Re: [HCDX] getting a life anyone?
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Re: [HCDX] getting a life anyone?

Robert Foxworth wrote:

> Any big news organization would have similar policies and no one complains, but
> it seems some DXers feel they are exempt from what basically is just
> common courtesy, and they have no problem with taking news from other
> sources,

And not only news, unfortunately. "Medium Wave News" published my article "Peruvian elections - radio round" this past summer without permission. A fairly large article, as many HCDX readers know, taken from my website "Freeze! DXing Arctic Style" - the source was not mentioned, even though my name was. I discovered the copyright violation by
accident, apparently they had no intention of informing me about it, not even afterwards. There is a word for it: theft.

Since were are on the copyright issue, being a journalist, I would like to remind other publishers that articles, photographs and other *journalistic* content is fully protected by copyright. I have run into an excuse that if something is on the Internet, it is "apparently in the public domain". Not true: as to copyright, Net sites should be treated
like any printed publication: you may quote, partially, if you can demonstrate a reason to do so, and if you provide full credit, but you may not copy the entire product - without prior permission. I'm not talking about short individual news items, but journalistic products.

If you are an editor of any DX publication: do ask first. As for the article in question, and other similar ones, a better way (at least in the wired Western world) would be to point your readers to the original source - which remains free for anyone to access. In this case, Or print the URL of whatever site you
think your readers will enjoy.

Mika Makelainen

Hard-Core-DX mailing list

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