[HCDX]: Noise from electrical framing fences, how to reduce it ?
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[HCDX]: Noise from electrical framing fences, how to reduce it ?

As the subject of noise has been put on the agenda, I would highly
appreciate if anybody has any advices how to reduce the noice from pulsing
electrical farming fences.
I have a rather new QTH where I tested some beverages antennas of above 500
meters. However, I have to cross a couple of fields and one of these is
unfortunately occupied with some nasty horses. 
I used  the very direct solution to insert an "extra switch" in the wiring
system but perhaps there is any knowledge about possible modifications to
the power supply.
An other dimension to the matter is why cows, normally regared as rather
stupid animals, rather regularlly takes the occasion to jump over the fence
and enjoy the green grass outside while the horses, for whom it should be
very easy to jump over the fence, never does it. 

Yours sincerely, Magnus Nilsson, Sweden
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