[HCDX]: Loggings from Victoria, BC, Canada.
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[HCDX]: Loggings from Victoria, BC, Canada.

ROMANIA  7500  Radio Moldova International without the hum!!!  Finally
copied RMI in English without hum at 0450 in English, but with poor signal.
 Sign off announcements at 0455.  Unfortunately, this didn't last, since
the hum seems to have returned when checked other times.
(Salmaniw, 30 December).

PARAGUAY  9737.35  Thanks to Don Moman, this station is a regular in local
evening hours with strong signals, but distorted audio.  Frequent mentions
of Radio Nacional and Paraguay, all in Spanish.  Nothing special at local
midnight on the 31st, though was expecting the usual Latin exuberance. 0119
to 0330.  (Salmaniw, 1 January).

SRI LANKA  15250  VOA Colombo, with VOA News Now program at 0128.  Fair
signal.  Parallel Colombo frequencies 11705 cochannel Radio Havana USB,
initially under RHC, but within 10 minutes, totally overpowering RHC!  7115
not heard.  Other, non Colombo parallels were 5995 very good, 6130 very
good, 9455 excellent all to Americas;  11820 (replacing 9740) fair, and
17740 (replacing 17735) fair to good, both to South Asia.  Enjoyable audio
clip program after the news, from Roosevelt to Walt Disney, the A bomb,
etc.  (Salmaniw, 31 December).

ZAMBIA  6265 Radio One heard with fair to good signal, with Fish Eagle
Interval signal  from 0247, followed by national anthem at 0250, drums, and
talk in vernacular. (Salmaniw, 31 December).  Fair signal also at 1628,
equal strength to Radio 2 on 6165 (Salmaniw, 2 January).

CHILE  6089.96  Radio Esperanza just under Anguilla, in Spanish at 1005,
although at times fading up to dominate the frequency.  Too bad the
Caribbean Beacon couldn't find another frequency.   (Salmaniw, 1 January).

PAPUA NEW GUINEA  4890  Excellent reception, even with my urban location,
ID's as "You're with Karai National Radio", with time check for "11 past
8", despite it actually being 10:13 UTC.  Usual comfortable listening.
(Salmaniw, 1 January).

SLOVAKIA  Great European opening during their dusk/evening.  Radio Slovakia
International on 6055 with good reception in English, with talk about
Constitution Day.  Parallel 7345 poor.
(Salmaniw, 1 January).

CANADA  6029.96  CFVP with upto excellent reception with mostly non-stop
music, and ID at 1745 as AM 1060 CKMX, then public service announcements
for Schizophrenia society of Alberta, etc.
(Salmaniw, 1 January).

ALBANIA  Another example of the nice Euro opening.  In English at 1753
tune-in, with service to Europe, but far superior than usual signal quality
to North America.  7210.15 fair to good, and 9754.86 good.  Interview with
Albania's foreign minister.  Then sign off, with:  "Thank you for staying
with us.  Happy holidays, and goodbye".  (Salmaniw, 1 January).

UZBEKISTAN  7285  Radio Tashkent Interval Signal into unknown language.
Not at all a bad signal, and apparently parallel to weaker 5955. 01:30.
Last Winter English was noted on both of these frequencies from 0100 to
0130.  Initially heard 2 January.  Tuned again 4 January at 0100 and no
sign of Radio Tashkent heard on 5955 (see unid below).  7285 in keeping
with Tashkent, however, though not as strong as the 2nd.  (Salmaniw, 2 and
4 January).

UNIDENTIFIED  5955  0125  Suspect this is Radio Gazeta, but just under
threshold to be sure.  Reasonable signal, with minor splash from 5950.
Lots of LA music, and Portuguese talk by DJ.  Not ID heard tonight,
however.  Hoping to hear one on the top of the hour, but #@%&* my wife
jumped on the treadmill, and put an end to serious DXing !!! :)  (Salmaniw,
4 January).

CONGO  9610 presumed.  Thanks to Nelson/Atkins for this one.  Republic of
Congo Radio, with African music.  Fair reception at 1642. Good by 1655, but
within seconds, started to fade out again. (Salmaniw, 2 January).

POLAND  9690  Not often heard on the west coast, but present in Polish at
1642 with poor to fair reception.  Some cochannel interference.
Unfortunately obliterated by RNE interval signal at 1658. (Salmaniw, 2

SAO TOME E PRINCIPE 4960 VOA ID in English, into French programming at
0530.  Poor to fair.
(Salmaniw, 3 January).

That's all for now folks!
Walter R. Salmaniw, MD             email:  salmaniw@xxxxxxxx
Victoria, British Columbia    DXING FROM CANADA'S WEST COAST, using
CANADA                        premier radio receivers:  Collins HF2050,
(250) 592-1033                Collins R390A,ITT Mackay 3031A, 
                              Racal RA.117, JRC NRD 535D, and 
                              Kenwood R5000.
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