Re: [HCDX]: Oid U.S X-band stations on 1680 and 1690 kHz.
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Re: [HCDX]: Oid U.S X-band stations on 1680 and 1690 kHz.
And to top things off, have there been any positive loggings of
either set of call letters?
> >Great catch! The station is located in Ada, Michigan and has been reported
> >as running 200 watts, although I heard them here too and Patrick Martin
> >thinks they may have increased power... :^(... the call sign has been
> >reported as WBHD and WJNZ... I guess the NZ stands for New Zealand :^)
> >73s Paul
> Take it at face value, but the Fcc database reports WJNZ for the Ada
> station. No matches for WBHD.
> 73s Andy
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