Re: [HCDX]: One last beverage question
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Re: [HCDX]: One last beverage question

At 07.53 28.1.1999 +1300, you wrote:
>None of my Beverages are dead straight, some have the odd kink of 5-10
>degrees and none of the terrain is dead flat. Some would drop from the
>receiver end about 50 feet to the termination end and they all perform very
>nicely thankyou! As Jorma has mentioned, every Beverage has it's own set of

I think a slight drop like that to the desired direction makes them work
even better.

>characterisitics dependent on many factors, even antenna wire width and
>resistance will play a part... I guess the motto is "keep expermimenting"

Yes, that's another question to discuss! What material and how thick wire
is the best?

>>The other point is when running an antenna out at say 1000m and you run out
>>of poles for the last 300m, would it be better not running the antenna out
>>that extra 300m because it was on the ground?
>I guess that would depend on a whole lot of things too... like ground
>conuctivity.. i.e. how much attenuation of signal in that last 300 metres
>will the ground cause? I know that if even a short span of one of my
>Beverages are down, then I will quickly find out as signals will be
>noticeably poorer for it.

Maybe the attenuation is insignificant, if the ground is very dry.

73, Mauno
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