Re: [HCDX] getting a life anyone?
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Re: [HCDX] getting a life anyone?

Mika Makelainen wrote:

> And not only news, unfortunately. "Medium Wave News" published my article "Peruvian elections - radio round" this past summer without permission. A fairly large article, as many HCDX readers know, taken from my website "Freeze! DXing Arctic Style" - the source was not mentioned, even though my name was. I discovered the copyright violation by
> accident, apparently they had no intention of informing me about it, not even afterwards. There is a word for it: theft.

I've seem some good articles on the net around the place I would like to reuse in the Australian DX News. And, I've always asked for permission to use it before I have.

I think there needs to be a differentiation between articles and news - at least here in Australia news items are fair game between stations, nobody can own a new item (unless of course it is something involving large money like the Olympics).


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