-CT)(vgd Jurrens-TX)(444 Haston-SC) 
6954 U 4-8 0420-0430 Tuesday late night repeat of same program. (fair Finn-PA)
6955U 04-10 0302-0323* Talk about hot peppers and setting one?s toilet on
fire. [Majewski-CT] 
6955U 04-11 0345-0418 Talk about Area 51, skit about JTA committing suicide.
[342 Ruger-CA][fair Axelrod-MB] [343 Pimblett-AB](Strong! Roberts,TX)
6955U 04-12 0302-0307* Repeat. [333 Haston-SC][353 Kusalik-AB][good Axelrod-MB]

K-2000 Stoneham 
6955U 4-4 0047-0142 R.F. Burns singing ?Pirates Paradise?; elaborate
parodies of various A*C*E* editors; ?George Zeller? hosting ?America?s
Greatest Pirate Busts?. (McArdle-OK)(312 Jurrens-TX) 
6955U 4-5 *1346-1426* Repeat of earlier show (444 Arthur-NY)(pr
Wolfish-ON)(455 Filipkowski-RI)(454 Majewski-CT) 
6955U 4-5 *2208-2307* ?The Fine Is Right? and other parodies (343 Zeller-OH)
(343 Kuhl-GERMANY)(good Wolfish-ON)(252 Silvi-OH)(333 Haston-SC)

KBLK Providence 
6955U 4-9 2310-2324* Fake phone calls and rap music by Dr. Dre. (344
Arthur-NY)(254 Hassig,IL)
6959.8 4-10 0142-0221* ?The Shortwave Voice of Black Oppression? adding a
little color to pirate radio, rap music by Dr. Dre, making fun of the A*C*E*
& and all those abbreviations; took phone calls from people claiming to be
John Arthur, Major Spook, Desperado, and Niel Wolfish...all were cut down
sharply. (Coatsworth-ON)(342 Crawford-KY)(S9-+30 McArdle-OK)(good
Finn-PA)(444 McClintock-MN)(actually a somewhat funny mix in its own way!
253 Silvi-OH)(low mod 353 Hassig,IL)
6950U 04-12 *0122-0202* ?SW Voice Of Black Oppression?. Rap mx, parody
calls.[454 Haston-SC][455 Filipkowski-RI]

KNBS Belfast 
6955U 4-10 2109-2149* ?Champagne Supernova? by Oasis; Fruit of The Loom
Newsbriefs; stuff from Rock `n Rap Confidential. (555 Arthur-NY)(353
Silvi-OH)[444 Hunsicker-PA] 
6955U 04-11 1710-1900 Repeat of above. [Hunsicker-PA][343 Prindle-NY] [252

LET?S KILL JTA RADIO no maildrop; Please QSL! 
6955U 4-5 *2347-0007* Repeat of old show with Paul Escobar threatening to
kill John T. Arthur and mx by The Go-Gos and Eric Clapton (good
Wolfish-ON)(Russell-MI)(343 Kuhl- GERMANY)(343 Kusalik-AB)(534
Majewski-CT)(funny 444 Myers,VA)

6955U 4-5 0243-0316* Synth music. (poor Russell-MI)(gd Jurrens-TX)(McArdle-OK)
6955U 4-5 0505-0538 Elevator mx for 2010. (fair Jurrens-TX) 
6955U 04-10 2328-0000* Instrum. mx, OM/YL w/IDs. [333 Hunsicker-PA] [453
Crawford-KY][252 Silvi-OH] 
6955U 04-12 0218-0250 ?Elevator music for the year 2010 and beyond show?.
?If you don?t like it, push the button? [444 Haston-SC][344 Kusalik-AB][444
Pimblett-AB][454 Silvi-OH](Roberts,TX)

6955U 04-12 *2021-2043* Joe w/talk about anorexia, bulemia, substance abuse,
breast cancer. [344 Filipkowski-RI][good Majewski-CT](132 Hassig,IL)

RADIO 510-Basel [North American Relay] 
6955U 04-11 0225-0310 Excerpts for relays, Titanic Theme mx. [fair
Russell-MI][443 Crawford-KY][444 Pimblett-AB](Hunsicker,PA)(Gd Roberts,TX)

RADIO ATLANTICA no maildrop; Please QSL! 
6955U 4-5 1721-1730* Dr. Fishead playing classical music and ?celebrating El
Nino?. (232 Filipkowski-RI)(fr Wolfish-ON)

6955U 4-4 *2139-2201* Bucky The Beaver with a ?G-Rated? program; talk about
lack of exposure for Canadian artists in the USA. (S5 McArdle-OK)(343
Coatsworth-ON)(353 Silvi-OH)(343 Zeller-OH)(452 Crawford-KY) 
6955U 04-17 2159- ID, drop info; several songs played. [Silvi-OH]

6954.8 4-4 *2214-2248* Falsetto-voiced announcer playing sped-up version of
?Hotel California? and other Eagles songs and talking about his favorite
pirates: WARR, Take It Easy Radio, WRYT, or any station that plays TV themes
etc. (333 Pasquale-PA)(Greenall-ON)(good Wolfish-ON)(good Russell-MI)(444
Coatsworth-ON)(423 Majewski-CT)(455 Silvi-OH)(454 Zeller-OH)(453
Crawford-KY)(434 Gd Myers,VA)(143 Hassig,IL)

