Re: [HCDX]: Re: UNID Middle East 1205.68 kHz
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Re: [HCDX]: Re: UNID Middle East 1205.68 kHz

I think there are 3 stations involved around 1205-1206 kHz:
1. Vo People of Kurdistan is at least now on 1206 kHz sharp. They sign off
at about 2030-2100. They broadcast in Kurdi. Their ID is something like:
"Ira, Dengi Keli Kurdistana". They are // 4061a kHz.
2. Morocco is somewhere nearer to 1205 than 1206 kHz. At least here in
eastern Finland they are much weaker than the UNID, which is number
3. They broadcast in Farsi (or Dari, if you like) and they are on the fq
Karel mentioned. I think they once signed off at 2230. I have heard many
identifications from them but I can't make anything more out of it but
"Shadoye ..." in the beginning. They are NOT // 1332 or 1431,2, which carry
the two different IRIB home sce programmes. WRTH lists 1188 with Tehran
Provincial Prgr. Maybe that one has drifted? Can anyone hear Tehran on 1188
kHz (here it is blocked by DW St. Petersburg)? In fact, the programme is
lighter that the usual IRIB programming and certainly not sounding like one
of the Talebans. Or maybe it is a "veiled" Iraqi propaganda programme
towards Iran? Wasn't Baghdad heard exactly here some time ago?

At 10.40 4.5.2000 +0200, you wrote:
>Hi - There is a certain development in my observing of the station:
>Here is what I wrote yesterday:
>> an interesting station heard by me this morning:
>> 3 MAY 2000  -  1205.68 kHz  -  0158-0310 (fade out) UTC
>> The station has been already reported here, believed to be the Voice of
>> People of Kurdistan (PUK).
>> In what I heard, no Kurdistan has been mentioned, which does not
>> with what we are used to hear by several clandestine stations, where every
>> 5th word is "Kurdistan".
>> What I heard (tune-in 0158 UTC):
>> 0158  Song (male choir)
>> 0200  Very short instrumental "IS", followed by a man in Farsi (or in a
>> similar language - not Arabic). The man started with something like:
>> "Shupaneni raouzbe jum´hourii....". 3 minutes long news.
>> 0203  Instrumental music (like isoterric music)
>> 0215  The man again. I think he mentioned Radio Pakistan, then "jum´hourii
>> ... Pakistan...", music
>> 0230  Another talk what could be news again
>This morning (4 MAY) I started already before 0130 UTC.
>The station was on unchanged frequency of 1205.68 kHz.
>At 0130 I heard a bit different scheme than yesteday at 0200.
>0130: Bells, very short orchestral "IS" (same like yesterday), National
>Anthem, announcement (ID?) by a woman mentioning "Dushanbe" !
>I think I know the bells (Tadjik Radio?), but could not check it as the only
>Tadjik signal on 7245 kHz was covered by Radio Liberty at 0200.
>Again - like yesterday - no trace of "Kurdistan" within the transmission.
>Karel Honzik,
>the Czech Republic
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