[HCDX] RE: VHF Antenna, was: attachments and question
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[HCDX] RE: VHF Antenna, was: attachments and question

Hello David,

welcome to the list. Regarding your antenna question: Sometimes the
funniest arrangements work, so you can at least try to connect the antenna.
However, I would not expect an improvement as the antennas are built for a
much higher frequency range than shortwave, so most any random wire should
give you a higher signal level.

If you are restricted to indoor antennas, a loop antenna is likely to give
you the best improvement you can reach, as this kind of antenna is
directional on low frequencies and quite effective in supressing electrical

Maybe some of the antenna FAQs will be a help: Do a "Search in broad" on
www.radio-portal.org, combining the categories "FAQs" and "Antennas".

vy 73,

>Question: There is a built in antenna for TV/FM reception in our suite. It
>is connected to a regular coax cable. How useful would it be to hook up this
>up via a coax connection to the DX-394? If I do, should I use only it and
>not the random wire? Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.

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