6963.8 4-5 1721-1758* Dr. Tornado broadcasting despite the fact he was sick.
(555 Zeller-OH) 
6955 4-5 1838-1910* Mailbag program; rock music by Queen. (good
Greenall-ON)(555 Zeller-OH)(good Russell-MI)(555 Majewski-CT) 
6955 4/8 2242-2248* Metal & ?Super power? Id (555 AY,PA)
6955 04-10 1852-1900 Dr. T, Trapper and The Sandman w/inane, vulgar and
useless banter.[454 Lobdell] [555 Hunsicker-PA] 
6955.3 04-11 *1844-1930 Dr. T, The Sandman and The Traveller w/talk. [333
Haston-SC][555 Filipkowski-RI][Prindle-NY] [454 Silvi-OH](AY,PA)
6955U 04-11 *2210-2300* Rock mx by Filter; talk about the stock market. [344
Filipkowski-RI][344 McClintock-MN][253 Silvi-OH](254 Hassig,IL)(333 AY,PA)
6955U 04-12 0321-0407 Special show for West Coast. [Haston-SC] [454
Kusalik-AB][poor Axelrod-MB][433 Crawford-KY]
6955 04-12 1139-1315 Mx w/Dr. T, Sandman & Traveller. Ments of Easter. [333
Prindle-NY][252 Silvi-OH](Dr. T & co. should clean up their act! 154 Hassig,IL)
6954.5v 04-12 1945-2017 TV themes, rock mx, inane banter. [good
Wolfish-ON][Majewski-CT](133 Hassig,IL)
6955U 04-13 0233-0325 Casual transmission. [444 Ruger-CA][McClintock] 
6955U 04-15 *2320-2324 Testing w/mx by Filter, then into QSO. [222
Haston-SC][222 Frodge-MI](312 AY,PA)

RADIO NONSENSE?Belfast and radiononsense@xxxxxxxxx 
6955U 4-4 0326-0350* (333 Coatsworth-ON)(252 Silvi-OH) 
6955U 4-5 *0156-0241* Joe Mamma w/rock mx & fake ads for Aussie table wines
& Philly Police Dept (S8 McArdle-OK)(gd Russell-MI)(222 Majewski-CT)(454
Comeau-MA)(323 Haston-SC)(254 Hassig,IL)
6955U 04-14 *0029-0115* Harry Block and reasons to do your taxes. Song ?Take
The $$ and Run?. [342 Crawford-KY] [253 Frodge-MI] 
6955U 04-15 0033-0042 Repeat of Tax Time show. [353 Frodge-MI] 
6955U 04-16 0225-0256* AD for Vibra shorts, Lost TV lyrics, Fedup Express.
[352 Crawford-KY][454 McClintock-MN]

RADIO SPARX-Basel [North American Relay] 
6955U 4-5 2121-2154* Music by Simple Minds; DJ Stevie read listeners
letters; gave website as www.radio510.org. (344 Arthur-NY)(fair
Greenall-ON)(352 Silvi-OH) 

6955U 4-5 1705+ Sal Ammoniac playing Barney songs plus stuff by The Bee Gees
and The Culture Club (fr Wolfish-ON) 
6955U 4-5 *2316-2346* Sal Ammoniac playing ?4 Leaf Clover?,
?B-I-N-G-O?,etc.; drifting VFO made listening a chore! (343 Kuhl-GERMANY)(fr
Wolfish-ON)(Russell-MI)(353 Silvi-OH)(242 Zeller-OH)(343 Haston-SC)(444 AY,PA)

RADIO TITANIC INTERNATIONAL-Wuppertal,Ytterby [North American Relay] 
6955U 04-11 2324-0025 Special show about the movie The Titanic. [243
Haston-SC][433 Filipkowski-RI][232 Brandt-GER] [322 Frodge-MI][252
Silvi-OH](253 Hassig,IL)
6955U 04-12 0109-0112* Repeat of The earlier show. [343 Haston-SC][242
Filipkowski-RI][444 Kusalik-AB][232 Brandt-GER] [Prindle-NY][444
Pimblett-AB][252 Silvi-OH](Roberts,TX)(253 Hassig,IL)

SOUTHERN MX RADIO-Belfast [North American Relay] 
6955U 04-11 0238- Host Mr. Raga. [fair Russell-MI][232 Silvi-OH]

6955U 4-4 *1756-1818* Programming was eight repeats of this song from ?Mary
Poppins?. An OM gave ID?s at 1758, 1813, and at QRT, saying that for a QSL,
reports should be posted To the ACE web site (252 Silvi-OH)(242
+Zeller-OH)(444 Foehner-NY) 
6955U 4-5 0057-0101 Same as before. (252 Silvi-OH)

VOICE OF ANARCHY Blue Ridge Summit 
6955 4-5 0246-0320* Frank Zappa mx; QRM from Free Hope Experience(S8- +30
McArdle- OK)(423 Haston-SC)(434 Majewski-CT)(333 Silvi-0H)(322 Comeau-MA)

