Re: [HCDX]: SIO code question
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Re: [HCDX]: SIO code question

>As for me, I don't use 1 and 5 in my SIO ratings. Should I? Is there a
>common agreement about this? Thank you!

Well S5 i merely superstrong, something like S9+40dB
S1 is when the S-meter doesn't move at all, but you still are able to
faintly hear a station - this is possible if you live way out in the
country with no local noise, super receiver and superb antennas; then it is
actually possible to receiver extremely faint signals, thus S1.

O stands for overall rating, which is a quite personal feeling, I would
say. Most people tend to give too high ratings, merely because they can
hear what is said - even if the reception in overall terms is lousy. In
this case O1 would be impossible to hear, even to stand.
O5 on the contrary should mean something like excellent CD stereo quality.
So in short: most short wave and medium wave reception ought to be between
O2 and O3, with an occasional O3. Simply because that's the best you can
get when nature is involved.

Now I sit back and await a deluge of opinons with lots of technical aspects
on this subject. But if you think about it, I would say it is fairly
straightforward and fairly simple.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Hermod Pedersen
Nordic Shortwave Center <>