Re: [HCDX]: Mistery on 4975 kHz
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Re: [HCDX]: Mistery on 4975 kHz

Karel Honzik wrote:

<since ca. 3 months I observe an improved signal of "Radio del Pacifico"
(PRU) on this frequency (4975.16 kHz), always even after 0500 UTC. The
station´s ID is usually "Pacifico Radio", heard also during their relig.
transmission in EE (SEP 18, Fri, before a switch-over to SS at 0430). The
signal level is exactly the same as the one of Radio Cora, another station
from Lima (4914.42 kHz).<

I know well that Radio del Pacífico is operating here. I myself listened to
that station last 29.9.98. Yesterday however I had the impression that it
was definitely not Radio del Pacífico. I listened several times to my tape
cassette and I could clearly understand "Santo Domingo" and something like
"Onda Tropical" or "Onda Musical". On the other hand it may be that I
received Radio del Pacífico indeed presenting a music group from Santo
Domingo or something like that. Unfortunately the modulation was too bad for
understanding more details. Let's wait and have more trials of reception.

vy 73

Michael Schnitzer
Receiver: JRC NRD-525
Antenna: 25m longwire & DX-One Professional
Location: Hassfurt, Germany
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