VOICE OF HELL Does not have a QSL address ? Please QSL! 
6955U 4-5 *0345-0420* Repeat of program with backwards ?Stairway to Heaven?,
with hidden messages about Barney and Bill Gates. (gd Russell-MI)(252
Silvi-OH)(Wolfish-ON)(fr Axelrod-MB)(333 Haston-SC) 
6955U 04-16 *0301-0337* Satan Lucifer as host; hard rock mx. Tribute to Dr.
Gene Scott. [453 Crawford-KY]

6955U 04-12 0204-0215 MX ?A Girl Like You?, ZZ Top song. Distorted. audio
[242 Haston-SC][232 Filipkowski-RI] [232 Silvi-OH]

6954.5 04-12 1407- Playing ?Because The Night? by Patty Smith. [fair Wolfish-ON]

6955 04-12 *1713-1718 Classic Easter program. [242 Haston-SC] 
6955.8 04-12 *2044-2058* Baby Bunny song, mention of a rodent revolution.
[322 Michaels-OH][Filipkowski-RI] [Majewski-CT]

6955U 04-11 0513- Reville, ID. [poor Russell-MI]

6955 4-6 *0101-0148* Usual dance music. (strong Russell-MI)(gd
Greenall-ON)(454 Crawford-KY)(McArdle-OK)(454 Kusalik-AB)(343
Kuhl-GERMANY)(gd-vg Axelrod-MB)(434 Majewski-CT)(554 Silvi-OH) 
6955.1 4-10 *0052-0138* Usual dance music and taped IDs.(454
Silvi-OH)(McArdle-OK)(Crawford-KY)[fair Russell-MI](fair Roberts,TX)(254
6955 04-11 *0110-0126* Usual techno music. [fair Nauta-MI] 
6955 04-12 *2227-2310* Dance mx and canned IDs.[fair Wolfish-ON]
[Russell-MI][Prindle-NY][good Majewski-CT] [554 Silvi-OH](Hassig,IL)
6955 04-13 0030- Techno, Dance mx; IDs, [poor Axelrod-MB] 
6955U 04-15 *0136-0227 Usual techno mx w/YL singer. Great audio/ modulation.
[544 Comeau-MA](455 AY,PA)
6955U 04-17 *0027-0111* Tech mx, ?This is a journey?. [443 Crawford-KY]

WLIQ/Your Low IQ Station Blue Ridge Summit 
6955L 4-6 0205-0240 mailbag report with hip-hop-rockabilly music, Offbeat
50s rock mx. (vgd Axelrod-MB)(exc sig & gt pgm! Roberts,TX)(154

WPAT e-mail: j_spencer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
6955U 4-6 0240-0344* Mx by Jethro Tull, The Four Freshmen, Red Hot Chili
Peppers, etc; read a commercial for a gun shop in St. Paul (gd
Wolfish-ON)(S+5 to +20 McArdle-OK)(554 Kusalik-AB)(353 Silvi-OH)

6955 4-5 1608-1615+ Ray Stevens music: ?Ahab The Arab?( vpr Russell-MI) 
6954.5 4-5 *1910-1952* Program brought to us by the letter ?M?; mx by The
Tubes.(Greenall-ON)(vpr Russell-MI)(343 Majewski-CT)(343 Zeller-OH)(344

6955U 4-6 *0011-0056* Rock mx and parody spots (gd Russell-MI) (242 Kuhl
GERMANY)(333 Majewski-CT)(353 Silvi-OH)(AY,PA)
6955U 04-11 *2304-0030* PJ Sparx w/special show for Europirate contest. [242
Haston-SC][454 Hunsicker-PA][433 Filipkowski-RI][222 Brandt-GER][Prindle-NY]
[322 Frodge-MI][252 Silvi-OH](254 Hassig,IL)(AY,PA)

6955U 04-12 *2108-2153* Mx ?Come Back Baby?,?We Gonna Rock ?N Roll?. [141
Haston-SC][443 Hunsicker-PA][good Wolfish-ON][333 Filipkowski-RI][333
Prindle-NY] [333 Prindle-NY][Majewski-CT](143 Hassig,IL)(AY,PA)

LASER HOT HITS [Tentative] 6219 04-13 0018-0036 ?Brown Eyed Girl?, OM talk
w/possible Laser jingle. [222 Comeau-MA]

SWRS/SHORTWAVE RELAY SERVICE- 11515 04-12 0726- Relays of other stations, EE
IDs. Faded after 0800 [242 Pimblett-AB]

PIRATES, South America
6950.32L R. Cochiguaz *0057-0200*, 4/11 KIWI relay. ?This is Radio Cochiguaz
from somewhere in S.A.?,then musical pause, after repeated some times. KIWI
w/pgm of NZ pop mx w/IDs as ?This is Kiwi Radio, free radio from New
Zealand? and in SP. Same at 0212-0315 hs [333 Barrera, Argentina]

6979.95L Kiwi Radio via Radio Cochiguaz, *2340+, Apr 10, same programme as
6950.32, ID as ?Esta es Kiwi Radio? ,pop mx. 34343 [Barrera,Argentina]

UNIDENTIFIED LOGGINGS [Please ID and QSL for all of these!] 
6955U 04-02 *0233-0243* Mx bridge ?Living With Arthritis? with host Maggie
interviewing Dr. Cooper, Tylenol AD. [232 Arthur-NY] 
6955U 4-5 1554-1614 Music, and heard ?... not too long I was a ... doing 1
on the table saw....? (252 Silvi- OH) 
6955U 4-5 2100-2112 Radio One ID? Weak in noise. (131 Majewski-CT) 
6955U 4-5 0320 ZZ Top?s ?La Grange? and then off. (McArdle-OK)

6955 f/d QSL sheet (#145) with station info in 3 months; v/s Fred
Flintstone. (Kusalik-AB) QSL card & photo in 40 days for report to Belfast.

