stopped after few days
Radio Ecclésia transmissions via Radio Netherlands have stopped
as of today. Due to technical problems in Angola, which are
beyond the control of Radio Netherlands, the station has been
unable to feed audio to us for the past few days. A previously-supplied
standby programme has been transmitted on shortwave instead.
Since the technical expert who helped to set up the audio
feed is no longer in Angola, the decision has been taken to
suspend the shortwave broadcasts until further notice.
Everyone here at Radio Netherlands is disappointed that the
broadcasts cannot continue.
Radio Ecclésia continues to be audible on the Internet, but
the programme that was being transmitted on shortwave was
specially produced, and is not available to us by any other
means. (Andy Sennitt, Radio Netherlands, July 26, 2000,
via DXLD)
Ecclésia, Angola, back on SW
Angolan Catholic broadcaster Radio Ecclésia is back
The station, which often has been silenced by the Angolan
currently broadcasts in Luanda on 97.5 MHz FM. Broadcasts
can be heard worldwide via the station's Web site, and since
July 14 twice daily on shortwave via Radio Netherlands facilities
as follows:
0500-0600 via Madagascar on 15195 kHz.
1900-2000 via Flevo on 15175 kHz
Address given on their web site is Rádio Ecclésia
Rua Comandante Bula, No.118 São Paulo--C.P. 3579 Luanda,
Andy Sennitt reporting 

San Antonio, Peru, on 3375 kHz
I have been hearing for the past week a station with a good
signal on 3375 and trying to ID the location.
Today, July 8, at sign-off I heard:
"Radio San Antonio, ha transmitido para Uds. desde el distrito
de Calame?, Parróquia de San Antonio de Padua. Muchas
gracias y los invitamos a sintonizarnos mañana a partir de
las 6 de la mañana"
It was possible to identify that Radio San Antonio is in Arequipa
department. (Rogildo Fontenelle Aragão, hcdx list, July
8, 2000)
Thanks to help from Gerardo in Perú the ID is
now heard as follows:
"Es Radio San Antonio...que transmite desde la ciudad
de Callalli para todos los oyentes, es una emisora católica
a servicio de la comunidad".
The address: Radio San Antonio, Parroquia San Antonio de Padua
Párroco Pbro. Franz Windischhofer Raffetseder, Plaza
Principal s/n, Callalli - Depto. Arequipa. (Rogildo Fontenelle
Aragão, via DXLD on hcdx, July 15, 2000)
A move
from 5235.5 kHz
Radio San Antonio on 3375 kHz is undoubtedly the same station
which was on 5235.5 some years ago from San Antonio de Padua,
Arequipa. It was unlicensed, operated by the Catholic church.
But now it is licensed as OAW6B and is authorized by the Ministery
of Transport and Communications on a frequency of 3375.
Transmitter site is in the parish of San Antonio de Padua
de Callalli, Arequipa. Name of the business is registered
as "Centro de Medios de Comunicación Social San
Antonio". According to official info, the station is
also authorized another frequency, 3390 as OAW6A. (Takayuki
Inoue Nózaki, via DXLD on hcdx, July 15, 2000)

Andina, Peru, new on 6672.9
New peruvian station Radio
Andina, transmitting on 6672.9
kHznoted today july 8 at the 1038 with
vernacular music.
For one moment I think that is Radio Spuer Sensación,
but at the 1100 "...está usted escuchando Radio
Andina que transmite desde Huancabamba en los 6672 kilovatios(!)
de la onda corta, banda de 49 metros..." After the program
Pueblo Despierta: "...mis amigos tenga ustedes muy buenos
días a partir de este momento para presentar su programa
Pueblo Despierta, un programa que llega a usted con el gentil
auspicio de Radio Andina de Huancabamba que en esta oportunidad
está transmitiendo en la onda corta en lo 6672 kilovatios..."
Mentions to Manuel Campos Ojeda as Director and QTH in Calle
Huascar No. 201 en Huancabamba, Piura, Perú. Phone
This station maybe formed with the Radio Super sensacion's
Very good signal. (Rafael Rodriguez, hcdx list, July 9,
Radio Andina also logged in Europe by Michael Schnitzer,
6672.93, Radio Andina, July 8/9, 2335-0010, Spanish, huayno
music and comunicados, advertisement, several IDs. SINPO 22322.
(Michael Schnitzer, hcdx list, July 9, 2000)

test from Barn Radio, WFÄX
Barn Radio, WFÄX, Sweden's first private AM-station since
1924, transmitting
with 50 to 300 watts of power,
will have a DX test starting at 2200 on Friday, July 14, and
running for three hours on 1602 kHz.
The radio station asks for phone calls during the test, to
get info on how well they are being received. Call Sweden
on 0046-651-155-19.
You're also welcome to mail musical requests to
and they say they will try to play as many as possible during
the test.

