Re: [HCDX]: what could you do during lighting?
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Re: [HCDX]: what could you do during lighting?

In a message dated 98-11-24 10:29:48 EST, you write:

<< While  being on retziki  last night there were   local  strorms with nearby
 (less than 2 km) etc. though i disconnected  the antennas  from the radio  my
 law advised me not to   disconnect radios and tv sets from electricity. 
 As far as i know there will be only a problem if a radio  or TV set is
connected with its 
 external antenna, or  shall we  disconnect  radios and TV sets  also from the
mains? >>

If lightning were to hit a power line, part of it would travel through the
wires to your home. I definitely WOULD disconnect all radios from all
connections: antenna, power AND grounds during storms.

I do this when I am not DXing because I live on a high hilltop, and may not be
home during the next storm.

Nearby lightning has burned out three of my McKay-Dymek DA-100 antennas over
the past several years (i now use a DX-1 with a "distriburtion amplifier"
---also known as a "multicoupler" to distribute signals to my five active HF
radios...I believe this provides one additional stage of protection between
the antenna and the receivers).
It also simplifies disconnecting one lead instead of five.

Computer users often have "surge protectors" to protect the computers; why not
protect your radios from power-line surges by disconnecting them?
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