6955, f/d St. Andrews Junior High School (QSL) Evaluation Report Card for S.
Hussein in 14 days for 2MS via Merlin; ?Eve of Destruction? in Morse at top
of sheet (Frodge-MI) same for me (Silvi-OH) same in 3 weeks.
(Filipkowski-RI) same in 3 weeks (Majewski-CT) me too (Wolfish-ON) same in
30 days for an A*C*E* webpage posting. (McArdle-OK) same in about 20 days.
(Arthur-NY) same in 3 weeks. (Crawford-KY) F/d ?S. Husein? Iraq Jr. High
report card in 3 weeks for FRW report. [Russell-MI]

RADIO ECLIPSE: 2 different cards for different reports to Providence in 44
and 58 days. (McArdle-OK)

Radio Sparks, QSL card, sticker, letter, info sheet, business card in 29
days. [McArdle-OK]

SHORT WAVE RELAY SERVICE: 11515USB- nice full data card in 20 days. (Arthur-NY)

Voice Of Shortwave Radio, new listener certificate, cartoon, free ticket in
40 days. [McArdle-OK]

WLIS: f/d sheet design #100 for 8th anniversary show for a report to FRW
and/or Pirate Pages. (McClintock-MN) QSL designs #94 and #109 for reports to
Blue Ridge Summit in 23 days. (McArdle-OK) f/d ?Ian forgets headphones at
first DXpedition?, subway transfer ticket. Postmarked in Miami, TX. [Russell-MI]

WMOM, full data card signed by Mom for a log in FRW #103. [Haston-SC] full
data carton on sticker QSL. [Crawford-KY] card in 43 days for FRW log.
[McArdle-OK] full data cartoon card [McClintock-MN]

PLEASE QSL ADDRESSES. If you want your name removed, let us know.
Ken Alexander: Box 71553, Aurora, ONT  L4G 6S9
John T. Arthur: 7994 Rte 19 Belfast, NY 14711
Shawn Axelrod: 30 Becontree Bay, Winnipeg, Manitoba, CANADA, R2N 2X9
Charles Bernth: P.O. Box 236, Eastport, NY  11941
Shawn Axelrod: 30 Becontree Bay, Winnipeg, Manitoba R2N 2X9, Canada
Ian Biggar: 21B Dundonald Road, Troon, Ayrshire KA10 6NP, Scotland
Rainer Brandt: Wiesenweg 6, D-29361, Hoefer, Germany
Mike Brooker: 99 Wychcrest Ave, Toronto, ONT M6G 3X8  Canada
J. Coatsworth: R.R. #3, Merlin, Ontario NOP 1WO, Canada
Ross Comeau: 16 Linwood Street, Andover, MA  01810
Chas. Crawford: 1763 Turnagain Drive, Henderson, KY 42420
Fred Danowski: 95 Meadowbrook Road, Startford, CT 06497
 Paul Demsky: 883 Broadway #2, South Portland, ME  04106
David Ditlow: 3645 Vinton Avenue #3, Los Angeles, CA 90034
Rick Doehner: 2511 Raspberry Lane, Pasadena, TX   77502
Joe Filipkowski: 28 Mill Wheel Road, Warwick, RI 02886
Steve Foehner: 326 River Meadow Drive, Rochester, NY 14623
Michael Folk: 810 Dalewood Villa Hills, KY 41017-1089
Harold Frodge: 5525 Whitehall St., Midland, MI  48642
Dan Greenall: 181 Church Street, Thamesford, ONT  N0N 2M0, Canada
William Hassig: 102 N. Russel St., Mt. Prospect, IL 60056
Matt Haston: 22 Jamestowne Commons, Taylors, SC  29687
Ron Hunsicker: 1238 Cleveland Avenue, Wyomissing, PA 19610-2102
R & T Jurrens: 19107 Winding Trail Lane, Katy, TX  77449
Rob Keeney: 10315 Antioch, Overland Park, KS   66212-4332
Harald Kuhl: P.O. Box 110 605, 35351 Giessen, GERMANY
Edward Kusalik: 2117-10 Street ?A?, Coaldale, Alberta, CANADA  T1M 1B6
Mike Leclerc: 16 Salem Drive, Somers, CT 06071-1903
Chris Lobdell: Box 146, Stoneham, MA   02180
Greg Majewski: 1176 Route 163, Oakdale CT 06370
Scott McArdle: 3500 S. Boulevard, Ste.18C, Edmond,OK 73013
Wm. McClintock: 11481 Blackfoot St NW, Minneapolis, MN 55433
John Mello: 218 Central Avenue, North Scituate, RI  02857
Greg Myers: POB 17186, Richmond, VA 23226
Kevin Nauta: 11252 Ravanna SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49508-2504
Nigel Pimblett: 146 Queen Street, Medicine Hat, Alberta T1A 1B4, Canada
Mike Prindle: P.O. Box 51, New Suffolk, NY 11956-0051
Ed Rausch: 17 Vandeberg Place, Cedar Grove, NJ  07009-1039
Robert Ross: Box 1003, Station B, London, ON   N6A 5K1  Canada
Larry Russell: 420 Warren Avenue, Flushing, MI  48433
Chris Scott: 4051 Clifton Avenue, #3, Cincinnati, OH  45220
Lee Silvi: Box 982, Mentor, OH 44061
Chris Smolinski: 4708 Trail Court, Westminster, MD 21158
Niel Wolfish: 112-2177 Avenue Road, Toronto, Ontario M5M 4B7, Canada
Andrew Yoder: Box 642, Mont Alto, PA 17237
George Zeller: 3492 West 123rd Street, Cleveland, OH  44111

