Mika Mäkeläinen
Another capital station, which has no intention to return
to its former shortwave frequency of 6010 kHz. Nowadays
transmissions are 24 hours a day, but only on FM 94.3 MHz
and on the internet at
h ttp://
station is located at Montero Rosas 1099, Santa Beatriz,
not far from the Radio Nacional building. I got a confirmation
for my ancient 1988 report, signed by Victor Tejada Zavaleta,
Productor General, who also verified a report for Ilkka
Suni. Mr. Tejada and Jorge Arriola Vivian, Jefe de Marketing
& Promociones, showed me around the station and took
me to the studio. Leaving another YLE cap I walked out with
a Radio America t-shirt...

Finnish journalist and DXer Mika Mäkeläinen
on assignment
1-12 in Peru, to cover
the 2000 presidential election,
also found time to visit some Peruvian radio stations.
Full report on Mäkeläinen's
web site, a HCDX partner site.