[HCDX]: UNID Middle East 1205.68 kHz
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[HCDX]: UNID Middle East 1205.68 kHz
Hi -
an interesting station heard by me this morning:
3 MAY 2000 - 1205.68 kHz - 0158-0310 (fade out) UTC
The station has been already reported here, believed to be the Voice of the
People of Kurdistan (PUK).
In what I heard, no Kurdistan has been mentioned, which does not correspond
with what we are used to hear by several clandestine stations, where every
5th word is "Kurdistan".
What I heard (tune-in 0158 UTC):
0158 Song (male choir)
0200 Very short instrumental "IS", followed by a man in Farsi (or in a very
similar language - not Arabic). The man started with something like:
"Shupaneni raouzbe jum´hourii....". 3 minutes long news.
0203 Instrumental music (like isoterric music)
0215 The man again. I think he mentioned Radio Pakistan, then "jum´hourii
... Pakistan...", music
0230 Another talk what could be news again
The station faded out (= its carrier disappeared) at 0310 UTC, about 1 hour
earlier than Israel on 1206 kHz (50 kW). No parallel signal found in the 4
MHz "clandestine band".
It would be nice if it was Afghanistan which is listed on 1206 kHz with 400
kW... but I doubt about it, because Afghanistan is much more easterly and
the transmitter site, located in the north of country, is perhaps outside
the control of governing Taliban (?).
Karel Honzik,
the Czech Republic
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