Belfast: Box 1, Belfast, NY 14711
BRS: Box 109, Blue Ridge Summit, PA 17214
Bremen: Box 334, Bremen, IN 46506
Huntsville: Box 11522, Huntsville, AL 35814
Merlin: Box 293, Merlin, Ontario NOP  1W0, Canada
Moline: Box 88, Moline, MI  49335
Omaha: Box 641981, Omaha, NE   68134
Providence: Box 28413, Providence, RI 02908
Sierra Madre: Box 1073, Sierra Madre, CA
Stoneham: Box 146, Stoneham, MA 02180
Ventura: Box 5617, Ventura, CA  93025
Ytterby: c/o SRS News, Ostra Porten 29, S-442 54 Ytterby, Sweden

Shawn Axelrod: Not a bad weekend again.  One new one again and that is
great.  WLIQ and WMPR both in with excellent signals driving the old S meter
past S-9 level which for pirates is rare here.  Happy Easter and or
Passover!  I will take Easter Chocolates over Matzos any day!!

Arthur-NY, Axelrod-AB, Barrera-ARGENTINA, Brandt-GERMANY, Comeau-MA,
Crawford-KY, Dale-MO; Deeley,UK; Filipkowski-RI, Finn-PA, Foehner-NY,
Frodge-MI, Greenall-ON, Hassig,IL; Haston-SC, Hunsicker-PA; Jurrens-TX,
Kuhl-GERMANY, Kusalik-AB, Lobdell-MA, Majewski-CT, McArdle-OK,
McClintock-MN, Michaels-??; Myers,VA; Neal-TX; Pasquale-PA, Pimblett-AB;
Prindle-NY; Roberts,TX; Ruger-CA; Russell-MI, Silvi-OH, Walker,UK;
Wolfish-ON, Zeller-OH & AY,PA

Friday evening April 3/April 4 UTC
0047-0124 6955U K-2000
0326-0350 6955U Radio Nonsense
0505-0545 6955U Free Hope Experience

Saturday morning April 4
1337-1340 6955U Free Hope Experience
1756-1818 6955U Supercalifragilisticexpealidocious
2137-2201 6955U Radio Beaver
2200-2205 6955U Anteater Radio & Radio Duck
2214-2248 6955   Radio Kenny
2255-2335 6955U Free Hope Experience
0057-0101 6955U Supercalifragilisticexpealidocious
0100-0145 6955U Free Hope Experience
0156-0241 6955U Radio Nonsense
0246-0320 6955U Voice of Anarchy
0254-0316 6955U Mystery Radio
0310-0339 6955U Deliverance Radio
0345-0420 6955U Voice of Hell
0403-0445 6955U Free Hope Experience
0505-0538 6955U Mystery Radio
0542-0543 6955U Anteater Radio

Sunday morning April 5
1342-1426 6955U K-2000
1608-1615 6955   WPN
1705 6954.6 U    Radio Three
1721-1758 6963.8 Radio Metallica Worldwide
1721-1730 6955U Radio Atlantica
1803-1808 6955U Anteater Radio
1838-1910 6955   Radio Metallica Worldwide
1910-1951 6954.5 WPN
1952-1954 6955U Anteater Radio
2151-2154 6955U Radio Sparks
2215-2307 6955U K-2000
2316-2346 6955U Radio Three
2347-0007 6955U Let?s Kill JTA Radio
0011-0056 6955U WREC
0101-0149 6955   WMPR
0205-0240 6955 L WLIQ
0240-0344 6955U WPAT

Tuesday evening April 8 UTC
0420-0430 6954 U Free Hope Experience

Thursday evening April 9/April 10 UTC
2230-2250 6955   Radio Metallica Worldwide
2310-2324 6955U KBLK
0052-0138 6955.1 WMPR
0142-0221 6959.8 KBLK

04-10  FRIDAY
0130-      6955.1  WMPR
0143-0207  6955U   Deliverance Radio
0225-0309  6955U   Radio Sparx
0302-0323  6955U   Free Hope Experience
1852-1900  6955    Radio Metallica WW
2103-2149  6955U   KNBS
2328-0000  6955U   Mystery Radio

