Re: [HCDX]: One last beverage question
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Re: [HCDX]: One last beverage question

Hi Gang,

>Would like to hear from you guys on how you feel about running the
>partially along the ground?

Tried this at my Beverage site... didn't work as well as a paralle Bev at
1.2m etres... which was also outperformed by another paralle Beverage of
2.4m on another test...
> In a perfect world we would like it at the same height and
>as straight as possible. Anyone got any thoughts on this?

None of my Beverages are dead straight, some have the odd kink of 5-10
degrees and none of the terrain is dead flat. Some would drop from the
receiver end about 50 feet to the termination end and they all perform very
nicely thankyou! As Jorma has mentioned, every Beverage has it's own set of
characterisitics dependent on many factors, even antenna wire width and
resistance will play a part... I guess the motto is "keep expermimenting"
till you come up with something you are happy with...
>The other point is when running an antenna out at say 1000m and you run out
>of poles for the last 300m, would it be better not running the antenna out
>that extra 300m because it was on the ground? How much do you think the
>along the ground would affect the signal directivity?

I guess that would depend on a whole lot of things too... like ground
conuctivity.. i.e. how much attenuation of signal in that last 300 metres
will the ground cause? I know that if even a short span of one of my
Beverages are down, then I will quickly find out as signals will be
noticeably poorer for it.
73s Paul
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