[HCDX]: Radio Swan [U.S. propaganda war preceded exile landing at Bay of Pigs]
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[HCDX]: Radio Swan [U.S. propaganda war preceded exile landing at Bay of Pigs]
Published Sunday, April 30, 2000, in the Miami Herald
U.S. propaganda war preceded exile landing at Bay of Pigs
Newly declassified documents on the Bay of Pigs invasion reveal a monumental
CIA propaganda operation that began almost a year before a CIA-trained force
of exiles landed on Cuba's southern coast on April 17, 1961.
The documents speak of success in distributing propaganda inside Cuba and
elsewhere in Latin America in the months leading up to the invasion. They
outline plans for using seized newspapers and radio stations on the island
if the invasion force was able to occupy Cuban territory. And they reveal
that the CIA took direct control of radio broadcasts after becoming
disillusioned with infighting among Miami exile groups that had been
conducting them.
Directed by David Atlee Phillips, who also headed the CIA propaganda effort
in the overthrow of Guatemalan President Jacobo Arbenz seven years earlier,
the propaganda effort included leaflet drops, pre-recorded radio programs
made by Cuban exiles and distributed to about 40 stations around the
Caribbean, and recruitment, training and infiltration into Cuba of ``small
provocateur teams.''
Full text of article available at
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