0110-0126  6955    WMPR
0130-0211  6955U   Deliverance Radio
0225-0310  6955U   Radio 510 [relay]
0238-      6955U   Southern Mx Radio [relay]
0345-0418  6955U   Free Hope Experience
0513-      6955U   WEED
1710-1900  6955U   KNBS
1844-1930  6955.3  Radio Metallica WW
2210-2300  6955U   Radio Metallica WW
2304-0030  6955U   WREC
2324-0025  6955U   Radio Titanic International

0030-0052  6955U   Deliverance Radio
0109-0112  6955U   Radio Titanic International
0122-0202  6950U   KBLK
0204-0215  6955U   Voice Of Free Indiana
0218-0250  6955U   Mystery Radio
0302-0307  6955U   Free Hope Experience
0321-0407  6955U   Radio Metallica WW
0726-0800  11515   Shortwave Relay Service
1141-1208  6955    Radio Metallica WW
1407-      6954.5  Voice Of Juliet
1713-1718  6955    WBNY
1945-2017  6954.5  Radio Metallica WW
2021-2043  6955U   One Voice Radio
2044-2058  6955.8  WBNY
2108-2153  6955U   WUNH
2227-2310  6955    WMPR

04-13  MONDAY
0018-0036  6219    Laser Hot Hits [TENT}
0030       6955    WMPR
0233-0325  6955U   Radio Metallica WW

04-14  TUESDAY
0029-0115  6955U   Radio Nonsense

0033-0042  6955U   Radio Nonsense
0203-0227  6955U   WMPR
2320-2324  6955U   Radio Metallica WW

0225-0256  6955U   Radio Nonsense
0301-0337  6955U   Voice Of Hell

04-17  FRIDAY
0027-0111  6955U   WMPR
2159-      6955U   Radio Beaver

>From Martin Deeley, UK
Stations heard Sunday 12 April 1998:
3910Khz  Radio Mercury International
3930Khz  Laser Hot Hits (All day)
5805Khz  Radio Free London (All day)
5830Khz  Ozone International (from 1030 onwards)
6200Khz  Ozone International (until 1030)
6210Khz  unidentified
6220Khz  Laser Hot Hits (All day) // 3930
6239Khz  Britain Radio International
6266Khz  UK Radio // 87.8 and 99.3 in Wolverhampton
6275Khz  Radio Zodiac
6280Khz  Laser Hot Hits
6285Khz  Radio Pandora
6300Khz  The Farmers from Holland (Dutch, All day)
6310Khz  Radio Mercury International
6402Khz  unidentified (Dutch)

Stations heard Monday 13 April 1998:
3930Khz  Laser Hot Hits (All day)
5805Khz  Radio Free London (All day)
6200Khz  Radio Pandora (and relay of Radio Raven from Sweden)
6220Khz  Laser Hot Hits (All day) // 3930
6235Khz  Britain Radio International
6245Khz  unidentified
6266Khz  UK Radio // 87.8 and 99.3 in Wolverhampton
6275Khz  Radio Orion
6285Khz  Radio Boomerang (Dutch)
6300Khz  The Farmers from Holland (Dutch, All day)

Logs from Andy Walker in London:
Here?s this weekends logs. All times UTC.
Saturday 4th
5805 Radio Free London S4 at 1650
5815 FRS-Holland (test) S4 at 1600

Sunday 5th
5805 Radio Free London S2/3 most of the morning
5808 BNL?? S2 at 0730 Mega splash from FRSH and RFL
5815 FRS-Holland S2/3 most of the morning
6219 Laser S3 at 0745
6239 JRR with relays S2/3 all morning
6266 UK Radio S3 at 0955
6280 Laser S2/3 at 1010 bad mod
6282 unid S2 at 1005
6300 The Farmers S4 most of the morning

Monday 6th
5805 Radio Free London S3/4 from 0305-0900 Time switch failed to turn of

Band conditions were not to good on Sunday with most stations received here
in London with signals of 2-3. 51 meters got better in the afternoon and I
was listening to us (RFL) with good signals of S3/4.

Radio Benelux made the mistake of coming on air between FRSH and RFL and got
totally wipped out here in the UK. Why didn?t anyone tell him not to use
this channel?? FRS-Holland have been sending out e-mails for the past two
weeks telling everyone they were going to use 5815 and RFL broadcast a
regular service every first and third Sunday in the month. Doesn?t anyone
know what?s going on in the world of free radio? Especially SRS News who are
the leading source of free radio news and information in Europe. It would
seem not!!!

Here?s my logs for over Easter. All times UTC.
Thursday 9th
3930 Laser S2/3 at 2205
3941 Union/BBMS S4 at 2210

Friday 10th
5805 RFL S3/4 at 1015
6206 unid (test) S2/3 at 1025
6220 Laser S3 at 1020
6295 Radio Blue Star S4 at 1030

Saturday 11th
5805 RFL S3 at 1125
6220 Laser S3/4 at 1120 (same programmes as Fri)

Crap conditions during the day, but in the evening
signals were much better on 48 and 51 meters with 
RFL:S3/4 at 2115, Laser: S3/4 at 2120 and Radio Marabu 
on 6210 with S3/4 at 2122.

