Sv: Sv: [HCDX]: New station in Bangui
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Sv: Sv: [HCDX]: New station in Bangui

Now if you have followed the discussion here you would know that 11300 kHz
wasnt a "final solution" - it was one among several frequencies to be
tested. I hope they wont use that frequency as it is used for air traffic
purposes in Africa. I didnt recommend 11300. Apparently someone in Canada

The question is not whether or not the station will use 11300 kHz. Colins
comment was that the whole thing was a hoax.

Btw I cant follow your comment on the frequency usage by UN stations. Isnt
Radio for Peace Int'l related somehow to the UN - and they certainly use
out of band frequencies: 6975 and 15050 kHz at present !! And what about
United Nations Radio from Geneva which used to broadcast on 7443 kHz. Even
the New York based UN Radio used out of band frequencies.   
Are "Christian DX'ers" supposed to be any better that others? 

Strickly speaking religion (incl. Christianity) - through history - has a
record of disseminating one or two lies, I think. :-)  But that is hardly a
topic relevant to discuss here. 

Best 73's & good DX
Stig Hartvig Nielsen 

> Fra: Andrea Lawendel <lawendel@xxxxxx>
> Til: hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Emne: Re: Sv: [HCDX]: New station on 11300
> Dato: 13. september 1998 21:03
> >I cant accept your accusations.
> Hey, take that easier Stig! I can share Colin's doubts (11300 kHz for a
> UN-related initiative, come on... didn't they ever ask to their pals at
> ITU?) without in the least thinking you're disseminating lies! Imagine,
> Colin's even a "Christian DXer"!
> 73s, Andy
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