Re: [HCDX]: Noise from electrical framing fences, how to reduce it ?
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Re: [HCDX]: Noise from electrical framing fences, how to reduce it ?

Magnus Nilsson 2066 wrote:
> As the subject of noise has been put on the agenda, I would highly
> appreciate if anybody has any advices how to reduce the noice from pulsing
> electrical farming fences.

--  My V-Beam antenna points directly south towards our neighbors
electric farming fence. I only assume that he has it on all the time
during the spring and summer months, as his cows are very reluctant to
approach the fence. But I do not have any constant noise problems which
I would correlate with an energized electric fence. And during the prime
winter DXing season the cows are in the barn so I assume that the fence
is turned off.

As to your Swedish cows jumping over the fence in search of finer
pasture, all I can say is that they exhibit much more intelligence than
our Vermont cows, who only dare to enter our delicious hayfield on the
other side if a part of the fence has broken down after a particularly
rugged winter.

Good luck and 73's from northern Vermont, 
"Cow Capital of the Northeast USA"

Mark Mohrmann
Coventry, Vt. USA
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