Re: Sv: [HCDX]: DVB test broadcasts - Burma vs. Myanmar
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Re: Sv: [HCDX]: DVB test broadcasts - Burma vs. Myanmar

>The current government changed the name back to Myanmar several years ago

I don't know, but it could be a good reason for an oppositor to switch back
to the old name. Perhaps they feel nostalgic about Rule Britannia... But I
think Stig's point is well made. I'd like to get a bit of analysis behind
news and announcemente concerning the clandestine world. For instance, when
Ludo quotes

>we have rescheduled the Test Broadcasts for the Democratic Voice of Burma
via Palau as follows<

who does he refer to? Who's that "we"? Does he represent DVB in any way or
he's just relaying some others' news? I hope I'm not being too "political"
(and I do certainly feel NO sympathy toward the present government of
Myanmar), but what kind of opposition is that and who's supporting them?


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