Sunday 12th
5773 Radio Pamala S3 at 1240
5805 RFL S3 at 1242
6210 Radio Marabu S3 at 1248
6220 Laser S2 at 1249
6239 JRR S2/3 at 1250 (nasty nosie on frequency)
6266 UK Radio S3 at 1252
6275 Radio Zodiac S3/4 at 1630
6275 Radio Orion S4 at 1810
6300 The Farmers S4 at 1255

Conditions were once again better in the late
afternoon/early evening on 48/51 meters

Monday 13th
5805 RFL S3/4 at 0620
6200 Radio Pandora S3/4 at 0810
6206 unid S2 at 0805
6220 Laser S3 at 0622
6242 Radio Brigitte S2/3 at 0624
6266 UK Radio S3/4 at 0626
6275 Radio Orion S3/4 at 1100
6281 unid S2/3 at 0630
6300 The Farmers S4 at 1050
6310 WMR S3/4 at 1057 (splash from the farmers)

>From Rainer Brandt in Germany:
March 29th, 1998 (Sunday) UK updaters
5810    BBMS                    11.31-          E, pops                 22222
5835	Ozone R.International	10.31-		E, pops			33333
6261    unid                    10.40-          E, pops                 22222

April 5th, 1998 (Sunday)
3930	Laser Hot Hits		07.00-		E, pops			32332
3935    R. ...International     07.25-          E, low audio,E-mail QRA 33333
3945    unid                    07.29-          ?, polka sound          32322
5804.7  R.Free London (RFL)     07.05-          E, pops                 33333
5809    R.Benelux               08.06-          G, rock music, FRS QRM  32332
585.5   FRS Holland             07.17-          E, pops, FRS Goes DX    44444
6206.3  R.Cochiguaz             11.50-          Sp,E, Latin music       44433
6206.3  Impossible R.           13.00-13.21*    G, punk+rock, Ytterby   44433
6206.3  unid                    13.54-          ?, Supertramp music     44333
6219	Laser Hot Hits		08.45-		E, pops			33333
6238.7  unid                    12.43-          E, JRR?, strange sound  23322
6266.5  UK R.International      08.10-          E, pops                 33333
6269.6  Alfa Lima International 07.17-07.29*    E, pops, address        44444
6270    Star Club R.            13.54-          G, QSO to VOTN          44333
6276    Voice of the Netherlands13.47-          E,G, QSO to Star Club R.44444 
6277    Voice of the Netherlands13.22-          E, CQ calls, pops       44444 
6281.5  R.Free Willy            08.33-          G, rock and heavy music 34343
6289.5  Voice of South Dublin   08.00-          E, Ireland infos        33333
6289.5  R.Pandora               09.35-          E, pops                 33333
7306U   Q105                    08.44-          E, via R.Europe         44444
11515U  SWRS                    09.01-          E,I,IDs, Wuppertal QRA  23322
11515U  Crazy Wave R.           08.31-          G, letters, pops        23322

Happy Easter to you all,
73, Rainer

FREQ.   STATION                 HOURS / UTC     PROGRAMME/INFO          SINPO
April 10th, 1998 (Good Friday)
3920    Subterranean Sounds     22.44-          E, much talk, pops      44544
3930    Laser Hot Hits          08.00-          E, pops                 32332
5805.3  R.Free London (RFL)     08.50-          E, pops                 34433
6210    unid                    22.45-23.42     E, rock oldies          14321
6211.4  R.Nordsee Int.          13.37-14.07     G, non stop pop, ID     33333
6220    Laser Hot Hits          08.45-22.45     E, pops                 33333
6294v   R.Blue Star             08.55-          E,D, Tel:NL 384660120   44444

April 11th, 1998 (Easter Saturday)
3905.3  R.Dr.Tim                21.15-          G, Syrtaki music, infos 44444
3920    R.Korak International   22.09-          E,D,G, pops             55555
3930    Laser Hot Hits          13.00-21.00     E, pops                 32332
3937    R.Fusion International  22.10-22.40     E, fusion mx,low audio  43433
3947    R.Maxwell               23.43-23.59     E, taped show,German mx 43333
5805.3  R.Free London (RFL)     08.00-          E, pops                 34433
6210.3  R.Marabu                21.20-          G, pops and punk        32322
6211.4  R.Nordsee Int.          13.04-          ?, non stop pop mx      33333
6220    Laser Hot Hits          08.00-          E, pops                 33333
6238.7  Jolly Roger R.          13.05-          E, country music        22322
6267    R.Morning Star          13.05-          E,D, US country stn mx  33333
6300    Farmers from Holland    13.25-          D,E, pops               55555
6955U   WREC                    23.16-23.24*    E, live BC for contest  22222
6955U   R.Titanic International 23.24*-23.59    E,G, via WREC US relay  22322

