Sorochuco, Sorochuco, on 5586.69 kHz, March 21, 2001, until
close down at 0130 UTC.
This station, listed on 5760 kHz, was never logged by me until
now. A loud voiced, screamy, male DJ with a distorded microphone
managed the programme which consisted of Peruan, domestic
music, among others from the Cajamarca-area but also modern
music, like Enrique Iglesias among others. Several IDs. Besides
"Radio Sorochuco" I also think they give IDs like "Radio L.M.(?)
de Sorochuco". Was heard for the first time this date. Close
down at 0130 UTC.
Malm, Ecuador, hcdx partner SWB,
March 21, 2001

on 5608v, 0100-0130, October 1.
Mx folk. with distorted audio.
Mentions Rodrigo Pinillo Rios as Gerente Propietario; also
mention Sorochuco and San Juan de Recopampa.
Heard announcing "...el folclor es una expresión del alma
de un pueblo, proviniendo de las verdaderas raíces de nuestro
folclor desde Sorochuco tierra hermosa donde florecen los
Does not mention any ID, but I think maybe that station is
Radio Sorocucho; was active in the first months of the last
year, but various colleagues report on that frequency Radio
Tigre, a station that I never heard.
Rodríguez, Colombia, Oct. 2, via DXLD

station Radio Tigre has been logged by Swedish DXer Björn
Malm, living in Quito, Ecuador, as reported in HCDX Partner
site Shortwave
Announced frequency is "5250 kilociclos", while
actually reception is varying between 5580-5620 kHz.
Station heard in early May, from 2000 until close dwon, which
varies a lot between 0100-0300.
Location unkknown, as DJ never, for hours, mention location;
but Malm believe station is broadcasting from Cochapampa in
Departamento Cajamarca.
Some typical IDs: "Esta es Tigre, la radio", "Radio 2000
es Radio Tigre, la voz del nuevo milenio".
Malm, SWB, May 7, 2000