Special Operations
for Afghanistan
is supporting American efforts to broadcast psyops "Information
Radio" to Afghanistan, reports HCDX partner site ClandestineRadio.com.
The special broadcasts on 8700 KHz USB has been hears with
strong signals aroundthe world, as reported by many DXers
on the HCDX mailing list.
news desk, October 27, 2001
Reception reports on 193rd Special Operations can
be sent to the following address:
193rd Special Operations Wing
Attn: Lt. Edward Shank
81 Constellation Court
Middletown, PA 17057, USA
Manfred Reiff, Germany, hcdx
list, October 22, 2001

Rare Norwegian
on the air
the student festival in Trondheim, Norway, the local student
radio UKE-senderen
will transmit 24 hours between 11 October and 3 November.
It will transmit on mediumwave 1485 kHz and shortwave 7215
kHz, with an estimated power of 1 kW.
The station is only active every second year.
Norway, via hcdx list, October 9, 2001
Forecast for UKE-senderen at 7215 kHz by Finnish
DXer Jari Perkiömäki. This web page contains 24 coverage
maps and may take a while to download.

Radio Miskut
back to normal
to a personal letter dated Sept. 13, 2001 from Evaristo
Mercado P., Director, Radio Miskut, they are now operating
without problem on 5770 kHz and 104 MHz FM at 1200-0000
A 3 kW amplifier has not been installed, because it causes
interference to telephones and TV around 50 sq.m. They are
now looking for a new transmitter site at suburban area.
Hirahara, Radio Nuevo Mundo, Oct 7, 2001, via DXLD

Ezra never
from Belgium
has ever heard of Radio Ezra transmissions at Radio Vlaanderen,
says Frans Vossen, editor of Radio World on RVI, Belgium,
"I just chequed again with the engineer who should
know, and he insists that this must have been a false rumour."
Ezra owner has repeatedly claimed that his programmes were
transmitted from the Wavre site in Belgium, while most others
believe it has been from Bulgaria (see
earlier info).
Vossen, Belgium, October 9, 2001, via DXLD
Ezra now says that it is broadcasting from Vladivostok,
Russia, on 12110 kHz.
hcdx news desk, October 9, 2001

opposition radio planned
Afghan opposition is set to wage a sophisticated radio war
against remaining Taliban forces, Clandestine Radio Watch
(CRW) has learned, preparing the stage for the return of
King Zahir Shah and an end to the immediate conflict.
The station, which has been described as a "major" radio
operation, is being organized by non-governmental organizations
in Europe with support from local Afghan communities. It
has been in development for over four months, the source
Grace, Clandestine Radio Watch, October 8, 2001

Kabul Radio
target for air strikes
allied military operation against Afghanistan got under
way on 7 October.
As expected, one of the first targets was the Taliban regime's
radio station, Radio Shariah.
Within the first hour, journalists in Afghanistan reported
that the station had gone off the air.
Then the Foreign Minister of the opposition Northern Alliance
said that 'Kabul Radio' had been one of the first targets
to be attacked by the allies.
reports, however, later proved to be incorrect. Voice of
Shariat came back on the air on the morning of 8 October
on 7085v kHz.
Later came reports that the station went off again, but
I suspect this is due to power failure rather than attack.
Radio Netherlands, October 7 and 8, 2001
How the region's media reported the attacks, in a
special Afghanistan issue from DX
Listening Digest.
news desk, October 7, 2001

Radio France
to launch M'Toulouse
Monday, October 8, Radio France will launch M'Toulouse,
a temporary radio station of "solidarity and hope" which
will broadcast to people living in the areas of Toulouse
affected by the explosion at the AZF chemical plant [in
which 29 people died].
The radio station, which will broadcast seven days a week
from 0630 to midnight until Christmas. The station will
broadcast on mediumwave 945 kHz and later on 98.7 FM.
news agency, October 5, 2001, via BBCM and DXLD

Lao Radio
back on 7145 kHz
National Radio, Vientiane, appears to have reactivated their
external service on 7145 kHz.
Heard with French at 1315, with lots of mentions of Laos.
Into English at 1330, mainly news-type programming, with
some music prior to close down at 1400.
This station has been off the air for many years and vacated
shortly after receiving a new 10 kW transmitter, from Australian
aid as I recall.
The transmitter on 7145 sounds more than 10 kW, but further
investigation is needed.
The domestic service has been available on 6130 kHz throughout.
Seager, Australia, October 4, 2001, ADXN via DXLD

Secrecy on
new QSL cards
A debate
has started regarding QSL being offered by Belgian Ludo
Maes' Transmitter
Documentation Project.
The offer is "available
for broadcasts organized by TDP as of October 1, 2001",
according to a message from Ludo Maes at TDP.
The QSL cards, however, do not include any information on
transmitter sites whatsoever.
"My hunch, and it is only that, about the reason for
TDP secrecy on actual transmitter sites, is that some of
this business is under-the- table, i.e. technicians at certain
under-used sites are paid to put the programs on the air
without full knowledge or authorization by the governmental
agencies owning them," writes Glenn Hauser in an issue
of DX Listeners Digest.
Ludo Maes has responded with dismay to these "lies
and serious accusations", adding:
"Don't we have a right for not publishing transmitter
No further information was given on the reasons why, leaving
it up to DXers and the DX community to go on debating the
real value of these new QSL's.
news desk, October 2, 2001

under tighter control
George W Bush intends to appoint Robert R. Reilly to be
Director of the Voice of America, the official US broadcasting
Reilly has hosted the weekly foreign policy talk show, "On
The Line", and is closely connected to the White House.
appointment comes after serious critisism from the White
House of the Voice of America for having broadcast an exclusive
interview with the leader of Afghanistan's ruling Taleban
movement, Mullah Mohammad Omar.
The State Department found the broadcast wrong and that
they "frankly don't consider Mullah Omar to be a responsible
discussion of U.S. policy" as stated in the VOA charter.
Over 200 VOA journalists and broadcasters have signed a
petition stating that "This
censorship sets a most unfortunate precedent and damages
our credibility with our worldwide audience."
news desk, October 2, 2001

War on
wishing to follow the War on Terrorism live on shortwave
can find an broad selection on Radio Netherlands' Media
Network web site (European tilt) as well as the
World of Radio
web site (American tilt).
news desk, September 28, 2001