[HCDX]: what could you do during lighting?
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[HCDX]: what could you do during lighting?

Yesterday  Thessaloniki was suffered  from a severe storm with very strong winds and also 
heavy rain 
While  being on retziki  last night there were   local  strorms with nearby lightnings  
(less than 2 km) etc. though i disconnected  the antennas  from the radio  my father-in-
law advised me not to   disconnect radios and tv sets from electricity. 

As far as i know there will be only a problem if a radio  or TV set is connected with its 
external antenna, or  shall we  disconnect  radios and TV sets  also from the mains? 

I m wrong or not? 

Instead of it i used only  my newest Jupiteru scanner with its inbuilt antenna , 
soemetimes connected from mains ( with its adapter ) or using its built in batteries 

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