Re: [HCDX]: 500 pf. Variable capacitor
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Re: [HCDX]: 500 pf. Variable capacitor

>Winter Monges wrote:
>>I need a 500 pf. variable capacitor, I cannot find it.
>>Can any one help me to obtain one? I will pay the cost.
>Me too!!

I still have some capacitors at stock (which means I have to search)   :-)

Please email me, if interested. They have two packages of plates, with 500
pF each.

If the smaller 500 pF capacitors with film delectricum are needed, I can
also get them.


     _/_/  Willi H. Passmann
    _/_/  Oberhausener Str. 100
   _/_/  45476 Muelheim, Germany
  _/_/  Tel./Fax: ++49-208-779399 (National 0208-779399)
 _/_/  E-Mail dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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