Radio Caroline Supporters' Day
19 will be the first "Dutch Caroline Supporters' day",
to be held on board of the former Veronica ship Norderney.
On this day you will be able to listen to Radio Caroline all
day on 1296 KHz mediumwave.
This is a transmission via
the Merlin transmitter, also used by the Belgium cable station
"Bop Radio" for tests earlier this year. The transmitter
is based in East Anglia but beams into Belgium and Holland.
(Mark Veldhuis, hcdx list, July 7, 2000)
More on Radio Caroline web site 

from RTV Congo
RTV Congo (5985 kHz) confirmed my reception report of 1
May 2000 with a very nicely written personal letter signed
by Alphonse Bouya-Dimi, Station Director.
In my reception report, written in French, I had enclosed
one USD and a postcard of Denia.
According to Mrs Bouya-Dimi, Radio Congo broadcasts a Spanish
news bulletin daily between 2200-2215, local time. I haven't
heard this program yet, but the Station Director is asking
for reception reports for this transmission, so all you
Spanish-speaking folks out there, there is a challenge for
According to the information provided, the station transmits
daily from 1600 to 1800 on 9610 kHz and from 1800 onward
on 5985 kHz using a Siemens transmitter with 100 kW output.
(Enzio Gehrig, hcdx list, July 6, 2000)

getting better
merger of the NordicDX web site with HCDX is proceeding.
The Andes DX section, with info on Tropical Band stations
in Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru, has now been moved and updated:
You will also find some minor changes in the DX Lab section.
More to follow. (hcdx info, July 5, 2000)

UniVisión new on 5855.6 kHz
Radio UniVisión 2000, on 5855.62 kHz, in Moyabamba, Departamento
de San Martín (Perú) June 2000 - 0100 UTC.
A new station which I had as UNID in the previous SWB.
Opening transmission probably June 17.
The DJ still uses a borrowed microphone from his younger
brother´s tape recorder - extremely bad quality of the speech
- as well as he talks very fast and careless. Normal quality
of the music. Often greets people living in the deptartments
of Cajamarca and Amazonas.
Starts at about 1100 UTC and closes at various times between
0100-0300 UTC.
"UniVisión la radio sin fronteras".
Announces the frequency of 5855 kc.
Both address and telephone number is stated, but unfortunately
I only catch that "Amazonas" probably is included in the
name of the street and that the telephone number ends with
(Björn Malm, Ecuador, hcdx partner Shortwvave Bulletin,
translated by Thomas Nilsson, june 2000)

San Juan now on 5617v khz
San Juan, Distrito de ``Saíque``(?), Chiclayo (Perú) June
2000 - close down 0235 UTC on 5617v.
New or "restarted" station.
Began transmission of the day at 1120 UTC with this ID ".....en
el distrito de "Saique" (?) al pie de la cordillera
de "Parmo(?) transmite Radio San Juan" and "Radio
San Juan está transmitiendo en su frecuencia internacional
de 60 metros, 4520 megaherz(!)".
The address given with the exception of a a figure in the
street address which I couldn´t hear: "Radio San Juan,
Calle San José 9-..., Oficina 12, Chiclayo".
I have a feeling that it is the same station I reported
already in November 1999 on the frequency of 5421v (not
4520 as announced), but in this case has been off air until
The DJ also says that they again are on the air with a stronger
transmitter and better quality. The station might have a
problem with its transmitter as the frequency 4520 is announced.
They have also a few times mentioned "Región Nororiental
de Marañón" maybe a coincidence but on the same street
"Calle San José" is this MW- station listed: "Negocios
Radiales Región Nororiental de Marañón, Chiclayo (CP)"
- 1160kc.
(Björn Malm, Ecuador, hcdx partner Shortwvave Bulletin,
translated by Thomas Nilsson, june 2000)

Radio new from Sweden
First we got Scandinavia Weekend Radio from Finland on short
Now it's time for Barn Radio WFÄX from Sweden on medium
During the Färila week, Jul 8-16, the festivities will
be covered by their own radio staiton, WFÄX, on 1602
kHz, transmitting with 300 watts of power.
THis is the first time since the 1920's that a Swedish private
AM-station has been licensed to go on the air.
Much of the programming comes from the local FM radio station,
Radio Ljusnan. The transmitter is supplied by the local
DX Club, Delsbo Radioklubb.
"It has not yet been definitely decided whether the
MW outlet will be on the air all the time, but at least
the opening day on July 8 we will be on the air 24 hours",
says Ronny Forslund of Radio WFÄX.
All correct reception reports will be confirmed by a special
QSL-card. Reports, with 1 IRC or Swedish stamps to cover
postage, should be sent to Fäxradion/WFÄX, Ronny Forslund,
Box 44, SE-82041, Färila, Sweden. (hcdx, July 4, 2000)

of Mega Radio, Germany
German transmitter in Schwerin on 576 kHz is back on the
air. Testing with non-stop pop music.
This station is one out of the planned Mega Radio net. Principally
Mega Radio wants to reactivate all the old german MW channels,
which were switched off during the last 10 years.
If this project should really materialise, german MW DXers
can look for another hobby... (Martin
Elbe, hcdx list, July 2, 2000)

Who said short
wave is dead?
than ever, 151 million people, listen to the BBC World Service
every week. This is more than eight million compared to
last year.
Short wave listening is still growing and accounts for more
than 70 percent of the total listenership, the BBC reports.
BBC Annual Report 

radio nuts!
Time for another test program for WMIB, Florida, on Sunday
July 2 between 0400-0800.
The usual: 10 kw, 1660 AM, old jingles, obscure music, bad
jokes and (this time) reverb! Tapes will be rolling as usual
for those who just can't get enough, and reception reports
can be sent to
(Phil Beckman, WMIB, via Dinan Rogerio and DXLD)

a dinosaur
Last chance to hear a radio dinosaur. For only two periods
of 15 minutes each, the Swedish telecommunications museum
radio station SAQ will air its 1924 Alexanderson alternator
on what today is the incredibly low frequency of 17.2 kilohertz.
This is the last remaining operational Alexanderson alternator
in the world, and requires a literal crew to get it started
It is operated only on significant occasions, and Sunday July
2 is its 75th anniversary. Only chances are between 0830-0845
and 1230-1245.
Special QSL cards for reception reports will be sent to those
who manage to catch this one - meaning those having a significant
receiving antenna.