April 12th, 1998 (Easter Sunday)
3920    R.Korak International   00.00-          E,D,G, pops             55555
3920    Weekend Music R.        18.42-          E, IDs, pops            33333
3925.3  R.Dr.Tim                20.50-          G, Schlager music       44444
3930    Laser Hot Hits          00.05-          E, pops                 32332
3935    R.Atlantis Int.l        06.01-07.33     E,D, pops, phone no.    33333
3935    R.Atlantis Int.l,tent.  13.40-          D, Atlantis melody      23322
3936    unid, Dutch             10.36-          D, tent. Mickey Mouse   33333
3940    Trans Atlantic R. (TBS) 17.35-17.38*    E, IDs address, promo   44444
3947    R.Maxwell               00.00-          E, taped show,German mx 43333
5780.5  Ozone R.International   12.26-          E, IDs, pops, phone no. 33433
5805.3  R.Free London (RFL)     00.00-          E, pops                 24432
6206.2  R.Prima 100 tape        13.28-14.22*    Sp, LA music, IDs       44444
6206.3  unid                    08.45-          ?, trumpets and raggae  32332
6206.3  Alfa Lima International 17.11-          E, IDs, letters, QRA    44444
6210.3  R.Marabu                07.20-          G, pops and punk        32322
6220    Laser Hot Hits          00.10-08.30     E, pops                 32332
6233.5  R.Project 1 Int.l       10.02-          G, infos, via R.RTN?!   44444
6238.7  R.Cochiguaz             08.58-          Sp,E, LA sound          22322
6238.7  Britain R.International 10.34-          E, pops                 22322
6244.9  R.Project 1 Int.l       12.16-          G, pops, via R.Orchid?  34433
6245.8  R.Titanic Holland       10.33*          D, IDs vanaf Ysselmeer  34433
6252    R.Morning Star          07.34-          E,D, IDs, pops          23322
6252.2  unid, Morgenster too?!  08.43+10.02     ?, jingles, country     23222
6252.3  Sound of Sweden (SOS)   08.56-09.55     E, pop oldies           33333
6253    R.Morning Star          10.29-          E, IDs, pops + country  32322
6255.2  R.Morning Star          09.40-          E,D, pops               33333
6260    R.Torenvalk             07.39-          E,G,D, contest infos    44444
6260    R.New World             08.05-          E,D, pops               34433
6266.5  UK R.International      08.29-          E, pops                 22332
6270    R.Mistero Ghost Planet  07.58-          E,I, Wuppertal drop     23432
6275    R.Mirage                07.05-          G, JM Jarre feature     44444
6275    R.Titanic International 08.00-09.00*    E,G, via R.Zodiac       43443
6275    R.Zodiac International  09.00*-         E, pops, Steve and Ian  43433
6275    R.Zodiac International  15.35-          E, pops, letters        33333
6275    R.Orion                 18.20-          E, pops, ID, letters    43443
6279.8  Pirate Freaks BC Serv.  09.20-14.32*    G,E, QSY from 6295      44444
6290    R.Boomerang             13.57-          E,D, test, pops         55555
6291.3  unid                    10.26-          ?, pops, QRM de Farmers 42332
6294.8  Pirate Freaks BC Serv.  08.17-09.00     G,E, P.A. and David C.  43443
6300.8  Farmers from Holland    08.15-          D, pops, heavy echo     55555
6402.6  R.Brigitte              10.03-          E,F,D,G, pops           33333
6955U   R.Titanic International 00.00-00.25*    E,G, via WREC US relay  23322
6955U   WREC                    00.26*-00.31*   E, IDs, address, music  22332
6955U   R.Titanic International 01.10-01.15     E, another US relay     12221
11515U  Crazy Wave R.           08.04-          G, letters, pops        34433
11515U  R.Blandengue            09.11-          Sp, LA music            23322

April 13th, 1998 (Easter Monday)
3918.7  Union R.                08.22+08.38     D, CQ, QSO Grensjager   44444
3920    R.Borderhunter          06.43-08.16*    E,D, pops               55544
3932    unid                    07.06-          ?, Cindy+Bert mx        34433
6206.2  Star Club R.            07.00-          G, rock oldies          44444
5805.3  R.Free London (RFL)     10.00-          E, pops                 34433
6220    Laser Hot Hits          06.39-          E, pops                 33333
6235    R.Dr.Tim                08.03-          G, Schlager             33333
6239.4  unid                    12.26-          E, song                 33333
6240    unid                    08.50-          ?, Rock,Punk,Schlager   44444
6241v   R.Brigitte              06.40-          E,D,G,F, pops           24432
6244.6  unid                    09.36-          ?, pops                 33333
6250.4  R.Project 1             12.24-          E, IDs as R.West ?!     44444
6256v   R.Morning Star          08.00-          E,G,D, pops, many IDs   33333
6258    unid                    10.08-          ?, march music, German  34433
6266.5  UK R.International      06.40-          E, pops                 33333
6275    R.Orion                 09.36-          E, pops                 23322
6280.4  R.Bremen                06.43-          E,D,G, pops             44444
6285    unid                    09.37-          ?, pops                 55555
6285    unid                    08.29-08.52     E,D, pops               23322
6295    unid                    08.39-08.41*    ?, FGTH - Relax         55444
11515U  R.Blandengue            07.11-          Sp, LA music            23322
11515U  Crazy Wave R.           08.07-          G, letters, pops        34433

In fact IMPOSSIBLE RADIO was the station on 6206 last weeks sunday afternoon
and the station announced a phone number Germany 172-4607913. Maybe the DJs
took a visit in the FREESTYLE RADIO studio?!

Uff, lotsa stuff this time, great fun here. I hope you all had a nice EASTER?!
73, Rainer
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