Re: [HCDX] What rigs and antenna does everyone use?
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Re: [HCDX] What rigs and antenna does everyone use?


Due to my recent purchase,  I have several table top and portable receivers
in my shack. Among the bigger rigs I have are a JRC 535D (modified with
better filters), an AOR AR3030 (modified with better SSB filters and
improved front end), two Icoms (IC-R75 with 3.3kHz filter and ICR-8500 with
500Hz cw-filter) and a Kenwood R-5000, also with improved filters. The
portable radios include a Sony ICF SW-77, and 7600G, SW-55, a National
RFB-65 and a Grundig Yacht Boy 230.

My antennas include a RF Systems MTA mounted in about 8m height, a multiband
dipole, a Wellbrook ALA-1530 and an indoor Grahn GS3.

It's quite interesting to test these receivers against each other. Each one
has its merits, but it's absolutely amazing to see how a $ 200 Sony
ICF-7600G beats some of the $ 1500+ battleships under certain reception

If I were to keep only one of my tabletops and one portable radio out of
above selection, my choice would be the JRC 535D and the Sony 7600G.

73, Enzio

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