Re: [HCDX]: Some FM
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Re: [HCDX]: Some FM
Hi all!
"Olofsson, Kenneth (CMB)" wrote:
> I would like to have some help from our German members; I have heard
> Rockstar FM on 87,9(some time ago) but I have not got any reply. Anyone
> know any better adress or email.? Also heard a new one on 89,8 called
> Jump FM probably from Bremen I have no info.
Got some info on that:
The first one is a local from Berlin, they usually ID as 87.9 Star FM (in
English), 87-9 Rock (in German) and relay VoA News on top of every hour, plus
VoA News Now for 1 hour each at 06:00 and 20:00 local time. Theres also
University Radio (produced by all 3 of our universities) Mo-Fr 17:00-18:00
local, interesting saxophone ID. StarFM music format is pure rock, that's what
makes them my fav. Web: now belongs to
some Canadian
Jump FM is former MDR-life. According to MDR-TV teletext 89.6 would be from
Chemnitz, Saxony.
All the best, MM
Matthias Mueller, Berlin, Germany
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